808srp23 Prize Package
cover letter to ship with prizes and certificates

We are part of something BIG!
This summer readers at your school joined with those from more than 200 others across the state to log a total of 1,181,090 minutes of reading! They also wrote a total of 907 book reviews and completed 2,964 literacy activities.
🥳 Recognition
Please recognize the winners and participants in your school assembly or morning announcements program to encourage them and other readers.
🎁 Prizes
Enclosed are prizes for students. Some were earned by participating in a particular event; others were random drawings among readers who logged minutes.
🏆 Certificates
Enclosed are certificates for each of your readers.
❓ Need More Data?
Please contact your #808Reads School Manager or email 808libraries@k12.hi.us for details about your schoolʻs summer reading participation.
Email Us at 808libraries@k12.hi.us
A project of the Hawai'i State Department of Education, Office of Curriculum and Instructional Design, Library Media Services in partnership with the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Pacific Literacy Consortium (PLC).