Wonder Watch
Fenton Area Public Schools - World of Wonder
Happy November!
Later this month, we will be holding parent-teacher conferences. We are looking forward to sharing your child's growth and progress so far this year. Along with sharing your child's learning, we also use conferences as a time to collaborate with families. Part of our Reggio Emilia philosophy is to view parents as a child's first teacher. Partnering with families is essential for school success. If you have not signed up for a conference time, please reach out to your classroom teachers to do so.
One thing families will learn more about at conferences is the importance of social emotional development in preschool. We use many strategies to teach these crucial life skills. World of Wonder utilizes Conscious Discipline - a model designed by Dr. Becky Bailey focused on brain research, seven skills of discipline, creating a school family, and more. Our Early Childhood Teacher Consultant Kari Pihlstrom has created take home kits for families to take home to use. The kits include books to read together and activities to complete that focus on social emotional skills. The books center around a character named Sophie as she navigates daily challenges in life and demonstrates how to use the seven skills of Conscious Discipline. If you are interested in borrowing a kit, please contact Kari at kpihlstrom@fentonschools.org For more information on Conscious Discipline, please visit the link below.
Parent-Teacher Conferences Meals for Staff
Staff work long days to hold parent-teacher conferences for the families. We are asking for donations to feed the staff both nights as many will stay until 7 or 8 PM. Anyone interested in donating can use the below Sign-Up Genius. All donations can be turned into the office by Friday November 17th. Donations are appreciated but not expected!
FAPS School Safety, Security, and Facilities Bond Proposal PASSED!
Thank you to everyone who supported the FAPS Bond Proposal. This necessary investment in our schools will add some amazing improvements across the district. For more information on the bond and to track the progress, please visit FAPS website by clicking the button below.
Winter Gear
As we are now entering the snowy season, don't forget to send in winter gear! Our classrooms go outside everyday except in rain or extreme cold weather. If the temperature is 10 degrees or lower and/or when a wind chill of 0 degrees, children will be given opportunities for indoor big movement play in one of our many spaces such as the Gross Motor Room or the Gym. With this in mind, please dress your children accordingly. All items need to be labeled with your child's name.
Maternity Leave
As I have shared, I am going on maternity leave this Friday November 10th! I will be off until mid-February. During this time, Ann Majchrowski will be the Acting Director. She will fill my role while I am off. Ann can be reached by phone at 810-591-8350 or email at amajchrowski@fentonschools.org
Meet the Office Manager
Amber has worked for the Fenton Area Public Schools since 2006. She received a degree in Medical Billing/Coding in 2013 and started working for General Optical. After a short leave of absence, she returned to World of Wonder in August 2017 as the Office Manager.
Amber and her husband Ryan have been together since high school. They have an eight year old son Gary, a four year old daughter Bailey, and a five month old daughter Bennett. They also have a dog name Hector. Amber enjoys reading and camping Up North with her family.
As the World of Wonder Office Manager, Amber handles billing, ParentVue, and more!
Our Next PAW Meeting
Staff Spotlight for November
Our World of Wonder staff spotlight is Chelsea Jantz! Chelsea is an Associate Toddler Teacher in our Busy Bee classroom. Chelsea has worked at World of Wonder since August 2023 and has been working in the early childhood field for 5 years. Chelsea has her associates in Early Childhood Education and has plans to further her degree in Early Childhood. Chelsea is married to her high school sweetheart. Chelsea loves to read and loves to spend time in her new home and with family!
Holiday Help
Rotary of Fenton Angel Tree
The deadline for applications is NOVEMBER 22rd. The date for delivery of packages with be 16th December. This form is only for families with children attending Fenton Area Schools. Please do not share this form with others, if you have received this form then it is intended for your family only. If you know someone who could be eligible, please refer them to their school counselor.
Holiday Help Guide for Genesee County
Below is a link to a list of holiday help for any family looking for assistance. You can also reach out to Ann Majchrowski, our Assistant Director, if you need any kind of assistance or resources this holiday season.
Kiwanis Thanksgiving Food Drive
We have started collecting food items that will be used in Thanksgiving baskets for our community. Every year Kiwanis partners with Fenton Area Resource & Referral (FARR) to provide food baskets to those in need.
Dates to Remember
- Friday November 10th: Veteran's Day
- Tuesday November 14th & Wednesday November 15th: Picture Days
- Monday November 20th & Tuesday November 21st: Parent-Teacher Conferences: No School WoW for Toddler, Preschool, GSRP, & Playgroup. School Age Childcare is OPEN.
- Wednesday November 22nd-Friday November 24th: Closed for Thanksgiving Break
- Wednesday November 29th: PAW Meeting
- Saturday December 2nd: Jinglefest Tree Decorating
- Week of December 4th: Scholastic Book Fair
- Wednesday December 6th: Book Fair Shopping Night
- Tuesday December 12th: Holiday Community Share Event
- Monday December 18th-Tuesday January 2nd: Closed for Winter Break
World of Wonder Illness Policy
Parents are asked to notify WoW if their child is absent for any reason. If a child develops a contagious disease (ex: pink eye, RSV, strep throat, ringworm, chicken pox), parents of all children exposed to the disease will be notified via written notice and email. A child who has had an illness should not return to school until released by the physician and is able to participate in the program as usual.
A child showing symptoms of illness while at WoW will be isolated until he or she can be taken home. Fevers are general indicators of illness. A child with a 99.4 degree Fahrenheit temperature under the arm is expected to go home. Parents or their designees are expected to pick up the child within one hour of the time they are contacted. If the child is sent home ill, a physician’s note authorizing the child’s return to group care may be requested, depending on circumstances. Children are also expected to be fever free for 24 hours, without fever reducing medication, before returning back to WoW. This measure is necessary in order to comply with state law and curtail the spread of infection. World of Wonder reserves the right to refuse care due to illness and from suspicious rashes.
New Visitor Aware System
As an additional effort to improve the safety and security of our buildings, each school will be implementing a visitor management system called "Visitor Aware."
Visitor Aware is a visitor management and screening service designed specifically to help secure our schools. This provides an additional layer of security for your children by validating the identities of anyone entering the premises, determining if they are a potential threat, and keeping accurate records of all school visits. Be sure to have your Driver's License in hand the first time you visit.
Help Support WoW
Help Support WoW's Community Share Room: Donate new or gently used clothing or household goods. Families can also come shop for FREE stuff!
Save Boxtops for Education and donate to WoW. Please see visual below. Our school is listed as "The World of Wonder"
Stay connected! Like our World of Wonder Facebook page and join our PAW facebook group.
Fenton World of Wonder
Email: mcobleigh@fentonschools.org
Website: https://www.fentonschools.org/o/escwowec
Location: 404 West Ellen Street, Fenton, MI, USA
Phone: 810-591-8349
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WoWFAPS