Christian Magazine
Art, Entertainment, and Life for Jesus Followers

ISSUE 3: December 2024
Introduction: Part 1 (Your Journey into Issue 3 Begins Here)
Introduction: Part II (The Christmas Story--You Won't Want to Miss This Part!)
Featured Artists
Joanna Walker -- "He'll Make a Way"
Joanna Walker is a Gospel singer/songwriter born in Kingston to musically talented parents. She started singing at the age of two. At the age of nine, Joanna felt the urge to be baptized; afterwards, she began ministering in church and concerts with her family.
Over the years, she has earned many accolades in acting, music, and speech. In 2015, she placed top 5 In the Open Mic International UK Competition. She is the Winner of 2019 JCDC Gospel festival.
She is an evangelist at her local church and has traveled to minister outside her community and country.
She released two new original singles entitled "Thank You, Jesus" and "He’ll Make a Way’" and a collaboration with JCDC gospel song winner 2020 entitled "Clap." In addition, she recently got an award from Gospel Choice music award in Atlanta, Georgia for International female gospel artist of the year 2024.
She is married to a loving husband and a man of God. She has 3 children and is looking to make waves for Jesus!
Joanna says, "All my songs are inspired by how I overcame by the blood of the lamb and the words of testimony (Rev 12:11-12). 'Thank you, Jesus,’ was Inspired while driving on a foggy and dark road from one city to the other to minister. It was a foggy and dark time in my life too, but I chose to trust the Lord and not my understanding. He led the way, on the road in the city and on the road of life; and I lived to testify."
Fearless, featuring PL--"Let My Light Shine"
Fearless, whose real name is Darius Buggs, is a Christian rapper from Atlanta, Georgia. The song below also features PL, whose real name is Matthew Villarreal, a Christian rapper from Texas.
Chelsea Tamplin, Not in a Hurry
Chelsea is a full-time artist/mom to two toddlers. She continues to find more and more freedom through different forms of art: painting, drawing, poetry, and recently even dance. Growing up, Chelsea was anything but free. She went through a period of refusing to talk as a child and has struggled to find her way out of that box throughout her teen/adult life. Destined to be an artist, her key to unlocking that box has been directly related to expressing herself and her journey with Christ through the arts. You can learn more about Chelsea Tamplin--and view more of her art--at her website Fine Art of Eden.
The Art of Dean Skinner
acrylic on canvas
acrylic on canvas
The Colors of Christ
acrylic on canvas
Dean Skinner
artist / author / warrior
Dean is an artist and an author of supernatural thrillers. His third book, Healed, was #1 on six of Amazon’s best seller lists and remained within the top spots in multiple categories well over a year since it was published in 2021. His first book, Broken, held multiple top ten spots, including #1 in Horror Short Stories, four years after its release in 2019. And his most recent book, Faithful, published in the fall of 2023, reached #1 in Horror Suspense, #2 in Horror Short Stories, and #3 in Psychological Fiction, all within a week of publication.
Dean is also an artist who has painted over one hundred large-format portraits. His work has been featured in galleries throughout the US and UK, including the Derek Hess Gallery Acting Out Special Exhibit, The Dean Skinner Exhibit at the Eric Mull Gallery, and the Isolation Nation Art Exhibit in Stockwell, London, UK. He has been commissioned by numerous NFL athletes, including former Cleveland Browns quarterback, Baker Mayfield, and Baltimore Ravens All-Pro running back, Derrick Henry. And, Dean has also had one of his pieces used for the film documentary The Sax Man; the story of the sudden rise and fall of Cleveland’s late, beloved street musician, Maurice Reedus, Jr.
If you’d like to see Dean’s artwork, please visit: instagram.com/deanskinner.
If you’d like to read Dean’s books, please visit: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B07VX5Y4R5/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=a569fd0a-9204-4818-9250-71ba9e81e6df
The Poetry of Mary Harwell Sayler
Funny how much we learn from children –
to pray,
how to say what we think without
or giving glib advice.
Sometimes they teach us
how they found hope in situations
we once thought unspeakable
or humor
in customs we called profound.
It may take us years
to get their ideas firmly into our heads,
but someday we’ll get up
and walk away
from every unmade bed.
For You,
I turned water into wine, purified in the veins
of My own body. I climbed mountains, healed
crowds of hunger, warmed a leper’s skin. For
you, I chastised leaders, halted stones, wrote on
the ground each word contained in Love.
I overturned unfair prices and low wages, tabled
discussions about who’s first or last, and enjoyed
the most unlikely company.
Before My execution, I tamed a donkey, became
your beast of burden, then bled from every pore.
Once for all, I buried death, and, when I arose,
some saw Me. Some heard Me as I broke through
the veil, cloaking time and eternity, and, yes, for you,
I would do it all again.
An Interview with Mary Harwell Sayler
To help you get to know our featured poet better, CM interviewed Mary Harwell Sayler, to find out just what she believes about Christian poetry and why it matters:
CM: How does your relationship with Jesus shape your voice as a poet?
Mary: Reading the Gospels shows Jesus to be a Master of stories, poetic sayings, good humor, and love, so, even if I’m writing for a secular readership, I pray my work reflects Him – and His work ethic!
CM: Why should poetry matter to the church?
Mary: About one-third of the Bible contains poetry- sometimes in books such as Job, Psalms, Isaiah and other prophets or wisdom books, but also in figurative language, prayers, and liturgy scattered throughout God’s Word. And no wonder! Like religious art, music, and Scripture, poetry can reach into our souls.
CM: What does it mean to be a "Christian Poet"?’
Mary: The easy answer is a Christian who writes poetry, but I believe it’s meant to be more than that. I believe we’re to give God our best, which involves reading and studying poetry, becoming an attentive observer, letting poems flow without editing, then revising to find THE word or phrase that adds imagery, musicality, or fresh insight. Inspired poems, of course, begin with prayer!
CM: Why do you write poetry?
Mary: Playing with words and finding new connections between This and That can be fun! So can saying things that lift spirits, provide levity, and help us take a deep breath.
Sometimes, too, writing is therapeutic, especially when we accept cues from biblical sources, such as Lamentations or Psalms where poets pour out emotions – even rants – but usually end on a note of hope. This actually provides a unique opportunity to evangelize in a non-intrusive, creative way.
Whether we’re writing for secular or religious readers, our poems invite them to enter an experience, and, by that very sharing, we affirm our connectiveness as humans and lovers of God.
When Mary Harwell Sayler first heard the song "Jesus Loves Me," she believed it! In early school grades, she began reading the Bible, attending church services, and writing poems, which eventually familiarized her with most of the major translations of God's Word and most of the major church denominations, where she's been blessed to led Bible study discussions with other Christians, who also believe in Jesus' love. You can find more of her work on her author website or her Amazon page.
Christmas Morn by Susan Mouw
Christmas morn dawns bright and cold
With snow thick upon the ground.
Children squeal with glee, their wishes fulfilled
And joy and laughter abound.
The tree, once bright, now sags with the weight
Of the lights, and the many shiny balls.
Its day, once anticipated, has now come and is going.
The needles, now dry, silently fall.
The stockings, once hung o’er the mantle with care,
Are now emptied of their secret stash.
The candy cane wrappers and empty battery packages
Now litter the floor with the rest of the trash.
Forgotten are the recent memories
Of the shopping, the rush, and the noise.
Soon forgotten, too, are the mountains of gifts –
The ties, the socks, and new toys.
Is this what You meant for Christmas, Lord?
Are we honoring the memory of Your Birth?
When the TV stations track Santa’s progress
From the North Pole to the ends of the earth.
But so few words are spoken
In memory of what this day truly means.
So few thoughts turn to You, Lord
In the rush of this holiday scene.
I truly love this season, Lord.
I like the lights, the gifts, and the noise.
I like Christmas carols sung by the fire
And children’s faces as they open their toys.
But even more, I love the memory we honor.
The joy and miracle of Your Birth
That promises of our salvation
And hints at Your sacrifice, and its worth.
So this Christmas day, amid the rustle of paper,
And shouts of joy and acquisition
I promise to remember You, Lord
And what it means to be a Christian.
She is now retired and lives with her husband, Barry, on their mini-farm in mid-state South Carolina, with their dogs, a cat, and a few chickens. She has raised and shown dogs, horses, and chickens and has enjoyed many hours of friendly competition and camaraderie with her friends. Susan was raised in a Christian home but wandered away from God in her teens. She rededicated her life to Christ at the age of 42 and shares her testimony in her poem, Twenty-five Years, in her first book, The Road to the Cross. She and her husband now spend much of their time reading and studying the Bible.
Susan has been honored to teach several Women's Bible study courses at various churches and, just recently, published her fifth book, So The Image Could Speak. Samples from this book and her other books, as well as more of her poetry, can be seen at roadtothecross.org.
Winter Sunrise (2023) Freedom Davis
Articles for Christian Living
Christmas Miracle by Matt Marjanovich
Dear friend,
As you may or may not know, I am a businessman, so it's easy for me to think of things from a "fiscal year" point of view, or maybe a harvest point of view, like a farmer. I am also a Christian man who has gone beyond my comfort zone more times than I would like to think about (in many different ways), putting myself out there when I would much rather just keep quiet or do what would be seen as "safe." I've even caught myself saying, "God, I planted the seed beyond my measure, but where is that harvest?"
With Christmas fast approaching, you may even be waiting on that "Christmas Miracle" like in the movies with great hopes of God blessing you with your "storehouse overflowing" by the end of 2024. Maybe, you are going through something in your life right now and you just can't take any more--you need a quick fix or an answer that can solve all your problems, or even just that one huge problem that just will not go away.
We live in a fast, instant, and on-demand society, so it's very easy to want something in that timeframe. Then, something bad happens, something that makes no sense or comes at the absolute worst moment in your life. We may not like it, understand it, or even want it. I'll admit, I was a guy who struggled with wanting to be in control of everything around me. Sometimes, more than I'd like to admit, I found myself trying to micromanage everything to death or wear my brain out thinking of all those easy questions...sounding like a toddler...WHY? WHY? BUT WHY? or Am I there yet?
But over time and with lots of seeking and soul searching (and with the help of God's word, church, and just plain good 'ol fashion life lessons) I came to this conclusion: God's timing IS perfect. Take it from me, hope, trust, and wait on Him, those that do are renewed in their strength. As for that Christmas Miracle, try to be that miracle for someone else and you just might receive something greater than you wished for yourself.
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Matt Marjanovich
In addition to being an entrepreneur and manager of SI Pawn LLC, Matt Marjanovich serves as the Children's Educational and Development Director at Christ Community Church. Matt's mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ through logic and apologetics. One of his primary mission fields is social media, especially Facebook.
Chosen and Called: The Women in Jesus' Lineage and God's Grand Story by Deneen Troupe-Buitrago
You are a woman God can use for His purposes. No matter what your background, educational
status, or experiences, God wants to use you to make an impact for Him.
How can I say this so boldly? Because throughout history, God has used the not so perfect, yet
Great women, to fulfill some of the prophesies about Jesus.
These biblical women were just like you and me. They were real women with real issues. They were not chosen because of their goodness but because it pleased God. They were not perfect, we
are not perfect, yet God used them to bring about His plan.
They Were Part of HIStory.
Chapter one of Matthew lists the LONG lineage from Abraham to Jesus. Included in this list
are the five women we want to uncover.
Verse 3, Tamar; verse 5, Rahab and Ruth; verse 6, Bathsheba; and, in verse 16, Mary.
Who were these women? What were their lives like? What part did they play in fulfilling
prophecy? And what can we learn from them?
Let’s go chronologically. First is Tamar. Her story is in Genesis chapter 38.
Tamar is the daughter-in-law of Judah, one of the sons of Jacob and leader of the tribe that bears
his name. Tamar’s story is one of sorrow, a widow twice over and then left out of the blessing of
children because of Judah’s disobedience to God’s commands. Tamar deceived her father-in-law,
Judah, and became pregnant by him with twins.
Though she tricked Judah, he called her righteous because she made him do the right thing in
God’s eyes.
Prophecy: Jesus from the tribe of Judah. Genesis 49:10 “The scepter will not depart from Judah,
nor the ruler’s staff from his descendants, until the coming of the one to whom it belongs, the
one whom all nations will honor.”
The next woman in Jesus’ lineage is Rahab. Her story is in Joshua chapters two and six. Rahab is
called a harlot in the Bible. Her town of Jericho was in a panic as the Israelites crossed the
Jordon River into the promised land. They knew they were coming to destroy them.
Rahab lied to the King's men for the hope of help to save herself and her family. She went from
the woman with a sordid past to the woman who became the wife of Salmon (from the tribe of
Judah). Her faith in a God she didn't know, saved her.
Prophecy: Nations will be blessed by Jesus. Genesis 12:3 “I will bless those who bless you and
curse those who treat you with contempt. All the families on earth will be blessed through you.”
The third woman we are going to talk about is actually Rahab’s daughter-in-law, Ruth. Now we
do not know if they ever met since Boaz is older than Ruth. But this is only one generation
removed. Bet you never realized.
You can read Ruth’s story in the book of the Bible that bears her name. Go RUTH! She is a
foreigner who devoted her life to her first mother-in-law, Naomi and to Naomi’s God. Ruth was
poor and worked with excellence. She followed Naomi's instructions to seduce Boaz and was
Prophecy: Jesus born in Bethlehem Micah 5:2 “But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, are only a
small village among all the people of Judah. Yet a ruler of Israel, whose origins are in the distant
past, will come from you on my behalf.”
Next on this list of not so perfect women is Bathsheba. We all want to feel sorry for Bathsheba
when we hear her story in 2 Samuel chapter 11. We think she was innocent, and that King David
took advantage of her.
It is more likely that she was a master manipulator who got what she wanted by becoming the
wife of the King after having an affair with him. (We can see her character when she conspired
with Nathan to get her son, Solomon, to the throne.) She may have been seduced by David, but
she was complicit in her husband's murder.
Prophecy: Jesus directly descended from King David. 2 Samuel 7:12-16 “For when you die and
are buried with your ancestors, I will raise up one of your descendants, your own offspring, and I
will make his kingdom strong. He is the one who will build a house—a temple—for my name.
And I will secure his royal throne forever. I will be his father, and he will be my son. If he sins, I
will correct and discipline him with the rod, like any father would do. But my favor will not be
taken from him as I took it from Saul, whom I removed from your sight. Your house and your
kingdom will continue before me for all time, and your throne will be secure forever.’”
And last in the line is Mary. Both she and Joseph (Jesus’ earthly father) were of the tribe of
Judah. Mary’s story is found in detail in Luke chapter one. She was chosen by God to have His
Imagine being so young and scared. Imagine the things people said about her. Imagine having to
stand up under all the scrutiny. But she trusted God and stood up for what was right even when
she didn't understand.
Prophecy: Jesus born of a virgin. Is 7:14 “All right then, the Lord himself will give you the sign.
Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel
(which means ‘God is with us’).”
You ARE Part of HIStory
God does not call perfect people. He calls you and me to live a life surrendered to Him. It is not
important who you were, what you did, or how you used to be. God wants you to be in
relationship with Him. That's why He sent Jesus.
If you do not know this Jesus. . . I invite you to get to know Him. He came to this world a baby,
lived a perfect life, and then died so that we could have a restored relationship with God. He paid
the price for my rebellion, my sin, and for yours too.
Jesus rose from the grave to give us new life, to give us eternal life. AND, He is waiting for you
to accept this GIFT from Him. It is the best gift you will ever receive, the gift of life with God.
God used these five ordinary and sinful (not perfect) women to bring His story into the world.
AND, you are part of His STORY too. You are here to fulfill the part of God's Plan that He
designed for you.
Be filled to overflowing,
DeneenTB is an Author, Speaker, Business Growth Strategist & Clarity Coach who wants to ignite your passion for what you do and help you do it better by understanding how God has designed you to show up in your industry Whole, Holy, and Authentic. She wants to take your guilt away and grow your faith, so it fuels your business. Through her first book, CLARIFY 12 Principles to Illuminate Your Calling to the Marketplace, online courses, retreats, and coaching she helps you succeed at, and CLARIFY, how to live out God’s calling. Connect with DeneenTB at https://callingclarity.com
Our Highest Priority by Fabiola Rojas
Isaiah 7:14 “Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel.” The prophet Isaiah spoke these words to King Ahaz, king of Judah approximately 700 years before Christ was born.
There’s a huge back-story to this one. The King of Syria aligned with the King of Israel to war against King Ahaz of Judah. God sent the prophet Isaiah to King Ahaz saying, “This will not happen.” God also challenged him, “If you will not believe, surely you shall not be established.”
Then God told King Ahaz to ask for a sign that He would indeed deliver him…it could be anything, just ask.
Ahaz refused ask; he didn’t want to “test” the Lord, he said.
Really?? That’s laughable, because if his lifestyle wasn’t enough to “test” the Lord, why did he think asking for a sign would irritate Him even more? God was handing him a blank check! “Ask for it in the depth or the heights above.”
Ahaz had some guilt and conviction going on. What had happened?
2 Kings 16: 2-4 Ahaz was twenty years old when he became king, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem. He did not do what was right in the sight of the LORD his God, as his father David had done. But he walked in the way of the kings of Israel; indeed, he made his son pass through the fire, according to the abominations of the nations whom the LORD had cast out from before the children of Israel. And he sacrificed and burned incense on the high places, on the hills, and under every green tree.
Did you catch that? Ahaz made his son pass through the fire; he sacrificed him in pagan worship. Was he an infant? A toddler? Can you imagine the remorse? There’s no way he didn’t regret it. And now God has come to save him from an attack and offer him a choice of what to ask for as a sign. I believe God knew EXACTLY what he wanted to ask for.
Often, we don’t ask things from God because we are afraid of what it will require of us, or because we know we don’t deserve it. Condemnation keeps us from believing in the goodness of God. Asking Him to help us brings our pain to the surface. But that’s what we need to do: admit we have a need and ask.
Ahaz didn’t ask. So, God gave him a sign anyway. He said, “a virgin shall conceive and bring forth a son...” Even though these prophetic words pointed to Jesus, they also had an immediate fulfillment. Ahaz was given a son too, Hezekiah, who became the king that transformed the nation. He led a great revival.
This is the endless mercy of God! He gave King Ahaz a second chance by giving him another son. Ahaz had murdered his own son in a horrific death!! He had blown it big-time! It’s the last thing you think God would give him, the promise of a son…a second chance. But in essence, God was saying, “Your sin may be great, but I’m bringing forth a Son, MY SON, the One who will take away sins and be present with you.”
I don’t know what you think you’ve done that God wouldn’t give you another chance. But this is Christmas! God gave His SON! He who gave up His own Son, will He not with Him freely give us all things we need? Our greatest need is to know that Jesus Christ became the solution for all our failures and receive His forgiveness. God sent His Son into the world, born of a virgin, to be the sacrifice for our sins. By believing in Jesus and receiving Him as the sacrifice for our sins, and turning from sin, we are born again. Christ is born in us! We get another chance! Maybe you’ve already repented and given your life to the Lord, but you still struggle with knowing you are forgiven. Now is the time…just like God came to Ahaz, He comes to all of us in our greatest time of need and offers…Himself, Emmanuel, God with us.
Maybe you’ve tried to meet your needs your own way and just can’t make it work. For whatever reason you don’t feel worthy of asking God to help. Ask for what you need from the Lord your God; ask either in the depth or the height above.
Father God, for each person who is reading this and who has a need that seems overwhelming, we agree that You will overwhelm that thing. Its size is reduced in comparison to You. You will become larger than life in their mind. For the one who struggles to believe they are truly forgiven, let them experience Emmanuel, God with us. Take away the guilt, regret, and broken heart that has kept them from asking for what they need and from receiving what You want to give to them. Let restoration and reconciliation take place between each one of us and You this Christmas. Thank You, Jesus, for being the sacrifice and making it possible.
Author, speaker, former Christian radio host, JoAnne Davis has worked in many ministry capacities, including serving as an elder for a brief time. Her passion is to bring others closer to God through His Word and in the power of the Holy Spirit. She loves the prophetic nature of God and continually leans toward evangelism, outreaches, and intercessory prayer. She's a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. She enjoys relaxing by the firepit with my coffee and journal. The story above is an excerpt from her book Christmas: Legacy III.
Puzzles by Roz Small
Who is Roz Small?
I'm from Buffalo, New York and I currently reside in Chattanooga Tennessee.
I have a speech impediment, and through Moses and a DreamWorks movie, I came to receive Jesus as my savior at nine years old.
In middle school, I fell in love with color-in graph puzzles, and I got some graph paper and wanted to design my own. By 2008, that developed into my own unique style of design where I exclusively use pencil, pen, and Sharpie markers to create. I started with graph paper and now I personally create my own graphs on a variety of mediums, including puzzle board. My mind loves making connections and seeing how things in life operate and function together. Couple that with my decades-long passion for Hebrew, my art focuses on Bible based themes that point to how the stories and the Testaments connect. Some puzzles are designed to display one idea, or a collage of patterns that speak to one idea like a gospel or the Law. While I have experience, my share of struggles, and setbacks, God has always used Art to relate to me and commune with me. Now I desire to share that same conversation with others.
Some of my works are available on Etsy https://qatonartco.etsy.com , and you can contact me directly through my Facebook page, Qaton Art.
God Is Faithful, God is Good, God Is...by Maretta Hall
No matter what you are trusting God about, He WILL do above and beyond what you ask or think! Believe it! Maybe you don’t see it at the time, but He will act above and beyond. When you look back at a future time, you will recognize it. No worries. You can rest in it. He keeps His promises. Whatever happens, you can have confidence that He will do above and beyond for you.
You can therefore walk in peace, His peace. It is a fruit of the Spirit that lives in us. Allow it to come forth by choosing to simply believe what He says. No worries, knowing He will do above and beyond in whatever situation. When temptations come to doubt, requote – He will do above and beyond what I ask or think. “His ways are higher than ours.” Isaiah 55:9. He said it. You can believe it.
He is trustworthy. It is part of who He is … faithful, good, trustworthy. He is working His plan for you. He is for you, not against you. Remember He sees from the beginning to the end. God is Trustworthy!
Maretta Hall, Missionary and Author
John 19:34, Hebrews 9:14, I John 1:7, and Revelation 7:14 by Trevor Lyttle
Trevor Lyttle is an artist from Northern Ireland. His work depicts verses from the Bible in beautifully artistic images, including the scriptures in the artwork itself.
Trevor inspires the viewer through his colorful illustrations of the written word of God and puts an image in the reader's mind, inspired by passages from the Bible.