CMS Toppers: News From the Middle!
Caroff's Corner
As we start the back half of the school year, it's important to remind students of what they are capable of and how they can be successful. Every student is different and I've encouraged staff to ask:
"What makes you successful? Where and how can you be more successful?
If you would like to ask you student these questions, I would be happy to publish their thoughts (with or without their name) in the next few parent newsletters.
Check out as well some photos below of our PBIS quarter 2 reward that included an amazing school-wide scavenger hunt organized by Ms. Paroubek! They are truly awesome! More to follow in the coming weeks!
Craig Caroff
MAP Testing Schedule: January 13-16
Our second round of MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) testing will occur during the week of January 13. We are going to be implementing a new testing schedule at CMS. MUCH thought and very careful planning has gone into our new schedule for testing days with very specific and clear reasons. If you have any questions about our new schedule, please call Tracy Paroubek at CMS.
We will be taking four school days to complete the assessment rather than utilizing our previous schedule of two school days. We will also be carrying out state testing in April and May with this schedule. We feel that it will meet the needs of our students in an optimal way, ensuring them a comfortable and non-stressful testing experience.
January 13: 4th and 5th Grade Reading Test
January 14: 6th and 7th Grade Reading Test
January 15: 4th and 5th Grade Math Test
January 16: 6th and 7th Grade Math Test
As part of our new testing schedule we are TRIALING a late start for those students who are not testing on a given day. When your student is not taking an assessment, they are eligible to report to school late at 10:45 a.m. and still be counted as attending school for the day.
We do need to emphasize that reporting to school on days when a student is not taking an assessment is still required. They will be attending classes and will be presented with new material, with learning to proceed as normal.
For those whom a late start is not desired or possible, students are absolutely welcome to come to school as normal, and we will have a place for them to be during testing. If we find that we have too many absent students on their off days during this TRIAL period, this option will be strongly reconsidered for Ohio State Testing later in the spring and all students will be reporting as normal every day.
Thank you for your help in assisting us in trailing this new schedule on the above dates.
Join PTO for the Upcoming Night at the Races!
Curious about Student Wellness? Join Us in Great Conversation!
Calling 4th Grade Girls! GOTR is for you! More info to come!
Arrival and Pick-up Reminders
Thank you very much for abiding by the following expectations for a safe arrival and afternoon dismissal process. Morning drop off has been going really well. Thank you to everyone who has been getting their students to school on time and following our traffic pattern. Please remember that there is only one lane in the morning in front of the school, and this must be adhered to for everyone's safety. Also, please be patient with our teachers who are pulling into their spots and crossing the street. We want all to report to work safely.
We need your help to improve afternoon pick up and the following items will help us achieve that as safely as possible:
- Parents are not permitted to park in the lot and have their child cross traffic to come to them. Please join the traffic line. It is unsafe for your child to run across the lot. Supervision occurs by our staff, but as you know it is a small footprint with many moving parts. We have come close to students being hit by cars and absolutely want to avoid this occurring.
- There are 2 lanes of traffic in the front of CMS in the afternoon but 1 lane in front of the board office. Please do not double park by the CMS office or the BOE building. Generally Ms. Paroubek is directing traffic, and she will only direct you to an open spot in a single lane. She never intends for you to make a 2nd lane in front of the board office. This creates a dangerous traffic situation.
- If you are going to change lanes, please look before you do. Several instances of near sideswiping have occurred.
- Always look for children before stepping on the gas pedal (in front, on the sides, and behind you).
When everyone slows down and follows the procedures and traffic monitors, traffic will move smoothly, faster, and safely.
Message from Ms. Jenn in the CMS Clinic
Hello Parents and Happy New Year,
Please continue to call the school with anything contagious your child may have.
Please if your child gets any vaccines email me or send in a copy of the child's vaccines from their doctor.
If your child is ill please keep them at home.
If they come into the clinic, I will try an intervention first; if they come a 2nd time, I will call you. Please look at the student handbook for the school guidelines on what the school feels should stay home. I will call if dizzy, fever, vomiting, watery stool, or injury on the first visit.
There is an uptick in norovirus ( fever, headache, vomiting, watery stool) in the community ( not the school yet that I know of ) please instruct good hand washing with soap and water Purell does not kill it.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me.
Jennifer Trittschuh RN BSN LSN
Have you joined our CMS PBIS rewards yet?
During the first week of school, all families received personalized QR codes to join PBIS rewards to see your student's information as it relates to positive behavior choices in the building. If you have not joined yet, please consider doing so by scanning the code you received and signing up to receive notifications.
If you need another QR code, please reach out to your child's homeroom teacher or Ms. Paroubek to access another copy.
Thanks for partnering with us on this new system!
Calling All Parents of Athletes!
Did you capture a great action photo of your child participating in CMS Basketball, Wrestling, or Cheer this season? Would you like that photograph in the yearbook? If yes, submit that photo to the yearbook staff for review. You might see it in the yearbook this spring!
Use this link with the password: CMS24pics!
CMS Lunch Menu
Wondering what is for breakfast or lunch? Use this link to access the menu each day!
Chardon Middle School PTO Website
Chardon Middle School PTO Facebook Page
Chardon Middle School Volunteer Interest Form
PTO Meeting Dates 2024-25
*All meetings are at 4:30 p.m. in the CMS Library/Media Center on the first Wednesday of each month.
September 4
October 2
November 6
December 4
January 8
February 5
March 5
April 2
May 7
Wish to make someone's day? Donate to the Field Trip Donation Fund.
Use the screenshots above and these directions below to access the Donation Fund. We appreciate you!
In the Parent Portal, select Fees > Filter by School Year 2024-2025 > Optional Payments > FIELD TRIP DONATION > Add to Cart > select 'My Cart' > Manually add donation under AMOUNT > Complete payment process
Need to find a teacher website? Use this link:
CMS Contact Info
Chardon Middle School
Principal: Mr. Craig Caroff: craig.caroff@chardonschools.orgAsst. Principal: Ms. Tracy Paroubek: tracy.paroubek@chardonschools.org
Website: www.chardonschools.org
Address: 424 North Street Chardon, OH 44024
Phone: (440) 285-4062