January 28th, 2025

HDES February Newsletter
News from the Office and the Administration
Hello HDES Families,
We are completing a review of all files both in paper and on Powerschool. We are asking all families to check their Powerschool information and make all necessary updates. The Office will be sending out letters if you have missing paper documents. We also ask that notify your child's teacher if you do NOT want their photo taken. Also if you do NOT want them used on Facebook or this newsletter, webpage.
The Lost and Found is being moved to a location that will be easy for students to access. Every Friday the items will be moved to the main lobby where you will be able to view them. Items not claimed prior to each vacation will be donated.
Please remember to send an email to your child's teacher and or notify the attendance line if your child will be absent or tardy. It is very important that we can always account for every student. (hdesattendance@hdsd.org)
THANK YOU and enjoy the winter vacation!
Kindergarteners love letters!
H is for Harry Potter!!!! H is for Hero!!! H is for Hogwarts!!! W is for Wands!!! S is for Sorting Hat!!! V is for Villain....Voldermort!
In Mrs. McLay's class we celebrated learning all the letters and sounds by having a FAVORITE LETTER DAY!
Students found 5 items at home that started with their favorite consonant and they made a headband and wore clothes that started with the letter!
Kindergarten students celebrate the Lunar New Year!
Our Kindergarten students had a great time celebrating the Lunar New Year! They made flags in art class and paraded around the building!
100 days of school!
Students in grade 2 are using their 100 items to celebrate 100 days of this school year!
Learning in the Library
In the Library our students are learning about the Lunar New Year! It is the year of the snake.
Gift for the Library!
Scarlett McCaffrey delighted me today with a painting!
Grade 2 Scientists
2nd graders continue to learn about plants and their functions. During the pollinator lab they learned how pollinators transfer pollen from one plant to another to create a seed.
Fun in the snow with Preschool!
Grade 1 students work on Science!
First graders have been focusing their learning in science on understanding LIGHT and SOUND! They made their own work of art by creating stained glass windows, understanding the difference between opaque, transparent, and translucent.
The 5th grade goes to the Capitol Center for the Arts!
On Tuesday, January 28th, 5th grade was fortunate enough to take a trip to the Capitol Center for the Arts in Concord, New Hampshire. The grade level enjoyed a show put on by Doktor Kaboom called Doktor Kaboom: Under Pressure. Throughout the show, students engaged in exciting pressure based science experiments paired with SEL learning about handling daily stresses and pressure. The show was fantastic and students really enjoyed the once in a lifetime experience!
Grade 3 and Grade 1 are reading buddies!
Tinsel painting in Art!
Grade 4 having fun!
The students in grade 4 have had fun taking part in bonding activities, searching for Hillcat prints and participating in the activities from the CARES Carnival! They also practicing area model division on different surfaces and candy heart fractions!
News from the Math Lab!
The estimation winner for this month is...Cassidy. She guessed 1000 and the actual was 860.
Congratulations to the Mathematicians of the month!
K: Waylen O, Lorelei F
1st: Amberlyn K, RaeLynn F
2nd: Eloney D, Elizabeth D
3rd: Teagan H, Aviary O
4th: Mason B, Coleman G
5th: Kaleb S, Jocelyn H
Important news from the PTO!
What is the HDES PTO?
The PTO is a group comprised of parent volunteers and teaching staff. Our mission is to provide safe and fun activities for students, as well as show the staff at HDES how much we appreciate what they do for our children. If you have a student in your family that attends HDES, please join the PTO on the second Thursday of every month (weather permitting) for a meeting. We also give you th eoptin of attending remotely!
The PTO puts fundraiser funds into: Teacher Appreciation Gifts, Family Dances, Family Movie Nights, SAS testing incentives for Grades 3-5, Funds for Field Trips, Scholastic News Subscriptions, Scholastic Book Fairs (Including BOGO Fair), and much more!
We cannot do these things without parent involvement. We need YOU!
This is not a school sponsored event.
Photos from the PTO dance!
I am looking for some help with the yearbook this year. I would like to put in as many pictures of your kids from the school year that I can fit. If you can send any pictures you get at school events from last August until April from sporting events, band/chorus, PTO nights, theatre, anything school related to me I would love to fit them in as best as I can! Please if you send photos tell me their name and teacher it would help me greatly.
Also, I know classroom teachers have reached out, but I would also like to get ONE baby/younger photo of all the 5th grade students to put in a now and then page for fun. Thank you to all the parents who have sent them in already!
I need all pictures submitted to me by no later than April 18, but the sooner the better!
If you have any questions please reach out!
Thanks for your help!
Andee Hartness
Yearbook time!
Words of Affirmation
Great information from our district Social Worker!
The Mobile Food Bank is coming!
Programs from the Grapevine.
Important dates to remember
2/24-2/28 - No School - winter vacation
3/11 - No School - Parent Teacher Conferences 11:00-7:00
3/21 - Early Release
3/28 - PTO Penny Sale - starting at 5:00
4/28-5/2 - No School - spring vacation