Walker Elementary School
Home of the Stars
Message from Walker Administration - August 9, 2024
Dearest Walker Families,
Thank you for the BEST start to the school year! We are so proud of the teamwork and collaborative planning that made it possible for our Stars to enjoy a safe, engaging and supportive learning environment.
Our strong partnership with the PTA provides many opportunities for everyone to be involved with our success. Please consider joining the PTA. Your membership supports our events and provides for all students at Walker. Additionally, see below for details about how you can sign up to volunteer. There are so many ways that you can contribute - if everyone commits to helping in some way, we will be destined for unsurpassed excellence.
Take a LOOK at our refreshed website. Note that all our newsletters will be linked for easy access.
Our first events of the year are rapidly approaching. Stay & Play at Hilltop on Aug. 22nd and Breakfast with a Buddy on Aug. 29th. Valid photo ID is required for Breakfast with a Buddy.
Did you notice the super smooth carpool dismissal? A record 16 minute start to finish on the first day of school! Click here If you would like to help the Star LORDs.
Have a wonderful weekend!
With great respect,
Michelle Baumann, Principal
Misty Young, Assistant Principal
I hope everyone has had a great summer with many happy memories made. I am looking forward to seeing all of your students and having another great year. Please review the important clinic highlights below and let me know if you have any questions.
All medications must be delivered and picked up by an adult, preferably a parent or guardian.
MISD has a no tolerance policy for students in possession of medication of any kind, including herbal supplements, vitamins, and all over the counter medications including cough drops/lozenges.
All medications, prescription and over the counter, require a physician’s signature; this is new for over the counter meds starting this year.
- The physician must also provide written information of the name and purpose of the medication and the prescribed dosage.
- Prescription meds must have a current pharmacy label on the medication container; contents and bottle/box must match.
- Over-the-counter meds must be in the original container, preferably new/unopened, and not expired.
- All medications must be examined and approved by the campus nurse.
- Medications and paperwork will only be accepted together with everything complete.
Expiration dates that allow medication to last the whole school year are preferred.
No more than one month supply will be taken at a time.
Meds to be given 3 times per day or less are not administered at school.
MISD registered nurses do not administer dietary or herbal supplements.
For more information on all of this, as well as forms for medications and individualized health plans, can be found on MISD website under the Health Services and Wellness department.
Please notify me of all medical/health related concerns or updates that may arise during the school year (e.g., broken bones, hospitalizations, new diagnoses, etc.). Also, during registration it is important to provide your student's health information every year, even if it was reported previously. If you happened to not do this, please let me know so that I can update your student's health file.
Thank you, and I look forward toward partnering with you so that your student can have a great year.
~Nurse Joanne
Returning Student Registration
McKinney ISD uses PowerSchool Registration to update information on students returning to our schools each year.
Parents and guardians receive a separate email for each individual student with online registration instructions and a unique snapcode that is needed to begin the online registration process for that student. If you are the parent or guardian of multiple students, you will not receive all of these snapcode emails at the same time.
Invitations to register for the 2024-25 school year went out the week of June 10th to parents and guardians of students who were enrolled in MISD on May 23, 2024.
At the end of the online process, parents are required to provide an electronic signature. Should parents desire the option to provide a handwritten signature instead, they may contact their student’s campus to do so. Parents must also provide updated immunization records (if necessary) before school begins. View immunization requirements.
24-25 School Supply Lists
2024-25 Master Schedule
MISD adjusted dismissal time for all elementary schools.
New dismissal time: 3:10pm
Grade Level Newsletters
School Meals - Breakfast & Lunch
FREE Breakfast, $2.85 for Lunch
All sites: Free & Reduced price – $0.00 for Breakfast and Lunch
Adult (including school staff): $2.25 for Breakfast, $4.25 for Lunch
- Online by credit/debit or electronic check at My School Bucks. You will need your student’s 6 digit ID number to make an account. If you do not know your student’s ID, please contact their campus. My School Bucks now has an option available to pay an annual, one-time flat fee of $12.95 for a single student or $26.95 for a family. The “OnePay” option gives you unlimited transactions for 12 months, instead of the per-transaction fee of $2.75 for individual transactions. Please note that if you don’t specify the OnePay option when signing up, the system will charge $2.75 per transaction no matter the amount of funds you are loading, so the OnePay option is a better deal if you will consistently add money or are on a recurring transaction plan.
Free and reduced price meal applications are available to all students throughout the year, and families can apply at any time using the online application OR paper application, although online applications are the preferred method, as they are usually much quicker and reduce dependence on paper. The online application can be accessed at: mckinneyisd.nlappscloud.com.
Additional Information: https://www.mckinneyisd.net/school-nutrition/
August Lunch
At a Glance Calendar of Events
After School Care at Walker - Club 360
MISD's After School Program - Now Enrolling!
McKinney ISD's After School Program is open for enrollment. Now featuring new programming, more registration options and new lower rates! Space is limited. Register early to reserve your child's spot.
2024-25 Registration Fee & Rates
Registration Fee: $40 Per Child
Full Time M-F: $300 Per Child, Per Month
Full Time Sibling: $290 Per Child, Per Month
MISD Employee Full Time M-F: $165 Per Child, Per Month
Federal Free/Reduced Lunch Full Time M-F: $125 Per Child, Per Month
Part Time (3 days): $206 Per Child, Per Month
Daily Drop – In Rate: $ 22.50 Per Child, Per Day
All MISD After-school Program Policies and Procedures can be found in the MISD After-School Parent Handbook. The MISD After School Program Parent Handbook is unique to the after school program but does not include all of MISD Policy/Procedures. The parent handbook is a supplement to the MISD Policy/Procedures.
Tuition Based After School Opportunities
Message from our PTA President...
Dear Walker Families,
My name is Christine Aldridge and I would like to welcome YOU to the Walker Elementary PTA. What a privilege it is to serve alongside such amazing families, teachers and administrators for the 2024-2025 school year!
Please visit our PTA website, https://walkerstarspta.net for all the information on PTA activities. On our website you will find volunteer opportunities, calendars of PTA events and so much more. (Please keep in mind that the information contained in our website is specific to PTA-related events and programs and may not encompass ALL of your student’s school activities).
The PTA’s goal is to enrich the Walker environment for our children, families and community. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions regarding Walker PTA- we welcome your feedback and the opportunity to connect with each parent/guardian of our Walker Stars. I look forward to an amazing year as we work together to enrich the lives and education of our Walker community.
Christine Aldridge
President, Walker Elementary PTA
Follow us on Instagram: @royleewalkerpta
Join us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/WalkerStarsPTA
STEP ONE: The first step in volunteering is to complete a confidential volunteer application required by MISD. Volunteers will not be permitted without first completing this step. Be advised, this could take between two days to two weeks to complete. You will receive an email once you're approved, and you are welcome to volunteer any time throughout the school year following that. Please note, this must be completed annually.
Click HERE to fill out your volunteer application now!
STEP TWO: Please fill out the form below to tell us what areas you are interested in helping with. This form allows us to pair you with opportunities that interest you most. This is simply an interest inventory and not a commitment to any service. Based on your selections, you will receive email invitations to volunteer throughout the year. Please check all applicable volunteer opportunities.
Click HERE to fill out the volunteer interest inventory form.
As a service to McKinney ISD students and families, the district provides the Community Folder for school related, non-school related, and non-profit organizations. Electronic communication has become standard and is preferred by many parents; the schools are sharing more and more information via email as a convenience to parents. This also cuts back on paper coming home in folders. Information posted and accepted must be youth-oriented and will be reviewed and approved by the Communications Department. Updates will be posted often, so we ask that you check back for the latest opportunities and information from our community.
To view the latest information posted in the Community Folder- CLICK HERE
MISD School Safety
A critical ingredient in the safe school recipe is the uniform classroom response to any incident. Weather events, fires, accidents, intruders and other threats to student safety are scenarios that are planned and trained for by all McKinney ISD schools and District Administration and staff. Historically, schools have taken this scenario-based approach to respond to hazards and threats. Each McKinney ISD classroom is furnished with the Standard Response Protocol poster that provides teachers with readily accessible response procedures and provides information during a crisis event. The attached handout explains Standard Response Protocol that is taught to students, faculty and staff.
Please this link to view the Standard Response Protocol parent information.
Visitors & Volunteers
A valid state or government issued photo ID must be presented each time you visit, volunteer, or pick up a student. Please be prepared with your ID upon arrival. Photos of ID will not be accepted.
A background check is required each school year for people wanting to volunteer in McKinney ISD. This includes making copies, lunch duty coverage, classroom parties, field trips, and any other volunteering that takes place in our building or on our campus. We encourage you to complete your volunteer application as soon as possible to avoid any delay in the processing.
Volunteer Application
We always welcome your feedback. Connect with us via email, phone or schedule a meeting with Mrs. Baumann and/or Mrs. Young. Below is also a link to provide feedback, appreciations, compliments, concerns, or suggestions as we continue to ensure we are doing our very best at Walker.
My School Bucks (online cafeteria payment system)
Free/Reduced Lunch (participants complete each year)
Student Accident Insurance (optional insurance)
Walker Elementary School
Email: mbaumann@mckinneyisd.net
Website: https://schools.mckinneyisd.net/walker/
Location: 4000 Cockrill Drive, McKinney, TX, USA
Phone: 469-302-4600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/walkerelem
Twitter: @WalkerElem