Fairy Tales, Book Bounties, Book Fairs and Library Pets!
Over $1000 Dollars Made for New Books!
I cannot express enough how grateful I am for everyone who participated in our book fair. I apologize that it was a little poorly advertised, but it was a rousing success! I will be able to replace many of our missing library books and even get some new ones! Students will be helping by making suggested titles to my office. I'm also open to parent suggestions as well. I love a good book!
Scholastic was so impressed, they have offered to send us a new book fair for Parent-Teacher Conferences in February. Our next book fair will be from February 10th-21st. This will allow parents to shop on both Mondays for Parent/Teacher conferences. This one will be even bigger and better, with all of the equipment being delivered (hopefully) much sooner so we can build displays and really get everything going.
Thank you again for all your kindness and generosity as I learn how to do all the most-fun librarian activities! I love the book fair, and am so happy this is what I get to do!
Bounties Paid for Roaming Titles!
After working through my book circulation, I've found close to 60% of our students are missing library books, and 20% or those owe more than 50 dollars worth of books. Whatever is a librarian to do? The answer is clear! Round up them paper doggies!
A flyer will be coming home on Friday, January 10th to remind students to return those wanted library books. For every book that has been marked "lost" (missing more than 30 days) students can receive a ticket to go into a school wide raffle. On February 8th, I will pull 3 names. First place will get $100 dollars to spend at the February 10th book fair. Second and third place will be given $50 dollars.
Library books will have a sticker on the back near the spine that says "Meadow Lakes Elementary" with the barcode on it. I will also take books from other schools in the district, as I can return them and will pay out the one ticket per book bounty for siblings books. Even if your student has no missing books on their account, they can look through their classroom libraries, the lost and found, the coat racks, and bring me any other missing books they can find.
I do not care what condition these books are in! I want my books back. Even if the book is ruined, it helps me to know what books I need to buy. The grosses books will be added to my library HALL OF HORRORS as an example of what not to do with library books. If your book is in...wet? condition, or some kind of biohazard (bodily fluids, mold, bug infested) please return it in a safe container like a plastic bag.
1 Missing book= 1 Raffle Ticket.
Let's Round 'Em Up!
Fairy Tales and Fables Requests
Reliving the Classics
January we are focusing on Fairy tales and Fables at teacher request. I will list the stories we have done so far and the ones we will be using in the future. If you have a request for a special Fable or Fairy Tale, please submit to violet.brooks@matsuk12.us and I will try to put it into the rotation.
Stories so far:
The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
The Traveling Musicians
Three Billy Goats Gruff
The Fox and the Crow
The Grasshopper and the Ants
We will be adding:
The Tortoise and the Hare
The Heron
The Lion and the Mouse
The Old Lion and the Fox
Fairy Tales:
Boots and the Glass Mountain
Little Red Riding Hood
Hansel and Gretel
Upper grades will be learning about storytelling, archetypes, tropes, and comparing different versions of these tales and why they might change over time. Why do some cultures prefer some versions over others, why do some characters change (Boots vs. Cinderella), why there are so many things these stories have in common, etc.
PLEASE send me any fairy tales or fables ideas from other countries! I love reading new stories from other places. I'm focusing mainly on Aesop and Grimm with some of my personal favorites, but am always eager for more great stories to share!
Pets, Pets, Pets!
Guinea pigs, Rabbits, Hedgehogs, Gerbils, Hamsters, Fancy Mice, Rats....
Last year, my beloved hedgehog (Speckle) passed away. After giving it time I've decided it's time for our library to have a new friend. Mrs. Donna in the office has donated a huge fish tank to the library with a delightful mesh cover to keep things both out and in.
Next week, 4th and 5th graders will be asked to form an opinion and make a 1 page google slideshow presentation on what pet they would like for the library. Pets will have to meet certain criteria as we move forward, including be legal in Alaska, if they are a good fit for the library, and if they will get along with my dog and cat (Jayne and Fjarn).
Do not be surprised to hear your students talking about their ideas and suggestions. If you have any concerns, please feel to reach out to me at my email address: Violet.Brooks@matsuk12.us.
RAINBEAUX DAY 2025! February 17th-21st!
It's Time Again For The Week Long Kindness Challenge!
My birthday wish every year is for people to just be nice to each other, and everyone can get gifts on Rainbeaux Day! I celebrate around January 29th every year. It is a kindness challenge day where kids are encouraged to help their friends, peers, teachers, schools, family, and community. When they complete the challenge, they earn a prize. We wear clothes that make us feel great or things we really like like dinosaurs or monster trucks or unicorns or books or America or cartoon characters or our family. It's not mandatory, but it is pretty great to have students helping the custodians in school, sitting with new kids, or asking if they can help with extra chores at home.
Students and families can always choose not to participate. Prizes are given to those who complete all of the challenges.