Ferson Creek eNews
October 25, 2024
Important Dates
10/24-10/31 - Story Book Pumpkins Drop Off & Display
10/30 - Early Release, dismissal at 2:35 pm
10/31 - Halloween Costume Parade & Class Celebrations
11/5 - Election Day, No School
11/8 - End of 1st Trimester
Veterans Day
We will be celebrating Veterans Day on Monday, November 11th. If there is a veteran that you would like to recognize by having them included in our Veterans Day video, please email our LRC director Renee Ignoffo at sharon.ignoffo@d303.org. In your email, please include your child's name, the veteran's name, the veteran's relation to your child, a picture of the veteran, branch of the military, and rank (if known). Please send all pictures to Mrs. Ignoffo no later than Monday, November 4th.
If your child has someone in your family, or a friend of your family, who they would like to invite to attend our assembly on Monday, November 11th at 9:30 am, please rsvp to Cheryl Wiley cheryl.wiley@d303.org, no later than Monday, November 4th so that we can plan accordingly.
I am also looking for a couple people who would be willing to help with decorations for the Veterans Day assembly. If you are creative, love a craft, or just have an abundance of red, white, and blue decor you'd be willing to let us borrow, please reach out to Kristy McKnight at kristina.mcknight@d303.org.
Lockdown Drill
On October 30th, Ferson Creek will be conducting their state required annual Lockdown Drill during which students will review and practice the classroom procedures. Parents/guardians may opt their child out of the physical participation in this drill each year by emailing Principal Kristy McKnight at kristina.mcknight@d303.org at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled date. Students who have been opted out will receive an alternative school safety learning experience with a certified staff member.
Storybook Pumpkins
Halloween is just around the corner! We will celebrate Halloween on Thursday, October 31st. This year, we will hold our Halloween parade outside at 2:10 pm. Parents are welcome to view the parade from the blacktop area behind the school. In the event of inclement weather, the parade will move to the gym. Classroom celebrations will take place after the parade. While wearing costumes is optional, there are a few guidelines:
- Props representing weapons are not allowed.
- Students should not wear costumes which promote gore, violence, or inappropriate imagery.
- No costume face coverings or masks can be worn.
October 31st – Classroom Celebrations
Pre-arranged volunteers should plan to sign in and have their license scanned, and get their visitor’s badges just prior to the start of the classroom celebrations. Our celebrations are scheduled from 2:25 pm-3:10 pm. Party volunteers will be allowed down to classrooms at 2:00 pm.
Compass Academy Open House-November 7th
The November 7th Open House and Student Showcase is open to everyone, including D303 staff, community members, and potential future students and their families. This is a great opportunity for people to learn more about what makes Compass Academy unique and to see our learning spaces and examples of student work. We will have 2 food trucks on site, a scavenger hunt, and a raffle that's free to enter with some exciting prizes.
District Attendance Procedures
The following information is being provided as a reminder of District 303's attendance procedures and how information may be recorded and shared with a student's family throughout the school year.
Orchestra Spirit Wear Sale!
Hello Orchestra Families,
Orchestra spiritwear is NOW AVAILABLE! Yay! Our students LOVE wearing their Orchestra spiritwear on Orchestra days. We also use spiritwear for special events: spirit days, in-school performances for peers, fiddle fest, and more. A flyer with visuals is attached, and the link to order is below.
Short Sleeve, Long Sleeve, and Hoodies!
Short and long sleeve t-shirts - and hoodies - are available. We recommend getting a short or long sleeve t-shirt for the warmer months, and a hoodie for the colder months.
Fan Shirts - Not Just for Students!
"Fan" on the back, same logo on the front. Moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas, aunts, and uncles - anyone in the family is welcome to join in! Be sure to get yours as well!
Be sure to get a drawstring bag! These are great for making sure your student comes to school each week with all of their needed materials together in one tidy place: including their book, binder, rockstop/shoulder rest, rosin, etc!
The order window closes on Tuesday, October 29th! Spiritwear will be distributed to students before winter break.
(you will choose your student's instrument for the back of each shirt once you start the order process, selecting product and size first)
All proceeds from spiritwear sales go toward D303 Orchestra students.
Thank you for your support!
Holiday Toy Drive-Big Hearts of Fox Valley-October 21st-November 14th
Big Hearts of Fox Valley is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the children of School District 303 by enhancing their holiday experiences, ensuring warmth through the winter, easing their return to school, and providing continuous support year-round. With your help, they are fostering a caring community that priorities the well-being of our youth.
They assist children from St. Charles and portions of Wayne, Wasco, Elburn, West Chicago, South Elgin, Campton Hills, and unincorporated Kane County.
Our donation collection box is located outside of the main office.
National School Bus Safety Week!
STC Cares Cheer Exhibition-October 30th
St Charles North Softball Clinic-November 2nd
Lost & Found
Snow Pants Donation
CogAT Testing-3rd & 5th Grade
Upcoming SEPAC Meeting-November 7th
Erin's Law
Annie Jr. Musical-Wredling Theatre Department
Fist Bump Frankie the Fox Fridays
Have you ever dreamed of being a mascot?! If so, now’s your chance! On Fridays, Frankie the Ferson Fox will be outside greeting students with a fist bump as they arrive. Volunteers are needed to be Frankie from 8:40-9:05am. Sign up for a Friday in the sign up genius.
D303 Pathways Night at Compass Academy
D303 will host the 4th annual Pathways Night at Compass Academy on October 30. This career fair welcomes employers and educational institutions supporting careers that don't require a 4-year college degree. If you are a business owner and wish to participate in Pathways Night, please complete this form. More information for students and families interested in attending will be available in the next few weeks.
District 303 Partners With GPS Parent Series
District 303 is proud to partner with the Glenbard Parent Series (GPS) to offer our families broader access to information sessions and resources that support their child’s development.
For decades, GPS has been offering free programs that aim to empower and strengthen families, individuals and communities. As a partner organization, District 303 will support promoting upcoming programs and their importance to our local community.
Phones and Smartwatches
Technology can be a wonderful way to keep in touch with family members. However, smartwatches and phones can become quite disruptive to the learning environment when parents are contacting their children throughout the day (and vice versa). The Elementary Student Handbook contains the following language:
Students are extended the privilege of possessing phones/smartwatches on school grounds; however, their use is limited to after-school dismissal and non-school days. These devices must be in the off position, or not used once the student arrives on campus until the end of the school day.
Teachers will request that phones and smartwatches are off and/or set to school mode for the duration of the school day. If you need to get a message to your child during the day, please reach out to the main office and your child's teacher.
Ferson Creek Spirit Wear
Click image below to order!
Attendance Information
Please call 331-228-2300 to report absences and choose option "1" or email Cheryl Wiley at cheryl.wiley@d303.org
- Messages can be left 24 hours a day.
- Please leave your name, your child's name, phone number, reason for absence and your child's symptoms if ill.
- If you have advance notice of an absence please fill out our prearranged absence form, inform your child's teacher and submit the completed form to the front office. You are allowed up to 5 prearranged absences per school year.
Lunch & Recess Volunteers
Our parent volunteers are an integral part of our school community. Therefore, we'd love to invite you to spend time with Ferson Creek students during lunch and lunch recess.
Interested? Information and sign up can be found using this link.
Please keep in mind that it is important to keep our students, staff members, and volunteers safe while they are in our schools. Given that, all volunteers must:
- Have your ID ready and sign in at the office to receive your visitor badge.
- EACH YEAR complete a Volunteer Liability Form. If the school does not have one on file for you and you do not provide one, the office will provide one for you when you come for your first day as a volunteer.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Dr. DuCharm (331-228-5920, Alison.DuCharm@d303.org)
School Directory -PTO
If you'd like to be a part of the optional, PTO sponsored school directory, please login into your Membership Toolkit account to update your students' information for the 2024-25 school year. All students' grade levels have been advanced, but you will need to update their teachers.
If you don't have an account yet, be sure to register! You can update your account privacy settings at any time!
2024-2025 Early Release Dates
2024-2025 District Calendar
Ferson Creek Elementary
Website: https://fersoncreek.d303.org/
Location: 38W160 Bolcum Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-2300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ferson-Creek-Elementary-1492773537612187/