Fairview Falcon Family Newsletter
September 2022
From the Principal
What a strong start to our school year! Last Tuesday, our building was buzzing with anticipation as our students returned to campus. We were so excited that we built a balloon archway and even invited our Partners in Education from Veterans United to join in our first day of school celebration. What a day!
Students and teachers are now settling into routines, building learning stamina, and are taking our first round of Fall assessments. Our new assessment platform is called iReady, and we'll give these assessments 3-5 times throughout the school year to check on how our students are learning. This information will be used to make plans for small group or intervention work as well as to monitor student progress.
On September 20th, we will invite all of our families to school for our Back to School Night event. That evening, I will welcome everyone to school, give a few important updates, and I’ll introduce you to our PTA Leadership Team. From there, you’ll be dismissed to your child’s classroom to learn about the curricula that will be covered in their class/grade level this school year. I sincerely hope that you’ll join us!
As always, thank you for trusting Fairivew with your child. Have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend!
Dr. Tyler Simmons, Principal
Change in Fairview Dismissal
To ensure a smoother and safer dismissal, Fairview will be adjusting our dismissal procedure for students who are walkers, blacktop parent pickups, or Yorktown Drive parent pickups. Essentially, any student who meets a guardian in the back of the school during dismissal. If your child is a bus rider, front circle drive car rider, daycare van rider, or Adventure Clubber, you are not impacted by this change and may disregard this message.
Starting on Tuesday September 6th, students who are dismissed to the blacktop/rear of the school to meet a parent or guardian will need to be “checked out” by their guardian. That means at 3:20, the family member will be required to approach the back exterior door that corresponds to their child’s grade level (see adjacent photo) and present the child’s orange name card to the teacher who is stationed there before receiving the student. Once the teacher connects with the family member, the teacher will summon the child and allow them to leave with the guardian. Guardians will need to repeat this process if they have children in other grade levels. If you’re picking up a friend or neighbor’s child, please ask the family to loan you the child’s orange card.
We will no longer be permitting children to walk and meet a vehicle that is parked in the lot on Yorktown Drive. Families who park in this lot will be required to walk to the rear of the building, present their orange card, and escort their child(ren) to the vehicle. If you would rather remain in your vehicle and have your child brought to you, you’ll need to change their dismissal method to “Front Circle Drive Car Rider.” Please notify your child’s teacher if that is the case.
If your child walks/bikes home– all the way home– then the student will be allowed to leave the building without a guardian escort. All other students will require a parent to make contact with the teacher stationed at the corresponding door before being released.
Thank you for your understanding as we make this adjustment to Fairview’s dismissal to keep all our students safe!
Back to School Night Tuesday, September 20th
From the PTA
- Our first PTA Meeting is on Monday September 12th at 5:30 PM in the media center.
- The Fairview Fever Festival is right around the corner! Packets and more information will be sent home in the next two weeks.
- Sportswear will be for sale at Back to School Night (9/20) and at the Fairview Fever Festival (10/7)
New PTA Fundraiser Wednesday ,September 21 from 4:00-8:00 p.m.
Freddy's will donate 15% of sales on September 21st to our Fairview PTA. Please mention Fairview at the time of purchase. You can visit either Columbia location .
click here for flyer to 100 Brickton Rd or click here for flyer to 3922 South Providence Rd
SCOUTING IS FUN! Join us Tuesday ,September 6th
Join Fairview Pack 703 on September 6th from 7:00-8:00 pm at the Fairview Park Pavilion for our Join Night! The kids will have fun games to play such as inflatable archery, water bottle rocket launchers and FREE pizza, while we speak with the adults and answer any and all questions you may have! Fairview has one of the strongest Packs in the district and we would love to add your family to it! Boys and girls, grades K-5 are welcome in Scouts BSA!
Picture Day Friday, September 23rd
COVID – Things to Know
CPS will continue to have masks available for students who choose to wear them.
Positive students will need to stay home from school for 5 days. They can return on day 6 if their symptoms are improving and they have been without a fever for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication.
Masking from days 6 to 10 is recommended upon return.
Social distancing at lunch is not required from days 6 to 10.
Close contacts are not required to quarantine or mask.
School Nurses will not notify close contacts unless there are 2 or more students positive in the same classroom
Student Flu Clinic
Student Flu Clinic
The Fairview Student Flu Clinic is scheduled for Friday, October 7th from 1-3 p.m.
Only paper forms will be accepted to receive the vaccine.
Forms will be sent home in Friday folders sometime in September.
Please contact Nurse Rachel if you have any questions at 573-214-3590
Or email her at rwillenberg@cpsk12.org
Update From Specials Teachers
From the Gym
Hello Fairview Families!
Welcome to the 2022-23 school year. My name is Andy Wright and I’ll be hanging out with your kiddos on their PE days. I’m excited to get the year started! We’ll spend the first few weeks getting to know the routines of the gym and reviewing some fun activities. By now I’ve seen each class. Be sure to ask them what’s been going on. Depending on the grade level, we’ve been playing “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Cone”, “Candyland”, and “Boot Scootin’ Boogie Tag”. With the Kindergarteners we read “The Gym Teacher From The Black Lagoon” and worked on moving safely with personal space. So far so good!
There are 2 rules for the gym—be safe and have fun. We took some time to discuss what these mean and what it looks like in the gym. Ask your kiddos what they remember!
Please check their A,B,C,D schedule and get those tennis shoes on. If they don’t have them they may not get to participate in all of the day’s activities.
Finally, if you’ve been in the gym lately you might have noticed the pictures on the bulletin boards. They are of our kiddos in action!! If you wish, send me a photo of your child doing something active and I’ll get it up on the board. You’re welcome to send in a hard copy pic or email me one and I’ll get it up!
Thank you for your support and all the best to a great year!
Mr. Wright
From the Art Room
Hello Fairview Families! My name is Lindsay Robb and I am the Art teacher at Fairview. It has been wonderful to see all the creativity happening in the art room already this year! Scholars are learning the routines of the art room and have begun designing the cover to their sketchbook, which will stay at school until the end of the year. We are starting a schoolwide artwork with popsicle sticks and will soon move on to our first unit, Non-Objective Art. Ask your scholar about art class! Please feel free to e-mail me anytime lrobb@cpsk12.org
Lindsay Robb
From the Music Room
Hello Fairview Families! My name is Sara Dexheimer, and I am the Music Specialist at Fairview. This is my 16th year teaching at Fairview, and I absolutely love being a Falcon. Our Fairview musicians have started the year off with a bang! All grade levels have sang, danced, played instruments, and most importantly, created music! Throughout the school year I will be posting several short videos to my Facebook and Twitter accounts showcasing some of our music room activities. Make sure to Follow us @FVEFalconsMusic The music room also has a website with a lot of great information which can be found at www.fvemusic.com I’m looking forward to a great year! Feel free to contact me any time. sdexheimer@cpsk12.org
From the Media Center
In Technology Specials, we are off to a great start. We are reviewing expectations for computer and iPad use. Looking ahead, students will be learning about Digital Citizenship and they will be using Seesaw or Schoology in their activities. In the Media Center, students are excited about new books! We are reviewing checkout procedures and book care. We will continue with skills to help students find great books that they can’t wait to read!
The Media and Technology Team: Annette Kemble, Karen Weber and Valerie Harre vharre@cpsk12.org
From the Counselor
My name is Lillian Hoell and I am the full time School Counselor for Fairview. This year Sarah Doenges joins me on Wednesdays and Thursdays. We will start the year teaching lessons about personal safety and bullying prevention and response. For more information about our Counseling program, check out our newsletter: https://tinyurl.com/2rr4w7f4 or my website: http://counselorhoell.weebly.com/
Due to some family changes, I will be taking some time off this fall: September 7-November 22. My substitute is a retired School Counselor, Mary Carroll. Her email is MCarroll@cpsk12.org.
Enrollment and Bus Opt In
Have you completed the enrollment process for your child(ren)? See Dr. Simmons’ email from late July with those reminders. VERY IMPORTANT: If you require bus transportation, you must opt-in . Bus transportation takes 2 weeks to implement.
Arrival Reminder
Please remember that starting in September, we will expect students to walk themselves to their classroom unaccompanied. Families are more than welcome to walk their child to one of our exterior doors, say goodbye, and watch their student enter the building. We will have staff members and Safety Patrol members strategically placed throughout the building to make sure that all students safely arrive at their final destinations.
Nature Play Area
We just learned that CPS is asking all schools to discontinue the use of their Nature Play Areas. This decision was made after inspecting and evaluating these areas throughout the district, and it was determined that there are concerns with their maintenance, safety compliance, and ADA accessibility.
The good news is that the district has allocated funds to design and rebuild new Nature Play Areas that will meet the necessary requirements for student safety and accessibility. Their plan is to bring back these areas better than before.
I realize that this news may be hard for many in our school community. Many of you, under the leadership of Mike Szydlowski and Diana DeMoss, helped us build that area into what it is today. I'm hopeful that once Nature Play Areas return to CPS, Fairview will have a space that we are all truly proud of. For those of you who were a part of that endeavor-- THANK YOU!
Rest assured that our teachers are still committed to place-based learning and creating meaningful ways for our students to learn outdoors.
We have reached our goal of collecting 300 additional pounds of plastic caps. We will trade those caps in for a picnic table for an outdoor cafeteria that is in the works.
As a result, we will no longer be collecting caps. Thank you for your support with this!
Upcoming Dates in September and Early October
9/5: Labor Day; NO SCHOOL
9/12: PTA Board Meeting: 5:30
9/20: Back to School Night: 6:00-7:30
9/21 No School; Teacher Work Day; Freddy''s Fundraiser 4:00-8:00p.m.
9/23: School Picture Day
Save The date -10/7 Fairview Fever Festival
Save the date -Book Fair 10/31-11/4
If your child will be absent for the day, please call and report their absence or email jhouston@cpsk12.org. If we do not hear from you, we will call to check on their wellbeing.
Dr. Simmons
Mrs. Salas
Mrs. Korth-Lloyd
Substitute Assistant Principal
Contact or follow us
Email: jhouston@cpsk12.org
Website: https://www.cpsk12.org/Domain/16
Location: 909 South Fairview Road, Columbia, MO, USA
Phone: 573-214-3590
Facebook: Follow us here!
Twitter: @FVEFalcons