Tuesday, November 22nd, 2022
Happy Thanksgiving!
SMS Pet of the Week
SMS Staff Pet of the Week
Order your SMS Apparel!
The shop is open until 12/08/2022. Orders will not be accepted after the shop close date. They should arrive 6 weeks after 12/8/22 to SMS homerooms, which means they will not be here in time for the holidays.
Direct Order Link:
Access Code: GxYo4rs7cD
Dodgeball Fun
Thanks to NJHS for the fun event!
Dodgeball Fun
Technology Request
We have had an increasing issue building wide with the misuse of technology becoming a distraction at school, causing frequent interruptions to the learning environment. Students have earbuds in, are using Smart watches, and are starting to pull out phones during instruction. As a reminder, our rule is technology stays in the lockers during the entirety of the school day; if a student is using any of this technology during the school day, it is an automatic two hour detention after school. We are all hoping to avoid that, so any help you can give on your end at home is greatly appreciated.
We all know technology can be a great tool to support further learning when used appropriately. Moving forward, when earbuds are needed for instruction, we are asking they be wired earbuds/headphones, not wireless. Wired earbuds will only be used with teacher approval. We have been reiterating this expectation with students in classes and during lunches. If you need any assistance with getting a pair of wired earbuds, please reach out to your child's homeroom teacher.
If you need to get a message to your child, please contact the main office or email your child. Teachers give them an opportunity to check their email at various times throughout the day.
Thank you for your help in eliminating these distractions from the learning environment.
As a culminating activity, 6th graders created a cell model
Ms. Himmelmann Presenting
7th Grade Basketball
7th Grade Basketball
Problem Solving examples
Aerospace Message
Attendance Reminders
Dodgeball Fun
Dodgeball Fun
6th Graders Studying the Function of Cell Organelles
Dress for the weather
Christmas Help
The Slinger Community is also fortunate to have a non-profit organization, Teresa's Closet, that offers assistance with groceries, gas, prescription medications, school supplies or any other family essentials. Please contact Angie Wickus at 262-644-6915 x3434 or Lisa Kowalczyk at 262-644-6669 for any support needed. We wish you the happiest of holidays!
Need some tutoring help?
How to Access Academic Information
6th grade families, click on the link:
If you have a child in 7th grade, 8th grade, and an Encore class, please ask your student to log into their Google Classroom to find further academic information there.
As always, if you have any questions about a specific class of your child's, please reach out to his/her teacher. They are more than willing to assist!
Slinger Middle School
Location: 521 Olympic Drive, Slinger, WI, USA
Phone: 262-644-5226