Cavalier Community Connection
September 2024

LBHS Homecoming 9-28-24
Drama Performance 10-15-24
The Drama Troupe are performing their competition piece on Tuesday, October 15th at 6pm.
It is a 30 minute play (competition rules) called 'The Quiz that Almost Killed Me' by M.G.Davidson, provided by Stage Partners
There will be no charge for this performance........ Donations are always welcome :)
Doors will open at 5:30pm
Speech and Debate Team Information
Study Lab Schedule
LBHS Athletics
School Counseling Office
LBHS School Counselors with Alphabet Breakdown
Salena Dewease (A-D): sdewease@bcps.k12.va.us
Lindsay Haniewich (E-K): lhaniewich@bcps.k12.va.us
Paul Craft (L-R) : kcraft@bcps.k2.va.us
Jenna Drumheller (S-Z) : jdrumheller@bcps.k12.va.us
Megan DeHart (SAPP Counselor): mdehart@bcps.k12.va.us
Senior Parent Night- Sept. 18th
The School Counseling Department will host our Senior Parent Night on Wednesday, September 18 from 5:30-6:30 pm in the LBHS auditorium. We will go over what seniors needs to be doing now to prepare for their plans after graduation. Virginia Western Community College will also be there and speak about the CCAP and FAFSA processes!
SAT Information
LBHS will be administering the SAT on Saturday, November 2nd! Create an account and sign up on the College Board website. Although many colleges are test optional, SAT scores are sometimes necessary for scholarship applications and can be a great supplement to college applications!
National Suicide Prevention Month
September is National Suicide Prevention Month - a time to remember the lives lost to suicide, acknowledge millions more who have experienced suicidal thoughts, and the families and communities that have been impacted by suicide. It is also a time to raise awareness about suicide prevention and share messages of hope!
Risk factors may include untreated mental illness, substance use, relationship conflicts, social isolation, trauma, access to lethal means, and community violence.
Warning signs consist of talking about or making plans of suicide, expressing hopelessness for the future, showing overwhelming emotional pain or distress, withdrawing from people/situations, sleep changes, anger or hostility, and increased agitation or irritability.
Help for YOU - Asking for help, Call or text 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, Find support
Help for SOMEONE YOU KNOW - Call 911 if needed, Call or text 988 to speak with someone, Ask them if they are thinking about killing themselves, Listen without judgment & show you care, Stay with the person, and Remove any potential harmful objects
Yearbook Information
Yearbooks are on sale at www.yearbooksonsale.com
Important Dates:
Underclassmen and Retake Picture Dates:
Underclassmen Retake Picture Day: October 4th
Senior Retake Picture Day: October 18th
Club Picture Day: November 22nd
Class of 2025 Senior Picture Information
All Formals and Casuals must be taken by the Prestige Senior Portrait Division of Lifetouch Studios.
All poses (casual and formal) must be chosen by: Friday, November 15th. This date is the last day to guarantee a formal and casual senior portrait in the yearbook. No exceptions will be made! Thank you!