Talawanda High School
#EducateandPrepare #THSFamily
School Counseling Office
SENIORS: please check your email and fill out the google form sent by Ms. Driscoll for scholarship and postsecondary plans. The link is attached here as well. This form MUST be completed by April 25th to ensure recognition of your accomplishments in the commencement program. See Ms. Wise or your school counselor for more information.
The summer and fall applications windows are now open for all of our partner institutions! For more information or links to apply, please click HERE.
REPORT CARDS Will be sent home the end of next week.
End Of Course Exams (EOC's)
Spring state testing will start April 17. On testing days, non-testing students are not required to report until 10:00. School transportation will be running on a regular schedule during testing. Specific bell schedules for test days will go out soon to give time for families to prepare alternate transportation if needed.
We want to make sure each student is prepared for their test. You can find practice tests here. If your student needs additional practice or support they can reach out to their content teacher, their counselor, or assistant principal to get connected.
Senior Incentive
Seniors (and senior families), as the 4th quarter grading period approaches, it is time to revisit "Senior Incentive!" 4th quarter begins Monday, March 13th
Senior Incentive Plan: Senior students may be exempt from exams in May if they meet all four of the following thresholds during Quarter Four:
1. B or better in the course
2. No more than 3 total tardies (sum of tardies to school and all classes)
3. 0 Unexcused absences - meaning all absences must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or doctor's note. ** Only 10 parent/guardian notes are available for use per school year **
4. No ISA or Suspensions from school.
Note: Seniors taking Government must still complete the Ohio State Test/End of Course exam in April.
Music Department
Yearbook and Senior Pictures
If you need to submit a SENIOR PORTRAIT please click on 'Yearbook Snap' at the top of the order page and use the code talawanda2023. The deadline to submit a senior portrait to the yearbook is March 31st - if no picture is sent to the yearbook, we will be using your school ID portrait! If you have any questions or struggle with the upload process, please email yearbook@talawanda.org and we can help you out!
Spring Musical
Tickets can be purchased for $10 at the door.
Calendar of Events
THS Calendar of Events 3/12/23-3/18/23
Sunday, March 12th
2:00pm Drama Production, Ruthless!, PAC
6:00-8:00pm Swimming/Diving Banquet, Cafe.
Monday, March 13th
3:00pm Key Club, Room 218
Tuesday, March 14th
2:50-3:45pm Art Club, Room 603
2:50-3:30pm Tribune, Room 417
Wednesday, March 15th
No Events Scheduled
Thursday, March 16th
11:00-11:30 APAC, Room 300
7:00PM Board Meeting, PAC
Friday, March 17th
7:00am-2:00pm Blood Drive, Upper Aux. Gym
Saturday, March 18th
9:45-10:45am Basketball Banquet, Cafe