Keeping up with Keller
By: Marcie Dryden, Principal
September 6, 2024
Mission Statement
The mission of Helen Keller Elementary School is to establish and maintain an educational community that empowers all students to become principled, independent inquirers who are socially responsible global citizens.
Do you want to see what's going on at Keller? Check out my Facebook page where I frequently post pictures and share events that are happening within the Keller Community. Click on the button below to go right to my page!
*September 9: PTA Meeting @ 7:00 p.m. in the cafeteria
*September 11, 18, 25: Late start for students/professional development for staff
*September 19: Picture Day -- Order form going home with students in the next week or two.PTA WELCOME BACK PICNIC SUCCESS
It was a delightful evening for our event. I would like to thank the Helen Keller PTA Executive Board for their efforts in organizing the annual Back-to-School Picnic, which the Keller Community looks forward to each year.
Royal Oak Parent Advocacy Committee - September Meeting 9/17 @ 6:30 PM
The Royal Oak Parent Advocacy Committee (ROPAC) is our school district's Parent Advisory Committee - a group made up of parents/caregivers of students with IEPs or 504 Plans, those that want to learn more, and those that think their student may benefit from special education services. ROPAC sincerely welcomes any parent or caregiver with a student(s) in Royal Oak schools to join us in our mission to make this district a destination for students receiving special education services. Learn more about the ROPAC here: ROPAC Info Flyer
The PAC's September meeting will be held Tuesday, 9/17 @ 6:30 PM. This will be an opportunity to learn more about the School District's Special Education Department and meet other families who understand this journey. We will meet at the School Administration Building. Future meetings may be in person or virtual when guest speakers are presenting. To join our mailing list for meeting reminders and other updates, complete this quick form: ROPAC Email List
“Blessings in a Backpack” is designed to provide students on the free and reduced lunch program with enough food for three meals daily on weekends. Administered by the Community Foundation of Greater Rochester, this program is active in Royal Oak Schools. If you agree to participate in this program during the school year, your child will receive a bag of food for the weekend. A food bag will be put in your child's locker for take-home on Fridays. The simple meals may include macaroni and cheese, beef ravioli, canned fruit, granola bars, soups, juice, and other items. Students will receive a bag every week.
If you want your child to participate in this program, complete the sign-up form with this link. Please be sure to indicate on the form if your child has any food allergies. If your child has a food allergy, you, as the parent or guardian, are responsible for checking all food labels when the food arrives home. Royal Oak School and Blessings in a Backpack will not be held accountable for accidental food allergen exposure.
Please fill out a new form for each child you want to participate. You will see a link to submit another response upon form submission.
All absences should be called in to the Safety Check number. Absences that are not reported are considered unexcused.
Safety Check number 248-542-6500 option #1
PTA Corner
Hi PTA friends!
I wanted to inform you of some important upcoming school year; PTA news.
- 9/9/2024 PTA Meet & Greet at 6:30pm, General Meeting at 7pm both in the Keller cafeteria. Babysitting provided for all potty-trained children.
- 9/4/2024 Back to School Picnic 5:30-7:30.
If you purchased your PTA membership in the month of August, you were automatically entered into our August Membership Contest! You have a chance to win one of three gift cards! We will be pulling the winning name at the end of the PTA meeting. You do not need to be present to win. (*PTA Executive board members and their immediate families are not eligible.)
We still need two co-chairs for IFFF. If your are interested please reach out:
Don't forget to buy your annual $10 membership to Keller PTA. Family Memberships are only $18, (any two adults per one student and they do NOT have to live in the same home).
A membership does NOT require you to volunteer or attend meetings, although we would love to have you do both! Aside from the September meeting, meetings are all under an hour and give the opportunity to talk to the principal and our Royal Oak District School Board liaison. It's a good way to be in the know. Some are in-person and some meetings are virtual this year.
How you PTA is up to you! Get involved to your comfort level.
Please visit our website regularly to keep informed of all things PTA and Keller Elementary. On there you will find:
PTA annual calendar of events
A list of all committees and contact info
Teacher and staff favorite things (still updating)
What to expect when you attend a PTA meeting
Our annual budget
Monthly meeting minutes
Spirit Wear store
MemberHub link to buy membership and join our online directory
National PTA podcast link for Notes From the Backpack
Looking forward to a great year!!
Jen MacKenzie
The safety of our students remains our utmost priority! We kindly ask that you refrain from parking or standing in the drop-off lane (red marked areas pictured below). It is essential to keep these lanes and the sidewalk clear during dismissal as vehicles in these areas contribute to congestion in the parking lot and on Campbell Avenue, and they also create a visual barrier between the sidewalk and the parking lot.
Help keep our students and pedestrians safe!
Please refrain from parking on the yellow lined zones in the parking lot.
It is difficult to see oncoming traffic when you imped our pedestrian's vision when trying to cross the parking lot to the sidewalk.
It is requested that all adults who are arriving and departing from the school be particularly cautious and mindful of the children and adult pedestrians in the school vicinity at all times. The safety of our entire school community depends upon the care and concern of all of us.
Please follow these safety precautions in the parking lot:
- DO NOT PARK or STAND in the drop off lane at the end of the school day.
- Obey all traffic signs and follow traffic flow -- map below.
- Please refrain from cell phone calls and texting while driving.
- Drop-off area – there is one lane of drop-off.
- Pull all the way forward to the end of the lane before dropping or picking up children. Do not back up in the pick-up lane.
- Students should enter and be ready to exit on the passenger side of the vehicle only.
- Do not exit your vehicle, thus parking in the drop-off only lane, even if it is to run to the door or drop off a project. If you must exit your vehicle you need to park in a parking spot.
- Adults and students should remain on sidewalks and cross at crosswalks only. It is difficult to see children in the parking lot between vehicles.
- Park in a handicap parking spot only if you have a valid and visible permit
To ensure everyone's safety, we kindly ask you to adhere to the following guidelines:
1. Walk your bike on school property: If you choose to ride your bike to school, please dismount and walk your bike when entering school premises. This will help minimize the risk of collisions and falls.
2. Utilize designated areas: If your school has specially designated bike racks or parking areas, we encourage you to utilize these facilities to safely secure your bicycles.
3. Follow traffic rules: When approaching or leaving school property, please adhere to all traffic laws and signals. Signal your intentions, yield to pedestrians, and maintain a safe speed.
At Keller we take pride in making sure we have a kind, caring, environment. Our parents play a large role in helping us to achieve this goal. Before posting to social media or any other venue, please consider the feelings of all our community members . Before you post, remember to T.H.I.N.K...
Essential Agreements
*We are respectful
*We are safe and in control
*We are responsible learners
Keller Creed
I will act in such a way that I will be proud of myself and others will be proud of me too.
I came to school to learn and I will learn.
I will have a good day.
Learner Profile Highlights
Don’t forget that the highlighted monthly learner profile and weekly behavior focus is on the Google calendar (every Sunday).
Marcie Dryden
Location: 1505 North Campbell Road, Royal Oak, MI, USA
Phone: (248)542-6500