Eagle Updates
New Year, New Semester
Happy New Year and welcome back to the start of the second semester! We hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable break. As we kick off the second half of the year, we’re excited to build on our successes, set new goals, and finish the year strong.
We have a fantastic lineup of activities, programs, and events planned in the months ahead. We encourage you to stay connected, get involved, and check our calendar regularly for updates.
Let’s make this semester the best one yet!
Emails for Attendance and Transportation
Parents/Guardians you can now use these two e-mails to send transportation and parent/doctor notes. Emails will be checked daily. Please make sure that all transportation notes are sent by 2:30, if after 2:30 please call the front office.
Transportation notes send to: madrastransportation@cowetaschools.net
Sick/Doctor Notes send to: madrasattendance@cowetaschools.net
High School Registration
8th Grade Students will have a busy month getting ready for high school registration.
Parent Nights For Both Schools: UPDATED FROM SNOW DAYS
-Newnan: January 28th, High School Auditorium (6-8pm)
-Northgate: January 27th, Main Cafeteria (6:30 pm)
High School Presentations to Madras Students, January30th (This is during school)
Madras Visits CEC: January 29th
Registration forms will be given to students during the week of the 27th. Students will work with counselors and parents to make choices on elective courses. Forms are due no later than February 7th.
Please contact Erin Nash with any questions.
Team Talks - Academic Focus and Behaviors
As we begin our second semester we will be talking with students about their academic goals, upcoming benchmark testing, as well as the milestones. Students will be taking the second MAP assessment test at the end of January and will be bringing home a report that shows their growth and progress for this year, and more information will follow. Students who are struggling academically please reach out to your students teacher for guidance and assistance.
We will also be discussing level 1 minor behaviors with students and consequences. We want all students to have the opportunity to learn and reach their greatest potential and with minimal classroom disruptions we can work to ensure that their academic needs are being met. Should a teacher have any concerns you will be contacted.
We want to extend a special thank you to our amazing PTSO parent volunteers! We truly appreciate everyone who has supported us through their time or donations. If you haven’t had a chance to volunteer yet but would like to get involved, please reach out to us at Madras or on the Madras PTSO Facebook page so we can connect you with the right team.
Missing Work Sheets
Regular attendance is crucial for academic success, as it allows students to fully engage with the curriculum and benefit from the learning experience.
At Madras Middle School we believe in fostering a strong partnership with parents to ensure the academic success and well-being of our students. Students who miss excessive days, are tardy or are checked out early routinely tend to have lower academic performance. We need your help and support to ensure that your student is at school on time and here for the school day so that we can work with them to support their academic success.
Reminder to sign up for Remind Texts!
Car Rider - Afternoon
Safety Procedures/Drills
At our school, safety drills are an integral part of our commitment to student and school safety. Each month we conduct safety drills that cover various scenarios such as fire, tornado, severe weather, and lockdown situations. Through these drills, we aim to cultivate a culture of awareness and readiness, so that everyone is equipped with the knowledge to respond calmly, quickly, and effectively in the event of an emergency. During the first month of school teachers will review safety procedures, conduct safety drills, and answer any questions students may have.
Missing Work
Upcoming Dates
Please check the calendar for the most up-to-date information!
1/14 Basketball @ Madras vs Lee
1/14 Lady Eagles Lift till 4:30
1/21 Basketball @Madras vs SRMS
1/23 Basketball At Evans
1/24 Snack-n-Chat
1/28 Basketball at ECMS
1/29 Art Club
1/29 Academic Bowl at BBMS
1/30 Basketball at Arnall
1/31 Battle of the Books Round 1
1/31 CFA Biscuits for sale.
When do I contact the school counselor?
Many students and parents want to know how the school counselor can help their child at school. There are many reasons that a student may want to go see the school counselor.
Academic or educational concerns and study skills
Family changes, such as divorce or loss
Stress reduction and coping skills
Drug and alcohol concerns
College and career planning
Peer relationship issues
Assistance with problem-solving skills
New school adjustment & transitional challenges
How Does A Student Meet With A School Counselor
A parent has requested their child see the counselor.
A teacher has requested their student see the counselor.
A student has requested to see the counselor.
Thank you!
More Reading Tips for Parents: (from Scholastic)
Talk about what they’re reading. Asking your child what they like about their books compels them to make connections and think critically. Summarizing and sequencing events will challenge their reading comprehension (which is a significant component of standardized testing).
If they’re struggling or bored with a book, let them put it down. Reading is meant to be fun, and the more kids enjoy their books, the more likely they are to keep reading. Achieving reading frequency takes practice, and that means trying different titles until that just-right book is found.
If you have any questions, please email me at karen.pitts@cowetaschools.net. If you need additional information, please check out my website. We are looking forward to a great year in the Library Media Center! Please follow us on Instagram for updates. Thank you for your support of literacy at Madras Middle School!
MMS Library Website: madrasreadingeagles.weebly.com
MMS Library Instagram: @madrasreadingeagles
Other Helpful Websites:
Coweta County Public Library: https://www.coweta.ga.us/departments-services/departments-f-q/library-system
Lexile Reading Measures: http://www.lexile.com/
Monitoring Progress, Grades, Assignments, and Attendance
Student Portal
Students will be assigned a login for Student Portal which will allow them to regularly monitor their grades and assignments. Once logged on the first time, they will be prompted to change their password. Students should keep this in a secure location and should never share the password with others.
Parent Portal
Parent Portal provides access for parents to view students' attendance, grades, schedules, lunch balances, and other useful information. It also allows teachers to communicate with parents via the portal. You can enroll HERE, (directions) If you have questions about your portal account or are having trouble logging in, please contact Student Information Services by clicking this link Coweta Portal Assistance.
Remind Signup
To get the latest updates for Madras Middle School text: @madras2021 to the number 81010
Dropping Off Items for Your Child During the School Day
Dropping off Lunches or Medication: If a student forgets a lunch at home, parents may drop it off at the front office, and students will be called to pick up their lunch at the beginning of their scheduled lunch time. If a student needs medication, it can be dropped off at any time for the school nurse.
Dropping off Other Items:
Any other item dropped off for students during the school day may be picked up after school. Instruction will not be interrupted for students to pick up items during class. This includes forgotten homework, Chromebooks, shoes for PE, projects, etc. Students are responsible for bringing needed materials to class daily. If these items are brought to school during the day, we are happy to make an announcement at the end of the day for your child to pick them up in the front office.
Student Cellphones and Electronics
Cell phones and Smartwatches may not be used during the instructional day and must be turned off and put away at all times. Teachers have cell phone caddies in their rooms, where students can place their phones, or they can keep them in their backpacks. Students are not permitted to have their cell phones or smartwatch on them at any time during the school day. Students found using a device, or with a device on them, will have that item collected and turned in to the front office for a cellphone violation. Parents will be contacted and progressive disciplinary measures will be taken if violations continue.
Students are permitted to use a phone in the front office during school hours for emergencies or for illness. Students should not use a cell phone or smartwatch to call home or text when sick. Any student who is ill should go through the Madras clinic. The school nurse will call parents directly. Calling home for homework, a school project, or to make arrangements to attend an after-school event that wasn't previously arranged ties up phone lines and is not permitted. Students may call home if:
- There is a transportation issue,
- Lunch or lunch money is needed,
- There is a dress code issue.
- The student is sick or needs medication (must call from the clinic under the nurse's supervision).
We appreciate your help in keeping interruptions to a minimum.
Car Riders
Car rider drop-off (after 7:30 AM) and pick-up is behind the school where students are picked up from athletic events (at the football field).
Parents should turn onto Frank Cook Road (first left past the school if coming down Edgeworth from highway 29).
Take the first left off Frank Cook from Edgeworth, and pass the bus loading loop and parking lot, continuing straight ahead and staying to the far right where the track loops around at the football field.
Cars will stop at the sidewalk by the football field until students are dismissed to the car.
Once students have been dismissed to the car loading zone, staff will direct traffic (two car lanes) farther down the track which will help expedite the process.
The loop in front of the school will be reserved for students who check-in or check-out during the school day.
Bus Transportation
Students are assigned to ride school buses that will pick them up and drop them off in close proximity to their homes.
Bus transportation is a privilege provided to all students who can cooperate and abide by the rules. Problems on a school bus are a road hazard; reasonable behavior ensures a safe ride. Parents should closely supervise children at bus stops to ensure their safety as they wait and properly board the school bus.
If a student needs to ride a bus other than the assigned bus, the student must bring a note from the parent/guardian with a telephone number for verification. Once verified, these requests are honored if space allows. Transportation notes will be accepted in the form of a written letter, an email, or by fax.
Students do not need a transportation note to change from a car rider to a bus rider or vice versa on a given day. Notes are only needed if students are riding a bus that is not their regular assigned bus (for example, going home with a friend on a different bus).
Arrival and Dismissal
No student should arrive on campus before 7:30 a.m.
Students arriving before 8:00 a.m. will report to the gym until they are told to report to homeroom at 8:00 a.m. (At 7:30 students who would like to eat breakfast will report to the cafeteria.)
Students who are not bus riders are encouraged to report to school after 8:00 a.m. and report directly to their homerooms.
All students should be in homeroom by 8:15.
Students may not remain at school after scheduled dismissal time unless they have prior approval from a staff member who will supervise them or they are a member of a club, athletic team, etc. sponsored by the school.
Supervision will only be provided from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day.
Transportation Changes
Transportation changes will not be accepted after 3:00 p.m. If no prior written notification is received, your child will follow his/her regular means of transportation. NOTE: Bus drivers may not let a child off the bus at any stop other than his own without written and approved authorization to do so.
Transportation changes can only be made for child-care reasons.
Please do not meet the bus along the route and ask your child to get off. Please meet him/her at home instead.
School Clinic and Medication
School Clinic and Medication
Nurse, Kate Caswell
Email: kate.caswell@cowetaschools.net
Clinic Hours: 8:00-3:30
MMS Clinic Web Page: (includes all clinic forms to download)
The MMS clinic is open daily from 8:00-3:30. Our school nurse Kate Caswell assists students who become sick or injured while at school and dispenses medications prescribed by physicians. Any parent who needs to drop off medication can drop off medication in the front lobby of the school between 7:30 and 3:00 during the school day.
Whenever it is necessary for your child to receive medication at school, the following policy must be followed:
- A school nurse or school designee may administer medication provided all of the requirements are met.
- All medicine shall be in its original LABELED container or prescription bottle.
- Written instructions for prescription medication must be from a doctor or a physician's assistant authorized to prescribe medicine. How to administer, amount to be administered, time to be administered, etc., must be shown.
- A written request by the parent or guardian must be made to the school nurse or school designee to administer any medication. The school nurse or school designee shall keep a written.
Chromebook Reminder
- Principal, Herbert Betts: herbert.betts@cowetaschools.net
- Assistant Principal (6th/7th), Mackenzie Penland: mackenzie.penland@cowetaschools.net
- Assistant Principal (7th/8th), Erin Randolph: erin.randolph@cowetaschools.net
- MTSS Coordinator, Mackenzie Penland: mackenzie.penland@cowetaschools.net
- 504 Coordinator, Erin Randolph: erin.randolph@cowetaschools.net
- 6th/7th Grade Counselor, Caroline Rothschild: caroline.rothschild@cowetaschools.net
- 7th/8th Grade Counselor, Erin Nash: erin.nash@cowetaschools.net
- School Nurse: Kate Caswell: kate.caswell@cowetaschools.net
- In-School SE Coordinator, Kip Durden: kip.durden@cowetaschools.net
- Gifted Lead Teacher, Peggy Davenport: margaret.davenport@cowetaschools.net
- ESOL Teacher, Meredith Clark: meredith.clark@cowetaschools.net
- Athletic Director, Erin Randolph: erin.randolph@cowetaschools.net
- Food Nutrition Manager, Stefanie Slayton: stefanie.slayton@cowetaschools.net
- Media Specialist, Karen Pitts (Chromebooks): karen.pitts@cowetaschools.net
- Secretary, Jennifer Ryan: jennifer.ryan@cowetaschools.net
- Attendance Clerk, Lori Binion: lori.binion@cowetaschools.net
- Registrar, Alecia Bruce: alecia.bruce@cowetaschools.net
- School Resource Officer, Andy Gore: andy.gore@cowetaschools.net
- MMS Transportation Contact, Erin Randolph: erin.randolph@cowetaschools.net
Madras Middle School
Email: herbert.betts@cowetaschools.net
Website: mms.cowetaschools.net
Location: 240 Edgeworth Road, Newnan, GA, USA
Phone: 770-254-2744
Facebook: facebook.com/MadrasEagles
Twitter: @MadrasEagles