Cerro Villa Vikings Newsletter
June 2nd- June 6th: Weekly Publication
"Win the Day" at Cerro Villa
Here are a few ways to "Win the Day"
- "Flip the Script" on struggles/challenges and make them successes!
- Follow "Kaizen" - strive for continuous improvement each day!
- "Be Kind" - smile, say hello, look out for your fellow vikings! Remember - everyone is going through a battle we may not know.. Be Kind Always!
Cerro Villa Highlights - Building a Positive Culture One Week At a Time!
Congrats CV students!! Cerro Villa has won the "Most Improved" attendance for the month of May (compared to April). CV jumped 1.36%!
For the 2023-2024 school year, Cerro Villa was awarded:
- September - Highest Attendance Rate
- January - Most Improved
- May - Most Improved
Thank you Students and Parents for making school attendance a priority!!
Honor Society travels to Knotts!
Mrs. Chia's Math I students showcase their AMAZING scale projects!
Final Spirit Assembly of 23-24!
Thank you Leadership students for an amazing school year and your dedication to creating a positive culture at CV!
Perfect Attendance Recognition
Mean Girls Cast - 7th assembly
Mean Girls Cast - 8th assembly
8th Grade Promotion Dance!
2023-2024 CV Yearbook is Here!!
Limited number of yearbooks are still available!! $50 - pay cash or check in the main office!
Great Job Yearbook Crew and Mr. Williams!!
CVTV Season 13 Episode 21 and 22 - Final Episodes
Check out the latest CVTV Episodes!
Thank you CVTV Crew for a great 23-24 year of CVTV!! We appreciate how well you incompassed CV Life!
Cerro Villa Announcements
What's Happening This Week!
What's Happening This Week at Cerro Villa!
- Tuesday: Used Uniform Donation Day
- Wednesday: Last Day of School for 7th Grade, 12:25 dismissal
- Thursday: 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony, 9:00 am
- Students arrive to school at 8:15, report to Homeroom Class
CV Uniform Turn-in: June 4th
Are you promoting to 9th, moving, or just had another growth spurt? The PFSO can use your unwanted uniforms!
Bring in any clean, gently used, CV-approved items you’re finished with on Tuesday, June 4th on your way into school and be entered to win one of our gift card prizes!
Thanks for keeping CV green ♻️
Thank You Message From PFSO
Please view the attached picture to read the Thank You message to the classes of 2022 and 2023 from PFSO!
PFSO Fireworks Booth
The BEST way to earn money for our school and impress your friends & family on the 4th while you’re at it! 50% of voucher purchases come straight back to CV!
Freshman Football Parent Meeting
Freshman interested in playing football at Villa Park HS, there is a parent meeting on June 4th @ 6:00 pm in the PAC
VPHS Youth Summer Baseball Camp
Villa Park Camp of Champions
VP will host their Youth Summer Baseball Camp!
Dates: July 15th - July19th
Online Registration @ vphsbaseball.com
VPHS Tennis Camp
Boys and Girls Summer Tennis Camp
Dates: July 29 - August 8
Location: VPHS Tennis Courts
Villa Park HS - Summer Enrichment Opportunity
VPHS is offering summer enrichment opportunity for incoming 9th graders. Courses offered are Math Bridge class and APEX Health course. Please see flyer for details and sign-up instructions.
8th Grade Families - VPHS Summer Health Class
Hello Incoming 9th Grade Parents:
Villa Park High School offers current 8th graders the opportunity to take Health during the summer
leading into their 9th grade year. The majority of this class is done online and at home. Beginning
June 11th, 2023, Students will need to come to campus on ONE (1) assigned day ONE (1) time
per week for FOUR (4) hours (8am to 12pm) to work and take exams under the supervision of the
teacher. Students must complete the course by Wednesday, July 17, 2024. This course requires
commitment and your student should be willing to give up part of their summer to finish the course.
Once students begin the course, they WILL RECEIVE A GRADE that will remain on their high school
transcript. Students who fail to complete the class successfully will receive an F for the class.
Orange Public Library - Summer Activities
Check out the great summer programs the Orange Public Library is offering to 7th-12th grade students!
Leadership / Activities Announcements
CV Athletic News / Events
- Girls Flag Football
- Boys Volleyball
Get excited and be ready to participate on CV's Athletic Teams!!
About PFSO
https://www.cvpfso.org/ - visit the PFSO website to learn about all the opportunities to get involved.
What is the PFSO?
The Cerro Villa Parent Faculty Student Organization (PFSO) is a non-profit organization that assists the faculty and staff in enhancing the education experiences of our children.
The PFSO assists with many programs around the school, including dances, Student of the Month, Honor Society, and the 8th Grade Promotion Party. Without your support, these events would not be possible. Most importantly, the PFSO also supports the faculty and staff at Cerro Villa in acquiring items they need for their classrooms in order to enhance our children’s educational experiences.
Earn Free Money for Cerro Villa
Did you know that the CV PFSO can receive “free money” from Ralphs every time you shop? This summer we received $31.51 from just 8 participating families' grocery runs. Imagine how much more we could earn if you, your friends, and family sign up too!
This one-time sign-up will take just a few minutes of your time:
Step 1: Go to www.ralphs.com
Step 2: Sign in or create an account with your Ralphs Rewards account number (found on the back of your shopping card)
Step 3: Go to My Account, then to Community Contributions
Step 4: Enroll for free and designate "Cerro Villa PFSO" as your program of choice
Step 5: Forget about it! You just shop as usual from now on in-store or online :)
For more information, visit: https://www.ralphs.com/i/community/community-contribution-program
And if you have any issues, please email cvpfso@gmail.com - we're happy to help get you set up. Thanks! - CV PFSO
Important Dates
June 3rd: CV Awards Night, 6 pm
June 5th: 7th Grade Last Day, 12:25
June 6th: 8th Grade Promotion, 9:00 am
Parent / Orange Unified Information
CHOC Mental Health Education Program Resources
Learn about some of the most common mental health challenges kids and teens face and how to make a difference for your families, friends, and yourself.
Family Center Spring Resources
Family Center is hosting their Spring event! Check out the flyer to read about details:
Cerro Villa 2023-2024 Bell Schedule
*Every Wednesday is an Early Release Day
2023-2024 Student Calendar / Attendance
2023-2024 Student Calendar - OUSD
Cerro Villa Calendar & Events - Cerro Villa
*Every Wednesday is an Early Release Day
Positive Information on Student Attendance: