Mustang Memo November
Nixon-Smiley Middle School
Message from the Principal
NSMS Family,
It’s hard to believe that November is already here! As we enter this month of Thanksgiving, I find myself reflecting on the many things I am grateful for. I deeply appreciate the unwavering support from our staff, students, and the entire NSMS community. Our middle school family is truly a blessing, and I am thankful for the opportunity to serve our students and community each day. Together, let’s continue our journey of growth as One Team with One Dream.
As we kick off the second nine weeks, I encourage you to engage in conversations with your child about their academic progress. One of the key challenges middle school students face is managing assignment deadlines. Please note that three-week progress reports will be sent home on Tuesday, November 5th. I encourage you to regularly check your child's grades on the parent portal and ensure they attend school every day, unless they are unwell or have an appointment. Attendance is critical to a student’s success; being present 90% of the time is essential for promotion to the next grade level. Remember, attendance is recorded every period, so late arrivals or early departures can negatively impact both attendance and grades. If you have any questions about our attendance policies, please feel free to reach out to me.
As the semester continues, please also encourage your child to treat others with kindness and make positive choices. Your support is vital in making Nixon-Smiley Middle School a welcoming and enriching environment for all students.
We’re excited about our upcoming Thanksgiving lunch on November 8th for those who have purchased tickets. It will be a wonderful opportunity to share a meal with our students and their families. Additionally, we’re planning a Family Night in December, so stay tuned for more details!
Thank you for being an integral part of our school community.
Brittany Rogers
- November 7th - Football @ Stockdale
- November 8th - Thanksgiving Lunch (family must have purchased tickets in advance)
- November 11th - No School for Students - Staff Development
- November 14th - First Basketball Games (Girls Home, Boys Away)
- November 18th - Basketball Games (Boys Home, Girls Away)
- November 21st - Grades Due for Progress Report
- November 21st - 7th & 8th Grade Fall Dance
- November 25th - 29th - Thanksgiving - No School
A Note from the Counselor
Capturing Kids' Hearts Theme: Teamwork
Focus: Promoting collaboration and unity, emphasizing the importance of working together to achieve common goals. Find out more in the Capturing Kids Hearts Newsletter in English and Spanish.
ASCA Calendar Events:
National Career Development Week: November 11-15
National Family Week: November 24-30
Parenting Tip: Open lines of communication by asking open-ended questions about their day and listening actively to their concerns.
Student Tip: If something is bothering you, don't keep it to yourself. Talk to a trusted adult or friend, and be honest about how you’re feeling.
Monthly Counseling Event: Gratitude Wall
What We Will Do: We will set up a “Gratitude Wall” where students can write or draw things they are grateful for on sticky notes or paper slips. Throughout the month, students will add to the wall, creating a visual reminder of the positive aspects of their lives and fostering a culture of thankfulness within the school.
Students of the Month
5th Grade - Lilly Johnson
Lilly Johnson is fifth grade's choice for Student of the Month. Lilly takes initiative for learning, helps her peers, takes pride in her work, and shows respect towards all students and adults on campus.
6th Grade - Jonathan Luke
Jonathan is very respectful and he has great manners. He is always ready to help out in the classroom. Jonathan cares about his grades and works hard to achieve his goals.
7th Grade - Avery Mitchell
Avery is an excellent student with good hard working ethics. He is diligent in his work, and he strives for excellence in his studies. In fact, he was recently named a Top Achieve Scorer in the State. Avery is polite and respectful to adults and students alike. We are very proud to have him represent 7th grade.
8th Grade - Jedidiah Alvarez
Jedidiah earns Student of the Month because he exemplifies the character that is needed in a young man. He is always responsible and dependable. He completes all assignments on time to the best of his ability. When he knows he will not be at school, Jedidiah makes sure he gets his assignments early. He is always well-mannered and respectful toward his teachers and peers. While in class, Jedidiah is engaged and focused. He asks questions for understanding and helps his peers when needed. He maintains his academics as well as his athletics in a mature manner. Jedidiah is an excellent example of Student of the Month for 8th grade.
Engaged in Learning
Stay in Touch
To communicate with our teachers you can use the Rooms feature in our Nixon-Smiley App. This app will be for all teachers in our district. If you need more information or help logging into ROOMS please visit https://www.nixonsmiley.net/page/rooms-support
If you have a question or concern, please call us at (830) 582-1536, Ext 301. We are happy to set up Parent/Teacher conferences at your request either by phone or in person.
About Us
Email: rogersb@nixonsmiley.net
Website: www.nixonsmiley.net
Location: 800 North Rancho Road, Nixon, TX, USA
Phone: (830) 582-1536
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Nixon-Smiley-CISD-Home-of-the-Mustangs--264506510244649
Twitter: @nixonsmileycisd