Fernan STEM Academy Weekly Update
Week of 11/13-11/17
No goals are too high where falcons fly. We’re brilliant, kind and strong!
Upcoming Events
Character Traits for November and December: Service and Compassion
November is Native American Heritage Month
11/10-Veteran's Day (No School)
11/13-World Kindness Day
11/16-Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4-7:30
11/17-Parent/Teacher Conferences throughout the day (No School)
11/20-11/24-Thanksgiving Break
12/7-First Grade Reindeer Performance
12/22-1/8-Holiday Break
Link to Cd'A School District Family Calendar
Link to Cd'A School District Elementary Menus
Roger's Fundraiser: The fourth Tuesday of every month is a Fernan fundraiser (Post Falls-Sherman is being remodeled)! We can earn 20% of receipt sales. Vouchers are being sent home this week.
Fernan would like to wish your family a happy and safe Thanksgiving.
Local Activities:
Thanksgiving Meals:
Wednesday, November 15th, 5-7 pm. Lakesgiving." It's open to any families.
Chess Club Change
Invention Convention News!
Here are some ideas of clean recyclable items to donate:
egg cartons
toilet paper and paper towel cardboard rolls
tongue depressors
rubber bands
small boxes
plastic packaging
(ALP) Enrichment Teacher
Angela Critchfield
STEM Advisory Committee
September and October recipients of character trait awards for initiative and grit!
Kindergarten: Kensley, Chloe, Eloise, Michael, Colton, Penny
First Grade: Juliet, Shannon, Maverick
Second Grade: Madison, August, Benjamin, Autumn
Third Grade: Noelle, Jay, Brody, Khloe, Nehemiah, Aubrey, Madilyn
Fourth Grade: Brantley, Hayden, Brennan, Chandler, Cason, Eli, Brielle, Killian
Fifth Grade: Cannon, Lexie, Kaydence, and Lizzie, Eve, Lulu, Michael, Cohen
Food Webs STEM Marble Challenge in Mrs. Cove's class!
Helping at Fernan
Morning Car Drop Off Safety Concerns
STEM Activity of the Week: Thanksgiving Activities
Please check our lost and found! We have lots of children's belongings. It helps to label your child's items.
Missed Days Add Up Quickly!
- Just a few missed days a month adds up to several school weeks missed in a year.
- Both excused and unexcused absences can make it more difficult for your child to keep up with other students, especially in math and reading.
- Kindergarten and first grade are critical for your child. Missing school during these early years makes it more difficult for children to learn in later years and they often have trouble reading by the end of third grade.
Mon, school begins at 9:55
Tues-Fri, school begins at 8:55
Lunch Times:
Life Skills: 11:10-11:30
Kindergarten: 11:10-11:30
4th Grade: 11:25-11:40
5th Grade: 11:40-11:55
1st Grade: 11:50-12:05
2nd Grade: 12:05-12:20
2/3 & 3rd Grade: 12:20-12:35
Kinder dismissal, 3:25
1st-5th dismissal, 3:30
Fernan LOVES volunteers!
Fernan's Motto, Vision and Mission Statement
Motto: No goals are too high where falcons fly. We’re brilliant, kind and strong!
Vision: Our Fernan Falcons empower one another to be problem solvers who ask, imagine, plan, create and grow.Mission: We build the future by inspiring, engaging, and empowering students to become critical thinkers and problem solvers who work collaboratively to improve the world around them.
Fernan STEM Academy
Website: https://www.cdaschools.org/Fernan
Location: 520 North 21st Street, Coeur d'Alene, ID, USA
Phone: (208) 664-2659
Facebook: facebook.com/FernanSTEMAcademy