September 4, 2019
Millard Board Approves Budget, Drops Levy 2 1/2 Cents
During last night's Board of Education meeting, Board members approved the 2019-20 district budget and voted unanimously to drop the district levy by 2 1/2 cents. Board President Mike Pate stated the Board was making the fiscally responsible decision. Board members expressed appreciation to the Legislature for increased funding for education which means school districts can be less reliant on property taxes. Millard has one of the lowest levies in the metro.
Student Showcase
4th & 5th Grade Students Receive iPads
The Fall iPad deployment is complete with more than 3,600 iPads now in the hands of 4th and 5th grade students across the district. The one-to-one initiative will continue this January when 3rd grade students receive their iPads.
Your Opinion Matters!
Millard Families, your principal will be asking you to fill out a survey soon. Of all the times you are asked to share your thoughts, we hope you chose our survey first. Because we want to do the very best we can for your children, and we need your help knowing where we get it right and where we can improve. What you think matters, and we want to know. Thank you for your time!
Congratulations to our Amazing Schools & Staff!
- Millard North Middle School has been selected as an ESPN Honor Roll recipient as part of ESPN's Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools National Recognition Program! It is the first middle school in the state of Nebraska to receive this recognition. Millard West and Millard South High Schools are also Unified Champion Schools.
- Reagan Elementary Teacher Tom Whisinnand has been named the first Grand Prize winner of the National University System-Sanford Teaching Award for his commitment to creating inclusive and inspirational classrooms. He was recognized today by Z, Sanford's alien, in a surprise assembly at the school.
Millard Public Schools
Email: MPSCommunicates@mpsomaha.org
Website: www.mpsomaha.org
Phone: 402.715-8200
Facebook: facebook.com/millardpublicschools
Twitter: @MillardPS