The Ludwig Ledger
December 2024
Dear Ludwig Familes,
I hope everyone had a relaxing Thanksgiving break, with quality time spent with friends and family. Thank you to everyone who signed up for and attended our P/T conferences. It was nice to see so many families engage with our teachers to help support their child's education. As always, we love this time of year because it allows us an opportunity to open up our doors to our families and showcase how our students are progressing, both socially and academically. Also, thank you to everyone that helped support our Scholastic Book Fair. Your support will allow us to add some new and exciting books and novels to our library catalogue!
It's so hard to believe that we've turned the calendar over into December. With Trimester 1 just wrapping up and the holidays quickly approaching, don't forget the variety of ways that you can stay connected to your child's learning at school:
Follow us on Facebook
Regularly visit our Virtual BackPack on our Ludwig School Website
Review your child’s classroom website, SeeSaw, Google Classroom and/or teacher newsletters
Call and/or email if you have any questions for your child's teachers
Routinely check your child’s backpack, Friday folders, and assignment notebooks
From everyone here at Ludwig School, to you and yours at home, we wish you a safe, happy, and healthy holiday season. Please take time to spend some quality time with your family and friends, and make long-lasting memories. If you need anything from your child's teacher, or from Ludwig's Main Office, please don't hesitate to email or call.
Mr. Kulik
For Your Calendars...
12/4 - Ludwig Spirit Day - "Twin Day"
12/4 - 12/13 - Bernie's Book Bank - Book Drive
12/11 - D92 Giving Tree Event ENDS
12/12 - Ludwig Choir Concert @ Ludwig School - 6:30pm (Doors open @ 6pm)
12/16 - December PFA Meeting @ OP - 6:30pm
12/16 - 5th Grade Bowling Field Trip
12/17 - December Board of Education Meeting @ Ludwig - 7:00pm
12/18 - 4th Grade Bowling Field Trip
12/20 - Classroom Holiday Parties (12:30pm - 1:30pm) & Early Dismissal (1:50pm)
12/23 - 1/3 - Winter Break
1/6 - No School - Teacher Institute Day
1/7 - Classes Resume
D92 Giving Tree
This year's annual giving tree event began on November 18th and will run through December 11th. Adults may take a tag off of the giving tree in Ludwig's main vestibule. After purchasing the item, please wrap it and attach the tag you took from the tree to the present. Return the wrapped item to any of our D92 schools by December 11th.
Your efforts will help bring some joy and cheer to those D92 families that are in need this year. Thank you for your ongoing support!
Veterans Day Celebration
On Monday, November 11th, Ludwig School hosted its annual Veterans Day Recognition Ceremony. We had nearly 30 Veterans and their family members in attendance! Thank you to all who have served across the 5 branches of the US military. We are all indebted to your bravery, service, and sacrifice.
"Veterans are a symbol of what makes our nation great, and we must never forget all that they have done to ensure our freedom." - Rodney Frelinghuysen
Click on the photo for highlights from our ceremony. Also, please take a moment to view our Veteran Recognition Slideshow, as it provides a moving tribute to those Veterans who are connected to our Ludwig School families.
Operation Support Our Troops
As a District, WCSD 92 donated 591 pounds of items for our troops overseas. Ludwig School alone collected over 10 paper boxes full of items. Thank you to all the families, staff, and students who donated to such a worthy cause! These donations are just a small token of our appreciation for all that our servicemen and servicewomen do for our county.
Updates from the Nurse
FLU and COLD prevention reminder:
As Flu and Cold season is upon us, please remember to practice good hand hygiene and proper cough etiquette. Flus and colds are easily spread and transmitted by touching commonly contaminated surfaces and through droplets in the air that are not properly contained. Please wash your hands frequently, especially after touching contaminated surfaces, and cover coughs and sneezes with your elbow when possible.
A friendly reminder about Cough Drops, Over the Counter Medication, and Prescription Medication:
If your child requires cough drops while at school, please check to make sure that your student is well enough to attend school before sending them to school. Cough drops are to be kept in the nurse's office and require a signed note from the student's parent or guardian.
Please note that all cough drops, over the counter medication, and prescription medications are to be brought to school by an adult (with limited exceptions including some specific lifesaving medications). Parents are welcome to bring medications to school and administer them, as needed, to their student if there is currently no doctor's order on file.
Thanks, and please let me know if you have any questions,
Nurse Roxanne
Bernie's Book Bank - Book Drive 2024
Each winter, Ludwig School helps support Bernie's Book Bank by hosting an annual children's book drive. If you have any new or gently used children's books at home that you're looking to get rid of, please consider donating them to this great organization. Our donation drive runs from December 4th through December 13th. Thank you for your support!
Ludwig School Summative Designation - "Exemplary"
The Illinois State Board of Education has released Ludwig School’s annual Report Card. This Report Card contains school performance data from the 2023-24 school year. (Click the image to the right for a direct link to our Report Card.)
On our 2023-24 Report Card, we are proud to celebrate:
- Continued cohort growth over time, in the areas of ELA and Math
- Strong proficiency scores in ELA, Math, and Science that are significantly above the state average
- English Learner Progress to Proficiency scores that show our ELL students are on their way to reaching proficiency with the English language
These positive results reflect the investments that we have made in our students, staff, instruction practices, and MTSS procedures and supports!
One component of the Report Card is the Annual Summative Designation – a federally required accountability category. It describes how well our school is meeting the needs of all students based on eight indicators of performance: ELA proficiency, Math proficiency, ELA growth, Math growth, EL Progress to Proficiency, Science Proficiency, Chronic Absenteeism, and a Climate Survey.
Ludwig’s Summative Designation for ‘23/’24 is EXEMPLARY. This means our overall performance is in the top 10% of all schools in the state of Illinois and that we have no underperforming student groups. Congratulations Bulldogs!
Caring, Compassionate, Community Recognition Form
If you have a Ludwig staff member who has gone above and beyond for your child or your family, please take a brief moment to recognize them on our "Caring, Compassionate, Community Recognition Form." This form will be active all school year long, and feedback will be provided to the staff members who were recognized. Thank you to everyone who has already submitted an entry for recognition!