The BA Bulletin - August 12, 2024
Weekly News Capturing the BA Way!
From Ms. Foster Arbaiza,
Welcome to the 2024 - 2025 School Year Cougars! We have a great week of learning and fun planned for you all.
We cannot wait to see our Cougars on August 12th!
We are committed to excellence and making this the best learning environment possible for our students. Please see below for helpful back to school information the following:
Morning Arrival
Afternoon Dismissal
Technology & Backpack rollout
Yondr Cell Phone Rollout, and MORE!
Class of 2025 Senior Class Officers
Kadia Thullah - President
Tasmiah Majid - Vice President
Marla Lira - Historian
Hannah Moore - Historian
Camille Nevaquaya - Secretary
Ford Rock - Treasurer
Arriving to Campus
General Arrival Information
Doors for students open at 8:40AM. Students may enter through 2 locations: front main entrance, & the Cougar Den (off of Lingo lane)
**Please note, the doors at the corner of Lingo and Millmar will not be utilized for 24 - 25 school year
Student Drivers and grades 11 - 12 should enter through the front main entrance, but may use the Cougar Den entrance, as well. Students may report to the cafeteria or auditorium until dismissed for classes.
Students who ride the bus will be dropped off in the bus lane. Students should enter through the doors near Lingo and Millmar and report to the cafeteria.
Students who are dropped off by car or walk to school should enter the Cougar Den. Students will enter through the Cougar Den doors and report to the cafeteria.
Students with late arrival must report to campus 5 minutes before class begins through the front entrance. Students will not be allowed in the building until 5 minutes before the 1st period dismissal bell.
The dismissal bell will ring at 4:40PM. Students will exit through the doors along the front, as well as the Cougar Den. All bus riders must report to their bus immediately. Busses depart at approximately 4:45PM.
Bus information can be found here.
All students with early dismissal must sign out in the front office and exit the building immediately after their last class.
Bell Schedule
Impt Info
Students must be on time to every class, every day. Students will utilize our new hallpass system to request to go to the bathroom, nurse, etc. Each teacher will be given a vest that corresponds with their classroom number and floor. Students must utilize the bathroom that correspond with their floor. Students may not receive passes during the following times: the first and last 15 minutes of every class period, advisory, and lunches. Students may use the bathroom during their specific lunch shift. Please note, the hall pass limits do not apply to true emergency situations.
Student Schedule Lookup and Schedule Changes
Schedule Info
All students can look up their schedule by going to bahsla.com/day1 or use the QR code on the flyer. Here are important things you need to know for schedules:
1. Students with a missing period on their schedule will report to the counseling office for the period that they are missing only. They should follow their regular schedule for the rest of the day.
2. Students can only submit a schedule change request once. Please make sure that students are reviewing their schedule thoroughly before they submit the schedule change request.
3. Students who want to drop a CI, Dual Credit, or AP class must have a parent conference with the principal and principal approval.
4. Schedule change request form is linked below by grade level
9th grade: tiny.cc/9thScheduleRequest
10th grade: tiny.cc/10thScheduleRequest
11th grade: tiny.cc/11thScheduleRequest
12th grade: tiny.cc/12thScheduleRequest
9-10th grade: tiny.cc/910ScheduleRequest
11-12th grade: tiny.cc/1112ScheduleRequest
BA Dress Code
Students must be in dress code each day. Students not in dress code will be given a loaner shirt and a lanyard to wear. Student must provide an item of collateral (i.e., cell phone) to borrow the shirt, Students may return the shirts at the end of the day and receive their collateral.
Students who continue to violate the dress code policy will receive disciplinary consequences.
If you are experiencing a financial hardship, please contact your cohort AP. The administration will locate resources for you.
The administration team implemented a 10-day Dress Code and ID plan that started on August 12th.
The BA Uniform is described as the following:
BA Polo w/ Crest
Black or Khaki Bottoms
Closed-Toe Shoes
Current ID Badge
At BA we are proud of our uniform and the image that our students portray when they walk through the doors every day. When students are dressed as leaders, their mindset is elevated.
Additionally, this is a safety piece. The uniform and ID badge prove to us that they are BA students, and that they belong on our campus.
The 10-day plan was design so that students and families could have time to purchase the items required and receive their ID badges.
Starting August 26th, all students without the proper required dress code items will be subject to a dress code violation.
ID Badge Updates for 24 - 25
ID Must be worn at all times
As part of our commitment to maintaining a safe and secure learning environment, all students are required to wear their school IDs at all times while on campus. This policy helps us ensure the safety and security of all students, staff, and visitors.
All students will be issued a badge through Advisory during the first ten days of school. ID badges will have last year's picture (Freshmen will take their picture at Cub Camp this week) on them. Students may request a new picture and purchase an additional badge for a fee.
**If a student did not complete their sophomore Defense or does not have the required grade level credits, their ID will will reflect their previous grade level. Students must complete their Defense and/or recuperate their credits to receive a new badge.
Starting August 26th, all students without an ID badge will be subject to a dress code violation.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Backpack Policy for 2024 - 2025
Dallas ISD has implemented a CLEAR BAG policy for all students in grades K - 12. The district will provide one clear backpack for students this year. If students lose or break this bag, or if they prefer a different clear or mesh bag, students must purchase this on their own.
1. While mesh backpacks are optional, all bags must be clear.
2. Lunch bags are subject to inspection, but do not have to be clear.
3. Students in extracurricular activities will work with their sponsor to search and store their bags in the morning, but ALL EXTRACURRICULAR BAGS MUST BE MESH OR CLEAR. Please reach out to your sponsor for more information.
4. Students may carry a pouch for personal items. It must be no larger than 5.5 inches by 8.5 inches.
5. Students will receive their backpack in conjunction with technology rollout on Thursday and Friday
ALL BAGS in violation of the DISD clear backpack policy will not be allowed in the building.
Technology Pickup Plan
Students will begin to receive technology on Thursday and Friday through their English classes. All OnRamps students begin technology distribution on Monday. Our goal is for all students to have a device by Friday, August 16th.
Please be patient with us as we rollout technology for over 2,000 students!
Students must complete a Technology User Agreement before they can take a device home.
Cell Phone Storage (Yondr) Rollout and Plan
We are excited to announce the implementation of the Yondr system at Bryan Adams High School. The Yondr system is designed to create a phone-free educational environment, enhancing focus and reducing distractions for our students. Here is the detailed rollout plan:
Week 1: Technology and Backpack Distribution
Dates: August 12 - August 16
- Students will receive necessary technology and backpacks.
- This step is crucial as students will need this technology for full Yondr implementation.
Week 2: Advisory Lessons on Student Emails
Dates: August 19 - August 23
- Students will participate in advisory lessons about student emails.
- Each student will send an email to their parent or guardian to ensure seamless communication throughout the day.
- Students will cc their advisor on this email, and we will upload the contact information into our parent email database.
Week 3: Advisory Lessons on Yondr
Dates: August 26 - August 30
- Students will receive advisory lessons on how to use the Yondr pouches at Bryan Adams.
- They will personalize their Yondr pouches and take them home on Friday, August 30th.
Full Rollout
Date: Tuesday, September 3rd
- The Yondr system will be fully implemented and operational.
We are committed to keeping you informed throughout the first three weeks of school and will provide additional details and specifics as needed.
Thank you for your cooperation and support in making Bryan Adams High School a focused and engaging learning environment.
Upcoming Events
Meet the Teacher
Wednesday, Aug 21, 2024, 05:00 PM
Bryan Adams High School, Millmar Drive, Dallas, TX, USA
Important BA Links
Bryan Adams High School Leadership Academy
Jeffrey Yerger, Assistant Principal, Fine Arts, Facilities, Electives
Shawnette Bryant, Assistant Principal, ELA/ESOL, 9th Grade
Danielle Gerhart, Assistant Principal, Science, NAF, 10th Grade
Tracy Reed, Assistant Principal, Social Studies, SPED, 11th Grade
Adrian Echevarria, Assistant Principal, Math, World Languages, 12th Grade
Joan McCoo, Assistant Principal, PTECH, CTE
Email: safoster@dallasisd.org
Location: 2101 Millmar Drive, Dallas, TX, USA
Phone: 972-502-4900
Facebook: facebook.com/bryanadamshighschool
Twitter: @bryanadamsHSLA