The Buzz at Westbrook School
September 30, 2022
From the Principal...
Dear Westbrook Families,
We are excited to share that Westbrook won a gold trophy for the school with the most student enrollment in the Mount Prospect public library summer reading program. Westbrook had 41% of students participate, putting us first among ALL the Mount Prospect Elementary schools. Thank you so much to our LRC director Mrs. Capra for promoting the program and families for signing students up to read all summer.
On Friday, October 7th, we have a half-day institute day. At Westbrook, only first-grade students attend school on half-days from 9:20 AM to 12:20 PM. First-grade students will not need to bring lunch. Our Kids’ Corner program will be available to only first-grade students from 7:00 a.m. to 9:20 a.m. Please inform your private daycare providers of this variance in the schedule. Circle of Friends and Kindergarten students will not attend school on half-day institute days. Please also note that Indigenous Peoples’ Day on Monday, October 10th is a non-attendance day.
Fall parent-teacher conferences will be held on November 1st, 3rd, and 10th. Please use this sign-up link to book a conference. The sign-up will be open until Wednesday, October 26th. Parents will have the option of selecting an in-person conference or a zoom conference.
For your children,
Danielle Crandall
Partnering with Educators and Parents to Support student needs
Social Emotional Learning Update
Illinois requires that all public schools teach social-emotional skills. Social-emotional skills are life skills. Social-emotional skills include communication skills, decision-making skills, and cooperation skills. These include understanding and managing emotions, establishing and maintaining positive relationships with peers, setting and achieving personal and academic goals, and making responsible decisions. District 57’s Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum Standards and Descriptors can be found by clicking here.
During the May 2022 Board of Education meeting, the Board approved the purchase of instructional materials starting in the 22-23 school year to support the teaching of the social-emotional curriculum. The Second Step program was selected after being heavily researched and piloted by District administrators and staff. The leadership team that worked on this project found Second Step, which is aligned with Illinois social-emotional standards, to be robust, comprehensive, user friendly and relevant to students’ lives today. All students from early childhood through eighth grade will use Second Step. You’ll find more information about Second Step here. If you have any questions or are interested in learning more about the Second Step program, please complete this form.
Mark your Calendars....
Friday, September 30th - Hot Reads Assembly
Wednesday, October 5th - Walk for Westbrook
10:30 AM 1st Grade (Brunzell, Brooks, Fergus, Zei, Roy)
11:00 AM Kindergarten and Circle of Friends
2:00 PM 1st Grade (Brewer, Handler, Domalick, Bruns, Grossmayer, Solar/Marquardt)
2:30 PM Kindergarten, Solar/Marquardt K, and Circle of Friends
Friday, October 7th - Half-day District Institute (Only 1st grade attends 9:20am -12:20pm)
Monday, October 10th - No School
Friday, October 14th - Fist Bump Friday
Tuesday, October 18th - Officer Friendly (MPPD) Visits AM Kindergarten
Wednesday, October 19th - Bubble Wonders Assembly
Thursday, October 20th - Officer Friendly (MPPD) Visits PM Kindergarten
Tuesday - Thursday, October 25th - 27th - Westbrook Vision & Hearing Screening LRC
Thursday, October 27th -
EC Halloween Parade
AM students: 11:20 am
PM students: 2:30 pm
Friday, October 28th- Institute Day, No student attendance
Monday, October 31st -
Halloween Parade
Kindergarten AM- 10:45 AM
Kindergarten PM /1st Grade / SOAR - 2:30 PM
PTO Halloween Parties (1st/K)
Kindergarten AM - 11:00-11:40 AM
Kindergarten PM /1st Grade / SOAR - 3:00-3:40 PM
For more dates, please click: D57 Calendar
Safety Reminders
Please ensure you use the crosswalk in the parking lot to and from Westbrook.
Please do not walk between the buses. Staff members will be in front of the school each morning, reminding families to only cross at the crosswalk.
We kindly request you do not bring dogs or animals on school property. Many of our students are frightened of dogs.
Please contact the classroom teacher if you have a friend or family member picking up your child. Please communicate to the adult which door your child is dismissed from.
If you would like to use the Westbrook playground during the school day, please sign in at the office to receive a badge. This is an added safety measure for our teachers to identify approved visitors.
All visitors must ring the bell at door #1 and sign in with the office.
Please ensure you are driving slowly and safely in the parking lot.
Order Information for Student Pictures
- Picture day was Tuesday, September 27th.
- Proofs are being sent home today.
- If your student was absent or if you would like a retake, retakes are scheduled for Wednesday, November 9th.
- All the information needed to order (student ID, pose #, etc) is on the order form.
- You may order online at https://myshop.hrimaging.com or send the envelope with payment back to school.
- Order deadline is Monday, October 10th.
Message from the NURSE
All medical forms are due ASAP or BEFORE OCTOBER 15th for students who received communication from the school nurse. Failure to meet this deadline will cause your child to be EXCLUDED from school until all necessary information is received.
Please reach out to the nurse if you have questions.
Julie Tworek, RN
Phone # 847-394-7340 Ext: 2005
News from Ms. Clarke
NEWS from the PTO
The WALK for WESTBROOK is next week
Westbrook Reads the Rainbow on Wednesday, October 5th.
10:30 AM 1st Grade (Brunzell, Brooks, Fergus, Zei, Roy)
11:00 AM Kindergarten and Circle of Friends
2:00 PM 1st Grade (Brewer, Handler, Domalick, Bruns, Grossmayer, Solar/Marquardt)
2:30 PM Kindergarten, Solar/Marquardt K, and Circle of Friends
Please help to fund all the wonderful events the Westbrook PTO plans throughout the year. Extra donation forms are available in the office.
Special Lunch
FIRST GRADE only....
Please fill out the form on this link for the dates your child will participate.
Tasty Bites
Tasty Bites permission slips (linked below) are due by September 30th.
District 57 Information and Community News
Westbrook School for Young Learners
Email: wb-office@d57.org
Website: https://www.d57.org/westbrookschoolforyounglearners_home.aspx
Location: 103 Busse Road, Mount Prospect, IL, USA
Phone: (847) 394-7340
Twitter: @westbrook_d57