Normandy Park School
Week of September 2nd
School is closed on September 2nd in recognition of Labor Day.
As a school, we are excited to open and welcome students back this upcoming Tuesday (September 3rd).
Last week, it was great having families in our buildings for the Kindergarten orientation and our K-5 schoolwide playdate. I loved seeing all the smiling faces of our new and returning students. Thank you to our Home and School Association (HSA) for organizing the schoolwide playdate!
This year, we will continue to build upon the strong mission and vision of our school and community. By working together, we will ensure students are provided instruction and support to develop academically, socially, and emotionally.
Back to School Night will be here before you know it. NPS will host Back to School Night on the evening of September 19th (beginning at 6:30pm). Additional information will be shared this week!
Please know that I am here to help and support in any way that I can. Feel free to reach out to me directly at christopher.miller@msdk12.net.
Christopher Miller
Principal of Normandy Park School
School Theme 24-25
We are very excited to announce our school theme "We the People" for the 2024/2025 school year.
Our objective with the "We the People" theme is to celebrate our community and what brings us together across our country and community. Students will learn about American history, art, music and baseball!
All students will participate in a cultural arts residency connected to the theme. In the spring, Senior students will create a Living History Museum for all to see.
Bus Information
Please check bus information in the WEB BASED PowerSchool Parent Portal up until Monday September 3rd to ensure you have the most up to date bus stop times.
Morning Pickups: Please be at your bus stop location ten minutes prior to your scheduled pick-up time.
Afternoon Dropoffs: Guardians of preschool through second graders should be at the bus stop ten minutes prior to your scheduled drop-off time to meet students in the afternoon.
NOTE: During the first two weeks of school, afternoon drop off times are often later as school staff ensures each student is on the correct bus and students acclimate to the dismissal procedures of the school. This could delay the departure time from the school.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Arrival Procedures: Students are permitted into the building at 8:40 a.m. Students bused to school will be dropped off and picked up in the front of the building. For students in the drop-off line, please have them seated on the passenger side (if possible).
Arrival: 8:40 to 8:55
Dismissal: 3:05 to 3:20
Drop Offs: Students being dropped off in the morning may enter through the back doors. Please use the drop-off/pick-up line in the back of the building. There is no supervision before 8:40, and children who arrive before that time, will not be permitted to enter the building. A staff member will be at the door between 8:40 and 8:55 a.m. to welcome students. Any student arriving after 8:55 must enter the front of the building and report to the nurse’s office with a parent or guardian to obtain a late pass.
Pick Ups: At dismissal, students being picked up will be dismissed from the back of the building. When picking up your child, please use the pick-up line. Stay in your vehicle. Teachers will accompany your child to your car.
Pick-Up During the Day (before Dismissal time): If a situation arises that requires you to pick your child up during the school day, a note must be sent to the office specifying the pick-up time. Students being picked up early are asked to be picked up before 2:30 p.m. Before leaving, you must sign your child out in the notebook provided by the main entrance doors. Unless an emergency arises, please refrain from calling the office after 1:30 to make changes to your child’s dismissal.
Daily Attendance
If you know that you child will be tardy or absent from school, it is requested that you notify the nurse in advance. This can be done by phone at 973-889-7960 x 6152. Voicemail is operational 24 hours daily.
You may also contact her office by email at: francesca.ecker@msdk12.net
Students who arrive tardy (after 8:55am) must report immediately to the Health Office upon arrival to school for a late pass
Dismissal Changes
Please use the digital blue note form for any dismissal changes. The main office will notify the homeroom teachers of the dismissal change. For absences, continue to contact the school nurse.
Breakfast and Lunch
For interactive menus, as well as nutrition and allergen information, please click here.
For additional information on MSD Breakfast and Lunch, please click here to visit the district's website.
Students can bring and/or purchase lunch. Free and reduced meals are provided to families who qualify for support.
Applications are available through PaySchools. Once you create your account, the Free & Reduced Application will be available to complete online. Students who qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch, also qualify for free/reduced breakfast.
Please note that you do not have to print out the application if you complete it online; it will be electronically sent to the Board Office once completed. You may also complete an application using a computer in the main office of your child's school or request a paper application.
Applications are available through PaySchools. Click the link to create your PaySchool account (ENG or ESP)
If you do not qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch, please follow these procedures for purchasing school breakfast or lunch:
- Backpack an envelope with your child's name on it, marked "Food Services.
- Include your child's name in the memo line of your check.
- You may prepay for multiple breakfasts or lunches with one check or lump sum of money, which will then be deposited onto your child's food services account.
- Payment may also be made online ( (ENG or ESP); a small fee will be charged with each transaction. This is a secure and convenient way to make payments and keep your account up to date.
- Payment may be made in cash or check (payable to "Morris School District"
***Meal Prices for School Year 2024-2025***
Elementary Breakfast $1.75
Elementary Lunch $3.25
Reduced Price Breakfast $0.00
Reduced Price Lunch $0.00
Milk $0.75
We are excited to introduce our new food service provider, Pomptonian, please stop by and visit the MSD Pomptonian page to learn more:
Please contact Morris School District Food Services if you have any questions:
Shannon Burton
973-292-2000, Ext. 2126
For lunch, all students will be eating in the cafeteria during their assigned lunch period.
Peanuts and Tree Nuts:
To help support our students with peanut and tree nut allergies, we have designated tables
and sections for children eating peanuts and tree nuts at lunch. They can bring a buddy to eat
with them at the Peanut/Tree Nut table. All lunches are supervised.
Create a profile on our NPS HSA Membership Toolkit to enable your participation in the school directory (grade/teacher), sign up to receive the Home and School Association's weekly newsletter, submit club forms, volunteer and more!
NPS HSA Book Fair
The Normandy Park HSA is looking for book-loving parents interested in taking a larger role in volunteering at our Scholastic book fairs, which will be held September 18-27, 2024 and in March 2025.
Normandy Park gets 50% of every dollar spent at the fair back in the form of Scholastic Bucks, which we use for the birthday books every student receives and the rewards for our Reading Challenge winners in the spring.
HSA is looking for people willing to take longer volunteer shifts to make sure every class is equitably staffed, learn the register software, and assist with set up and breakdown.
If you are interested and/or able to volunteer, please complete the following Google Form:
Welcome Mrs. Hunt!
Dear School Community,
We are delighted to announce the arrival of Mrs. Hunt as our new school counselor. Mrs. Hunt brings a wealth of experience and expertise to our school, and we are confident that she will be a valuable asset to our students, families, and staff.
Mrs. Hunt has a proven track record of building strong relationships with children and families. Her ability to connect with students on a personal level and provide them with the support they need is truly exceptional. We are excited to see the positive impact she will have on our school community.
Additionally, we are thrilled to share that Mrs. Hunt is bilingual in Spanish. This will be a significant benefit to our Spanish-speaking students and families, as it will allow for better communication and understanding.
Please join us in welcoming Mrs. Hunt to our school community. We look forward to working with her to provide our students with the best possible education and support.
If you are interested in reaching out to Mrs. Hunt, feel free to by phone (973)-889-7960 X6115 or email gloria.hunt@msdk12.net.
Returning to School
Now, let’s take a moment to talk about returning to school. Some children will be very excited to return while others will be anxious. Our staff is well prepared to help your child(ren) navigate the first days of school.
If your child(ren) are anxious about returning to school here are some tips for you:
Be patient and understanding. Recognize that separation anxiety is a natural part of growing up. Allow them to express their feelings and let them know you understand.
Make positive statements part of your daily routine. Have your children stand in front of the mirror when brushing their hair and say things like “I am strong” “I am smart” “I can do hard things”. Say it with them.
Create a predictable routine. Children do better when there is an established routine. Whether they are taking the bus or you (or someone else) is driving them, talk to them about what drop off and pick up will look like.
Avoid lengthy farewells. This one can be tough for a lot of parents but a quick and positive goodbye will do the trick.
Stay calm. Children pick up on adult emotions. (Don’t worry, we have plenty of tissues for adults who need them).
Find Out What’s Happening in The District Newsletter Fall 2024 Edition
As families and staff prepare for the new school year, the Morris Educational Foundation invites you to take a look back at all the amazing highlights from the 2023-2024 school year in The District Newsletter.
The joint publication from the Morris School District, Morris Educational Foundation and Colonial Nation features:
- District athletic highlights
- Extracurricular achievements across all schools
- The MEF’s impact on academic, enrichment, and social-emotional wellness initiatives
- Plus a save-the-date for Morristown ONSTAGE 2025
The Fall 2024 edition is hot off the press and Morristown, Morris Plains and Morris Township residents can expect to receive their copy in their mailbox this week. View the digital version here>>>
Breakfast and Lunch
Click here for Breakfast and Lunch Menus.
For additional information on MSD Breakfast and Lunch, please click here to visit the district's website.
Students can bring and/or purchase lunch. Free and reduced meals are provided to families who qualify for support.
Students who qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch qualify for free/reduced breakfast as well. Applications are available through PaySchools. Click the link to create your PaySchool account (ENG or ESP) Once you create your account, the Free & Reduced Application will be available complete online. Please note that you do not have to print out the application if you complete it online; it will be electronically sent to the Board Office once completed. You may also complete an application using a computer in the main office of your child's school or request a paper application.
If you do not qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch, please follow these procedures for purchasing school breakfast or lunch:
- Backpack an envelope with your child's name on it, marked "Food Services.
- Include your child's name in the memo line of your check.
- You may prepay for multiple breakfasts or lunches with one check or lump sum of money, which will then be deposited onto your child's food services account.
- Payment may also be made online ( (ENG or ESP); a small fee will be charged with each transaction. This is a secure and convenient way to make payments and keep your account up to date.
- Payment may be made in cash or check (payable to "Morris School District"
***Meal Prices for School Year 2023-2024***
Elementary Breakfast
Elementary Lunch
Reduced Price Breakfast
Reduced Price Lunch
Checks are made payable to "Morris School District".
Dismissal Changes
Daily Attendance Procedures
If you know that you child will be tardy or absent from school, it is requested that you notify the nurse in advance. This can be done by phone at 973-889-7960 x 6152. Voicemail is operational 24 hours daily.
You may also contact her office by email at: francesca.ecker@msdk12.net
Students who arrive tardy (after 8:55am) must report immediately to the Health Office upon arrival to school for a late pass
Look Ahead:
- September 19th at 6:30pm: Back to School Night
- September 22nd- HSA Game Day @ Gotham FC
- September 26th- Picture Day
Click here to view Morris School District (MSD) 2024-2025 School calendar.