Linden Middle School
November Newsletter
LMS Updates
Linden Middle School staff and students completed their first marking period on Friday, October 28th. Student Report Cards will be available in Parent/Student View on Friday, November 4th. Students are graded with the letter grade scale (A-E) and will include a citizenship grade on a four point scale: SOAR Score 1= Not Yet Meeting SOAR Expectations, SOAR Score 2= Beginning to Meet SOAR Expectations, SOAR Score 3=Meeting SOAR Expectations, and SOAR Score 4=Exceeding SOAR Expectations. Students reflect on how their behavior impacts their academic performance and others with self-evaluations throughout the quarter. See an example attached below. Students will receive certificates of recognition for A/B & A Honor Roll, Perfect Attendance, and Citizenship (all SOAR Scores=4's) next week during their Eagle Time classes. At the end of each semester, we will recognize students during grade level lunches with a special treat & certificates.
Linden Middle School Dates
Oct 31-Nov 4 - LMS P2-Other People Matter-Knowing my words and actions affect others
Nov 4 - LMS Final Grades Posted in ParentVue & StudentVue
Nov 7-11 - LMS P2-Bravery
Nov 7 - LMS Volleyball Game-Linden @ Clio
Nov 8 - LMS Swimming for Croff’s class
Nov 8 - LMS Wrestling Meet- Linden @ Brandon (Davison) Game: 4:15 pm
Nov 9 - LMS Volleyball Game - Linden @GB East
Nov 10 - LMS Tentative Author Visit - Upstander Assembly TBD
Nov 14-18 - LMS P2-Gratitude
Nov 14 - LMS Volleyball Game-Linden vs. Swartz Creek
Nov 15 - LMS Wrestling Meet- Linden @ Owosso Game: 4:15 pm
Nov 16 - LMS Volleyball Game-Linden vs. Brandon
Nov 18 - LMS SOAR Leader Activity
Nov 18 - LMS Band Party 6:00-8:00pm @ LMS
Nov 21 - LMS Volleyball Game - Linden @ Goodrich
Nov 21-25 - LMS LMS P2-Gratitude
Nov 22 - LMS Swimming for Croff’s class
Nov 22 - LMS Wrestling Meet- Linden vs. Fenton & GB East- Game: 4:15pm
Nov 22 - LMS Volleyball Game - Linden @ Flushing Nov 23-25 - No School - Thanksgiving Break
Attendance Matters
At LMS we believe that every day matters! Students with good attendance perform better at school. We understand that situations arise where your student needs to be out of school. Please continue to communicate with the office regarding your child's attendance by email at skosofsky@lindenschools.org or by phone at 810-591-0711. Please read the 'School Attendance Policy' in the LCS Parent/Student Handbook starting on page 39. Our messenger system will contact parents/guardians of their student's absences the day of the occurrence. Letters will be sent home after the 4th, 7th, 10th and 15th absence. Please see the attached file for more information on how to "Keep Your Child On Track in Middle and High School: Pay Attention to Attendance".
Personal Electronic Devices (PED) Cell Phones & Bluetooth Devices
As we continue to monitor and address personal electronic devices, it is important for students and parents to understand that LMS has a 'No PED Policy'. Students are to keep cell phones, and any Bluetooth devices (headphones/ear buds) in their lockers and not use them while at school. These technology devices cause a disruption to the educational process. If your student is a repeat offender, discipline outlined in the Parent/Student Handbook will be followed. Please talk with your student about the importance of leaving their devices in their locked lockers, at all times, during the school day including arrival and departure times (7:20 am - 2:45 pm).
Promoting a Positive School Climate
LMS held grade level meetings to connect our new initiative, No place for Hate , to our current Promoting Positive School Climate program. We reviewed the areas of our expectations: Stay Safe, Offer Kindness, Act Responsibly, and Remember Respect. We introduced the No place for Hate pledge and conducted activities in SOAR Time. This initiative is to further support a positive school climate and create 'Upstanders' that stand up against bully and offensive behaviors.
LCS Ski & Snowboard Club 2022-2023
Mark your calendar for November 30th at 6 pm is our annual Ski & Snowboard Club meeting. The LCS Ski Club travels to Mt. Holly for after school ski trips. Ski Club identification cards and club fees will be collected at this meeting. Please see the attached informational sheet and permission slip form.
Support LMS & Lace Up For Learning
Dr. Wax Orthodontics is sponsoring another 5K Run/Walk Lace Up for Learning event on November 6th. Registration/check-in is at 7:00 am @ Deer Run Soccer Complex. The race begins at 8:30 am. Please let them know you are lacing up for LMS! Check out Dr. Wax Orthodontics Lace Up For Learning 5K Run/Walk for more information.
Halloween Costume Contest Winner!
The Halloween Lock-In was a fun event with creative, handmade costumes and lots of cheering!
LMS Re-Establishes National Junior Honor Society Chapter
LMS Teachers Heather Baldridge, and Jen Leuneberg have stepped up to lead the NJHS at LMS this school year. It has been several years since this program has been active and they are working on the process to identify 8th grade students that are eligible for this exclusive membership. There are 5 pillars required to qualify for membership: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, Character, and Citizenship. Students must be nominated by their teachers for this opportunity and then apply for membership. Identified students will be notified soon and applications will be accepted once students are notified of their nomination. NJHS applications are due on November 17th.
LMS Supports the 'Stuff the Bus' Community Food Share Program
LMS will be collecting can and boxed goods to donate to the Community Share Program. Please have your child bring items to the main office and put it in the 'Stuff the Bus' box by November 21st.