Hornet Health
CMS/NWA School Nurse
May Edition
Mental Health Awareness Month
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. This month focuses attention increasing awareness of the importance of mental health, wellness in Americans’ lives, and to celebrate recovery from mental illness. May is a time to raise awareness of and reduce the stigma surrounding behavioral health issues, as well as highlighting the ways how mental illness and addiction can affect all of us – patients, providers, families, and our society at large.
See more resources here: https://www.nami.org/get-involved/awareness-events/mental-health-awareness-month/
Sports Physicals
7th Grade Immunizations
12th Grade Immunizations
Medication Pickup- Pickup by June 7, 2024
Medication Reminders
WCS Medication Policy- Please Review
As a reminder, please review the WCS medication policy.
Teacher Appreciation Week
School Nurse Day - May 8th
It’s a day when we come together as a nation to honor the field of school nursing. This event honors the daily efforts of school nurses to ensure all students’ wellbeing, safety, and academic ability.
Flu Season Reminders
When we are in the midst of flu season, all parents, guardians, students, faculty and staff should be aware of flu symptoms in order to conduct self-screenings and to refer students to the nurse's office for evaluation. We also want to reinforce good practices regarding hand-washing and proper coughing techniques to help prevent the spread of germs in school and home settings.
Flu symptoms include the following:
· Fever (100.4°F or greater)
· Cough
· Sore throat
· Runny or stuffy nose.
· Body aches
· Chills
· Headache
· Diarrhea
· Fatigue
· Vomiting
If you think you or your child has the flu:
· Please stay home. Do not send your child to school.
· Avoid close contact with others for 3-5 days.
· Students may return when they have been fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication AND symptoms have improved.
· Medical evaluation and doctor’s notes are encouraged to ensure absences are excused
Everyone should practice and encourage others to:
· Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Drop the used tissue in a wastebasket. If a tissue is not available, cough into the crook of your elbow or sleeve.
· Wash your hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand gel.
· Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.