ISABB Fall 2021 Newsletter
President's Letter
As our second virtual Annual Meeting draws near and my time as ISABB President comes to a close, let me take a moment to say THANK YOU for your continued support of our organization, especially during this pandemic. So many of you have supported ISABB through your memberships or through attendance at our meetings and workshops. Some have even given presentations or served as board and committee members. It is up to ALL of us to make our organization the BEST it can be and to keep growing and improving how we serve the Blood Banking community here in Indiana and the surrounding areas.
This past year and a half have left us with many challenges of dealing with COVID, in our healthcare field as well as our personal lives. In addition, we solemnly commemorate the 20th year after 9/11, reminding us once again of the importance of what we do each day to save lives. Whether we are MDs, Medical Technologists, Nurses, Laboratory Scientists, Phlebotomists, Lab Assistants, medical students, managers or blood donors, just to name a few, we all play a vital role in helping patients and their families.
In closing, let me say what an HONOR it has been to be your ISABB President this past year. I now have the privilege of “passing the gavel” to Wendy Disbro, our new 2021-2022 ISABB President. Congratulations to Wendy and to our new members who will be joining her on the board.
Carol Kelly, MT(ASCP)CHT
ISABB President
ISABB Annual Business Meeting and Education Sessions
Attached to this Newsletter, you will find several important documents supporting this one-day event.
- Agenda for the education sessions.
- Minutes from the 2020 Business Meeting.
- Draft definition of a Student member. NOTE: this was first distributed to membership on September 14, 2020. ISABB bylaws require any changes to the bylaws to be distributed to the membership at least 30 days prior to a vote at the annual Business Meeting. Therefore, we will vote to add this definition to the bylaws at the 2021 Business Meeting.
- Ballot of candidates for new Officers and Board Members.
If you have not yet registered for the education sessions, please visit www.isabb.org and follow the instructions to complete your registration.
Renew your membership today!
CLICK HERE to fill out our Membership Form and help us to make sure that your membership information is up to date. Membership fees can be paid via PayPal or by check.
- Individual membership: $25
- Physician membership: $60
- Student Membership: $10
Email: info@isabb.org
Website: isabb.org
Phone: 317-948-9627
Facebook: facebook.com/isabb.org