Henry Elementary School
February Newsletter

Contact Information
Principal's Corner
February 3, 2025
Dear Henry Families,
I hope this message finds you and your family doing well in the month of February, as we have many events happening. Our teachers are looking forward to sharing updates on students’ progress with you during parent teacher conferences that will take place February 13 & 14. All students will have extra early dismissal at 11:00 a.m. each of these days, and lunch will be served prior to departure. Please plan for transportation after school with these extra early outs.
National School Counseling Week is happening this month with the theme "School Counseling: Helping Students Thrive," will be celebrated February 3-7, 2025, to focus public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors within U.S. schools. Our Anna Henry school counselor is Ms. Eman, and we want to share our appreciation for her this week.
School counselors from Magee Middle School visited both 5th and 6th grade classrooms in January and the Gridley Middle School team will also visit Anna Henry in February to explore options for students and families next academic year.
Our TUSD Kindergarten Kickoff Event is happening at Anna Henry this week on Tuesday, February 4, from 9:00-11:00 a.m. Please reference the flyer included in our newsletter. We look forward to new students and families taking a tour of our classrooms and school campus during this time. Please consider passing this information along to your neighbors and family members that are looking for educational options for next academic year 2025/ 2026.
Our annual Henry Rodeo Breakfast will be for students the morning of Wednesday, February 19, beginning at 7:15 a.m. During this time, all students will be served pancakes, turkey sausage, and orange juice by our team of educators. Breakfast is for Anna Henry students only during this event. We are very grateful for our Henry PTA and Henry Team to make this event possible. Also, come out to Skate Country this same night 2/19 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. to enjoy a night of skating. Parental supervision is encouraged during events like this for students’ safety.
Love of Reading Week is just around the corner for our Gila Monsters, as this runs February 24- 28, 2025. Our team has many awesome activities planned for students during this week. Bingo for Books will be February 25, at 6:00 p.m. We greatly appreciate the Love of Reading Committee for their hard work, as we look forward to celebrating this month.
There is NO SCHOOL for students and staff during Rodeo Break which is coming up on February 20-21, and all classes resume on Monday, February 24. The next PTA meeting is on February 25, at 5:15 p.m. with free childcare.
On a final note, I would like to address parental concerns about law enforcement agencies and school related educational business. It is our belief that TUSD is a place for students to learn and thrive in a safe environment free from investigations and enforcement of immigration status. This includes the ability for families to fully participate in the education of their students. Because immigration status is not relevant to the district’s commitment to serve its students and their families, Tucson Unified does not collect their immigration information. TUSD does prohibit its
employees from making threats or negative statements pertaining to student or parent’s immigration status. (Governing Board Policy ACB).
Absent a valid judicial warrant or other specific court order, the law and Governing Board Policy provide law enforcement officers, including ICE, no greater access than any member of the public to TUSD facilities, students, staff, and campus visitors. (Governing Board Policy JIH)
Thomas Heminger, principal
Heart Challenge Winner Melody
Whipped Cream Pie Toss:
Principal Heminger and Mrs. Starks
Mr. Kofi with 6th grade class
Up Coming Events
- February 4, Kinder Kickoff, 9-11
- February 6th, Peter Piper, 5-7pm
- February 19th, Skate Country, 6-8 pm
- February 20th - 21st, Rodeo Break, NO SCHOOL
- February 24th - 28th, Love of Reading Week
- February 25th, Bingo for Books, 6 pm
- March 7th, Grading Day, NO SCHOOL
- March 10th - 14th, Spring Break, NO SCHOOL
Science Fair
Top 4 Science Fair Projects that will be attending the SARSEF Regional Competiton
Congratulation to all the Science Fair Contestants
Melody - 1st grade
Lilly - 1st grade
Daniella - 3rd grade
Isaiah - 4th grade
Scott (SJ) - 5th grade
Savannah - 6th grade