Eastside Elementary School
One Eastside-Where ALL Students Can Learn!
Principal's Corner
I am looking forward to another wonderful school year at Eastside Elementary School! I know we are starting this school year under difficult circumstances, however together we will get through this. Please stay tuned for updates as the start of the school year approaches. The first day of school is now Monday, August 17th. Keep in touch with us through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. We will hold our morning news live on YouTube starting on Monday, August 17th during our digital learning time-frame. Once the students are back in the building, we will use the WBNN program again. The link for our YouTube Channel is UC940N_YfPzBCtjt2R-vYL3A (copy and paste into a web browser).
School Based Digital Learning Schedule
Eastside Elementary School's Title I Program
- Title I Parent Input Meeting
- Annual Title I Meeting
- Parent Advisory Council Meetings
- Parent Academic Nights
We are doing some really creative things with our Title I budget this school year! Mr. Jenkins cannot wait to share what we are putting in place to help our students meet and/or exceed their academic goals. We are asking that you support our Title I Program, because we are holding all of our meeting virtually until further notice. Mr. Jenkins will live stream the meetings and the teachers will also live stream their meetings when applicable. Mrs. Gillham will continue to serve as our Parent Outreach Facilitator.
AVID Corner
- Organization for student binders
- Student binders
- Student agendas
Mr. Jenkins is happy to reassure everyone that this is not "another thing to do." We are already employing many of the program principles at Eastside Elementary School. The program also focuses on preparing students for college and careers. All the teachers in the building decided to decorate their bulletin boards with either a college focus or a career focus. We will take pictures and share them on our social media pages.
We will be providing more information throughout the school year!
Meet Our New Teachers at Eastside!
Dr. Linda James
Mr. Travis Branson
Grade Level News
Please use the link below to view the Kindergarten News Letter information:
First Grade:
Please use the link below to view the First Grade News Letter information:
Second Grade:
Please use the link below to view the Second Grade News Letter information:
Third Grade:
Please use the link below to view the Third Grade News Letter information:
Fourth Grade:
Please use the link below to view the Fourth Grade News letter information:
Fifth Grade:
Please use the link below to view the Fifth Grade News Letter information:
School Supply Lists
PTA Corner
Eastside Elementary School
Website: https://eses.dcssga.org
Location: 8266 Connally Drive, Douglasville, GA, USA
Phone: (770) 651-3800
Facebook: facebook.com/oneeastside
Twitter: @oneeastside