Bohally Newsletter - T2, Week 10
Ko te Rāpare te whitu ō Hōngongoi
Principal's Welcome
It is hard to believe that we are halfway through the year already, although to be fair term 2 has been a particularly difficult term in regard to managing staffing levels and keeping the school open everyday, so I am grateful for a 2 week reprieve!
Most of our students have had a great term, and I hope you have received their mid-term reports by now. This report gives you a snapshot of your child at school and is followed up with meetings on Monday 25th July. Please ensure you have booked a time for your whānau to come in and meet with your child's class teacher. The school will be closed for normal instruction on that date to allow time for these meetings. We thank you for your support with this.
As I write this report I have been over at the school cross country all morning and have loved seeing our students take on the challenge of a 2km or 3km run. We realise that running is not everyone's cup of tea but sometimes in life there are things we do that challenge us or move us out of our comfort zone. This isn't a bad thing and teaches our students that they can try new things or push themselves if they put their mind to it. Well done to those students who took up the challenge and gave it their best.
One issue we are faced with at the moment is vaping. There are only a few students who think it is cool to vape and hide their vapes from staff, but I want you to know that as a school we do not promote this and I feel that as parents it may be a good time to talk to your child about the negative effects of vaping on young people. Key messages and tips for parents include:
• Vaping is not for non-smokers, especially children and young people.• Explain that some vapes contain nicotine and that nicotine is a highly addictive substance that is very hard to stop once you have started.
• Vaping can also have an adverse effect on young people's physical activity and sports, and their overall health and wellness.
Finally, thank you for supporting us over term 2 and we look forward to another busy term ahead of us with science fairs, sports trips, ICAS exams, academies, and the school fundraising quiz night to list a few of the events on. Have a wonderful two-week break with your families, I am heading off with some good books and my running shoes for a bit of rest and relaxation with my husband Rob, so I can recharge for term 3.
Ngā mihi,
Hangi Highlights
Early morning set-up
Awesome helpers setting up
Early birds - 6am start!
Prepping the fried bread
Enjoying the feast!
Anyone for seconds....?
Cross Country
Bohally’s 2022 Cross Country was a huge success. 77% of the students that attended, ran in the 3km competitive race. It was fantastic to see students showing our character value Kia Kaha - resilience. Well done to the Tane Mahuta tribe for taking out the win. Here are the individual results.
Year 8 Girls
- 1st - Jaye Wiapo
- 2nd - Katherine de Zwart
- 3rd - Summer Sievewright
Year 8 Boys
- 1st - Callum Raynor
- 2nd - Liam Harcus
- 3rd - Josh Harris
Year 7 Girls
- 1st - Pippa Minhinnick
- 2nd - Mia Harris
- 3rd - Penny Soper
Year 7 Boys
- 1st - Keegan Middleton
- 2nd - Alex Wood
- 3rd - Cameron Sievewright
Whanau hui
Mid-year reports were sent home on Wednesday. As a follow-up to these you are invited to make an appointment with your child's teacher to discuss their learning. Please see the letter below for details.
You are able to book the 15-minute conference online. You can do this by logging on to www.schoolinterviews.co.nz and entering n9prx in the Event Code box.
Follow the steps to book and confirm a conference. Once you have made a booking an email will be sent to you confirming your selection.
Note: Term 3 starts on Tuesday 26 July
Bohally Quiz Night
This is a major fundraiser for our school and one where whanau and friends can come together for a social evening out or help the school with donations. Please read the poster below to find out more details about the evening. At this stage, we are also asking for the following:
Donations of wine (you may work for or own a wine company?)
Donations of specialty food products suitable for our table platters
Donations of goods for our auction
Donations of goods to add to raffle/silent auction table
If you are able to help in any way please contact Nicky (principal@bohally.school.nz)
Meet the Bohally Board of Trustees
Hugh Girling - Board Chair
My name is Hugh Girling. I am the current Board Chair of the Bohally Intermediate Board of Trustees.
Married to Sarah, we have two sons - Louis - now attending MBC and Paddy - in his last year at Bohally. During their time at Bohally, we have seen our boys have many opportunities to develop, grow and thrive within the environment of the school and wider community.
I am self-employed providing compliance, operations and project management to the winery, vineyard and building industries. I am also involved in the organisation of a number of wine shows.
My involvement on the Board of Trustees has been my first experience into School Governance. It has been a rollercoaster of a few years through what have been unprecedented times. Rewarding, enlightening and eye-opening. As a community, we are very lucky to have the Management and Teaching team at Bohally providing quality education and leadership. Supporting them and our wider community to provide a safe and healthy environment in which to learn is hugely important.
Caroline Cornelius - Deputy Board Chair
Caroline Cornelius – Deputy Board Chair
Tēnā koutou kātoa, my name is Caroline Cornelius. I am married to Cleighten and we have 3 daughters – Maisie (13) and Harriet (11) both at Bohally and Charlotte (8) at Springlands School. Community is an important part of life to our family; enjoying, supporting, providing
opportunities, and growing up in a nurturing neighbourhood in our wonderful region of Marlborough.
I have been involved in Education for 20 years as a Marlborough teacher, and now in my new role as Community Ranger at DOC. I bring these skills and knowledge to the Bohally Board to help it be the best that it can be for our children, staff, and the wider community. My aim as a trustee is to offer my experience as a committed experienced member to enhance the role of school governance. We are fortunate at Bohally to be backing strong effective leadership, high-quality education, competent teachers and a supportive community all working together aspiring to improve Bohally for the
Suzie Glover - Trustee
Hi my name is Susie Glover and I am a Co-opted Trustee on the Bohally Intermediate Board of Trustees. I am fortunate to represent our school on the Project Control Group (PCG) of Te Tatoru o Wairau. My role is to support our Principal, Nicky Cameron-Dunn and to represent our Board and school community through the process of the new school build. I have had a long-term relationship with Bohally as a teacher and as a Board member for 7 years. Though my children; George, Molly, Hazel and Eliza have all finished their intermediate schooling I wish to see Bohally into their new school building all the while maintaining the delivery of high-quality teaching and well-being of the staff and students.
Kellyann Thorstensen - Trustee
Talofa lava, Mālō e lelei, Tēnā koutou e te whānau o Bohally Kura.
My name is Kellyann Thorstensen. I am married to Dylan - an established builder for Clarke and Haack Construction. Together we have two children - our daughter Kyla, currently a Year 10 at Marlborough Girls College, and our son Ali, a Year 8 student at Bohally Intermediate. Born and bred in Blenheim, and with thanks to my mum, I am extremely proud of my Samoan heritage. It is this sense of pride which motivates me to promote a love of diversity and culture with my own children and anyone I come into contact with.
I have been in education for around 15 years and have thoroughly enjoyed my many roles in leadership, working collaboratively with a number of empowering and dedicated people. Currently Acting Principal at Blenheim School, I have a clear understanding of how important the role of the BoT play in the successful governance of a school.
Like you, I want our children to have the opportunity to be the most amazing individuals they can be. I know that experiences at school can either encourage a child to flourish and reach their full potential, or extinguish that flame and desire to achieve and succeed. Our students deserve the very best education: equity, excellence and belonging.
I am extremely fortunate to be working alongside a great team of trustees, and dedicated leaders and staff at Bohally Intermediate who are driven to provide the best opportunities for our tamariki.
Nāku te rourou nāu te rourou, Ka ora ai ngā tamariki!
With my basket and your basket, the children will thrive!
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa.
Nate Bainbridge
Hi, I’m Nate Bainbridge, and am the managing director of Bainbridge Building and roofing working in both commercial and residential environments. I believe this is a great asset to the board with both managing staff, customers and the day-to-day running of a business. My trade background is useful as a trustee on the School Board. I am enjoying having some insight into the school rebuild and think it will be a great asset to Marlborough once completed.
I currently have our son Toby at Bohally in his second year and he is excelling in the environment and enjoying his time at the school. My daughter is due to start in the coming year and is looking forward to the change.
Bohally School Board Elections Information
We have 3 vacancies coming up on our School Board. If you are interested in nominating yourself, or someone else, please read the attached information.
Technology Centre Cleaner Required
Marlborough Technology Centre
Cleaner required
The Marlborough Technology Centre requires a part-time cleaner. 2 hours per day, 3:15 pm – 5:15 pm. Term time Monday - Friday. Holidays by arrangement. Must be reliable.
Applications or enquiries to: Paul Sainsbury, Associate Principal, Marlborough Technology Centre, 45 McLauchlan St, Blenheim.
Ph: (03) 5772434, 0212374582. Email: paul@mtc.school.nz.
Upcoming Events
Term 2
- Mid-Year Reports - Wednesday 6th July
- Literature group MGC visit and workshop - 7th and 8th July
Term 3
- Whanau Hui - Monday 25th July
- First Day of School - Term 3 - Tuesday 26th July
- Teacher Only Half day - Students go home 1pm
- Inter-School Cross Country - Tuesday 9th August
- Mr Science Visit - Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th August
- Waimea Winter Sports Tournament - Friday 19th August
Te Marama - Hub Highlights
The Mongol Invasion
In 1274 the Mongol Army set out to invade Japan. While the Mongols were preparing for battle the Samurai must set up a defence to fend off the incoming threats…
The cold wind and descending snow created a regular cold night in Asukara Village. On the hill overlooking the village was the famous Ichihara dojo. Sensei Ichihara would train men one by one, passing along his legacy. Inside on this cold night, Ichihara and his apprentice Hanzo Bokuden were having their final teaching. “Tomorrow you go to fight and potentially die for your people. I am glad to say my final student was a success.” “Final student, Sensei?” I ask him “I am too old for this life, so I shall retire. But for now, you should go home. Rest.” I Stood from my kneeling position and bowed to the Sensei, knowing this may be the final time with him.
I stroll back down to the village and enter my home. My red Samurai armour decorates the walls. The bamboo plant in the corner of the room is pushing up against the ceiling. I close the door and lay down on the floor mat. My long black hair is filled with dirt and dust. Nervous feelings occupy my mind. I couldn’t stop thinking about the next day. How could anyone know tomorrow would likely be their last day alive. The Mongols outnumber us in every way. Men, guns, food. Everything. Though eventually, I fall asleep and before I know the horn is blown and all Samurai of the village armour up. I wake and quickly put on my red armour that represents clan Asakura. Quickly I place on my helmet and briefly look at my sword and knife. My first katana, gifted to me by Sensei Ichihara. The tanto belonged to my father. A great samurai fell in battle. The thought saddened me but inspired me to fight for those who can’t for themselves.
Suddenly the Asakura Samurai crowded outside battle-ready and eager to dice the Mongols. Each horse was armoured and once everyone was ready, we set off for the rendezvous point to meet with the other Samurai of the mainland. I mount my horse, Sora. Sora’s soft white fur sparkles in the early sun. It’s completely silent. The Samurai were taught to be fearless, but it was rather obvious the invasion intimidated us. Scouts described the ships as well-armed and filled with men. They would be here within the hour. As we rode I imagine the battle. It will be a bloodbath. They finally reached the rendezvous point to meet with the other Samurai. All the warriors crowded around atop the hill overlooking the beach where the Mongols would enter from. You could see the huge ships incoming quickly. We have very little time before they reach the shore. “Samurai!” Lord Shingen exclaims. “ Fled the horses. We will go on foot from here.” Suddenly the horses trot away back the way we came. “We are here to fight for our people, for our land. We are Samurai!” And with that the Samurai roar and get into a defensive position. I run towards the hill and see the Mongols just approaching shore now. Flaming arrows soar through the air changing the beautiful green fields into a deadly battlefield. My heavy armour weighs me down. The Mongols begin rushing up the hill with swords and spears in their hands while the Mongol archers cover them.
We started with about 300 Samurai and now we have around 150. Our archers were on the high ground taking out the men who remain on the ships. Blood stained the grass and men were dropping like flies. We were on the verge of retreat. “Fall back!” I yell “Trust me”. As the Samurai swordsman was falling back I take a bow and a group of three arrows from a fallen Samurai. The flaming arrows caused small fires throughout the battlefield. I sprint over to a fire and light the arrows. I quickly run back two the hill and fire on the Mongol ships. The arrow hits the sail and the fire begins to start. It quickly spreads and causes the ship to crumble. The Mongol archers leap out of the ship and run up the beach. “Fire on those archers!” I slide an arrow in the bow and fire again at the next ship. The same happens and their archers helplessly fall to the ground. The Mongol swordsmen were at the top of the hill cutting through our men like butter. I quickly draw the final arrow and BOOM! The immense explosion created a firework in the sky. The Samurai cheered proudly. Our archers quickly took care of the remaining archers and then focused on the swordsmen. The Mongols begin a retreat but the archers made sure no one remained.
We all began to walk back home to rest. Along with the other Asukara Samurai, we made it back to see the villagers. We planned to rest until the next day and then return to bury the brave men who died for us. More reinforcements would arrive to assist us when the Mongols return.
We may have beat the Mongols with their own weapons, but we lost many great Samurai who died an honourable warrior's death. We may have won this first battle but the Mongol Khan has declared war on the mainland. This is far from over.
By Oliver Clark
Community Notices
Free Flu Jabs
Children aged 3 to 12 years old can get a free flu vaccination from their GP, healthcare provider, or at most pharmacies from Friday 1 July.
Free flu jabs for tamariki – Ministry of Health
Most tamariki aged 9 years and over need one vaccination each year to get good protection against flu.
If you have a child under 9 years old, talk to your healthcare provider as they may need one or two vaccinations depending on whether they’ve had a flu vaccine before.
If tamariki have recently had COVID-19 they can have a flu jab as soon as they’ve recovered.
Marlborough Book Fesitval
The Marlborough Book Festival is an annual event that has been taking place in Marlborough since 2014. Some of the proceeds from ticket sales go towards raising the literacy of children in Marlborough schools, either through book donations or by connecting Marlborough kids with inspirational authors and illustrators.
A new initiative this year is the Little Book Festival which is an offshoot of our traditional festival but with a focus on younger members of our book community in Marlborough. This year author/illustrators Melanie Drewery and Gavin Bishop will present their lives and work to some lucky Marlborough school children at the ASB Theatre. Additionally, authors Abbas Nazari, Ruth Shaw, Susan Paris and Kate De Goldi will be visiting children at several Marlborough schools prior to the festival. As this new event grows, we aim to include more schools throughout Marlborough in the Little Book Festival.
Creative Kids Walk of Light
The team at Creative Kids are excited to announce our inaugural Walk of Light, lantern walk event on Saturday 20th August at 5pm, commencing at the Riverside Amphitheatre, Blenheim.
Bring your whanau and friends for this free event celebrating ‘Te Noho Tahi’, being together.
The Taylor River will be dotted with local performers and choirs as the community weave their way with lanterns, celebrating being together through song. There will also be a light display by the ASB Theatre as part of the event. Lanterns can be pre-purchased for $5 each, which includes a lantern with a LED tealight.
Football Holiday Programme
Blenheim Indoor Stadium Holiday Programme
Oral Health
Picton Society of Model Engineers
At Bohally we strive to keep our community up to date with what is happening at school. We have three main ways we communicate - our school app, website, and Facebook page. We recommend downloading our school app. The app will allow you to set up alerts for your child's class and activities. This causes a push notification on your phone if any notices are uploaded. If you have any questions about how to access any of these three systems please talk to your child's teacher. Below are the links for you to follow.
School App:
Search 'School Apps NZ' on Google Play or the Apple App Store.
Contact Us
Email: office@bohally.school.nz
Website: https://bohally.school.nz/
Location: 41 Mclauchlan Street, Springlands, Blenheim 7201, New Zealand
Phone: +64 3-578 5219
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bohallyintermediate/