Ms. Steinberg's Weekly News
Week of November 7th, 2016
In Language Arts we worked on comparing and contrasting. We read Changing Communities and discussed how communities have developed. Students worked in pairs to fill in a Venn diagram. We also read about one-room schoolhouses. We had a blast delivering letters to friends around the school! It was fun making others feel happy. Students had time to choose a writing prompt to write about. They were challenged to use different types of sentences!
In Math we started learning some strategies we can use to make addition easier. We started off with the counting on strategy. Then we learned about using a number line to assist in adding numbers. We played First in Math during Math centers. Some students have told me they are playing at home too! I encourage everyone to play at home. Just type in firstinmath.com and enter your child's username and password. They can play anything within the K-2 world.
Social Studies
In Social Studies we started comparing the past to the present. We charted things our class has done in the past and what we are doing in the present. We read books about the past and present and talked about how things have changed over time. We read about how schools have changed and students recorded the facts they learned on a Venn diagram. We also spent time discussing the election and had a great time voting! We read about Veterans Day and talked about what the day means.
-11/11 No school
-11/14 PAJAMA DRIVE STARTS! Please help us collect pajamas for kids in need
-11/18 Spirit day. 3rd grade would like us to wear pajamas
-11/21 1st grade PILGRIM DAY. Dress like a pilgrim and enjoy a day of pilgrim activities
-11/22 Thanksgiving feast. See link below