Mote Bulldog Bulletin 17
January 15, 2023- January 21, 2023
Upcoming Events
Monday January 16- Schools/Offices Closed- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Wednesday January 18- School Board Meeting 7pm
Friday January 20- PBS Spirit Day- Sports Day
Monday January 23- Student Government
Thursday January 26- End of 2nd Marking Period, Hooray Day
Friday January 27- Inservice Day- No school for students
From the Counselors:
There is also a Parent Group in Spanish being offered by the Center for Child Development.
Great Kindness Challenge
January 23-27, 2023
Our school is proudly participating in The Great Kindness Challenge, a week-long program dedicated to creating a culture of kindness and compassion in communities worldwide.
To help our students practice kindness and put their compassion into action, they will receive a Great Kindness Challenge checklist.
We will encourage all students to complete as many acts of kindness as possible at school and hope they feel inspired o continue them at home!
Together, we will lift each other up, cheer each other on and show the world that KINDNESS MATTERS!
PBS- Upcoming Events
Hooray Day Thursday January 26
End of Marking Period Celebration- Laser Light Show (20 bulldog bucks)- Feb.6
Recurring information
School Reminders
Schoolwide Expectations-
Mote Bulldogs "GROWL". Please remind your students that at Mote we Give respect, we are Responsible, we cooperate with Others, we Welcome diversity, and we Learn with a growth mindset.
Our instructional day begins at 9:00am. Students are expected to have entered the building, picked up their breakfast, and made it into their classroom by 9:00. There are many cars pulling into the parking lot at 9:00am. This is not allowing students to make it to class on time.
Our office is closed for dismissals from 3:15-4:00. If you need to pick up for an early dismissal, it needs to be done by 3:15. Our staff is outside for car riders until 4:10. Please make sure you arrive at the school by 4:05 to use our car line.
If you are changing your child's dismissal procedure, please call the school before 3:15pm. It is very difficult to make changes once our dismissal has begun.
Attendance is important for student growth and achievement. If your student is absent due to illness, please make sure to email the teacher or send in a note to excuse the absence. Vacation, travel, etc are considered unexcused absences.
Students will go out for recess daily unless the wind chill is 20 degrees or below. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately with coat, hat, and gloves for recess.
Mote Homework Philosophy
Counseling Corner
- All changes to your child's dismissal should be communicated in writing. Phone calls are only for last minute emergency changes and should be made by 3:15 pm.
- When possible, allow for your child to enter and exit on the rear passenger side. If not possible, your child is asked to cross in front of your car, not the rear.
- Parents should remain in their car during car line. Mote staff is not permitted to buckle your child in. If your child needs assistance, move to the past the crosswalk in car line and you may get out at that point to buckle in your child.
- Dismissal is not a time for parent conferences with staff. We are happy to work with you on a method of weekly or daily communication.
Thank you for helping us to keep dismissal running smoothly.
Delaware Youth Mobile Crisis Hotline: 1-800-969-4357
If you or someone you know needs support now, call or text 988 or chat
Mote Elementary School
Location: 2110 Edwards Avenue, Wilmington, DE, USA
Phone: 302-992-5565
Twitter: @motebulldogs