Superintendent's Message
November 20, 2024
Dear Newport Schools Parents, Families, and Staff:
I want to focus again this week on our Portrait Of A Graduate. I have shared this with you in the past, and I really want to make sure everyone takes the time to read and think about these important attributes that are nested in our strategic plan for Newport Public Schools. Put simply, our Portrait Of A Graduate (POG) is what we hope to see in all our students when they complete their education with us. POG is the combination of academic skills and character traits we want our students to acquire over the course of their public education. From elementary school to high school, students can learn how to problem solve, take leadership roles, advocate for themselves and others, persist in improving their learning - whether it is at an academic skill such as math or literacy, a sport, or art design. We want every day for our students to thrive and build their CORE so that they graduate ready for success, both now and in the future.
So let’s do our homework to really know our Portrait Of A Graduate (POG). Discuss it with your child, other parents, teachers, and our Newport Public Schools community members/partners. Let’s think about how we as adults can help support our teachers and students to nourish the CORE and these attributes. If it is easier to remember, think about using the acronym CORE. This may help you remember the first words of each attribute: Career and College, Ownership, Responsibility, and Emerging leadership. Every day I repeat it aloud to myself so it is an automatic response. Each day remember CORE and think about different ways outside of school that we can support all our young people to live productive, happy, and successful lives by focusing on the CORE every day. Together, by supporting our children, we can build a strong Newport. See the attributes in full below and how it spells CORE in red highlight.
Have a great week of learning everyone and remember CORE!
Colleen Burns Jermain, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
PS: Don’t forget RHS and TMS report cards will be sent out on Friday, November 22!!
Schedules and Upcoming Events
Fun Facts: Did you know reading to your child just 10 minutes a day increases his/her vocabulary. Having your child read to you every day for just 10 minutes a day significantly increases the child's fluency and eventually understanding. Every moment one spends on sharpening these skills helps your child build confidence in his/her abilities for reading.
This important after school club provides extended learning and fun activities in the science, math, and technology field. Come join the fun and see the great projects from our students. See flyer.
365 Wild Saturday Family Day
This past Saturday, the 365 After School initiative had its second of three Wild Saturdays for families. Families come with their children to have a delicious breakfast prepared by our NACTC program and then enjoy math and literacy games- games they can do at home. The next Wild Saturday for all Pell students that participate in the 365 Wild Saturday after school program will be on December 14, 2024.
FY 2026 School Budget Now In Development, Tell Us Your Priorities
Last week we shared that Newport Public Schools is currently developing the FY 2026 Newport Public Schools budget. We asked for feedback to see what areas are important for us to consider by providing a list of items for you to choose from as suggestions or allowing one to write in ideas. We had over 40 responses and would like to gather more. This anonymous survey will help give us an understanding from your selections or written ideas on what you believe is important for us to consider when developing the budget. The more we learn from you or hear your ideas, the better for us. So, please take a moment, if you have not already, to complete our survey and select what you consider to be the top three areas for our next Newport Public Schools budget.
Click here to take the survey. We look forward to and value your feedback.
Substitute Teacher Appreciation Day
Friday, November 22nd is National Substitute Teacher Appreciation Day. Our schools could not function with our dedicated substitute teachers who fill in and keep learning moving forward when our regular classroom teachers are out due to illness or other reasons. Thank you Newport substitute teachers! We value and appreciate what you do!
RHS Building Progress
It is exciting to see the progress being made on the new Rogers High School! The exterior is almost complete. On the interior, flooring, tile and casework are being installed, as well as ductwork and exhaust for the kitchen. Construction is moving along and on schedule to welcome students and staff for the next school year!
About Us
Technology Helpdesk - email: helpdesk@npsri.net
Technology Helpdesk - phone: 1-833-752-0725 (press 2 for Spanish)
Aspen Family Portal Help - email: parentportal@npsri.net
Email: cathynash@npsri.net
Website: npsri.net
Location: 15 Wickham Road, Newport, RI 02840
Phone: (401)619-5376