Holy Rosary
Leaping into creativity! 🐸🎨 Our Siena students have been busy learning about frogs and showcasing their artistic talents. Check out these fantastic frog artworks!
A wise mentor leads someone to their own center and to the Center, but by circuitous paths, using their two steps backward to lead them three steps forward. It may look unproductive, but it is really the wisdom path of God.
Richard Rohr
Hi Everyone,
Huge Thankyou to Michelle Kirwan who prepared today’s Performing Arts Assembly! It was a fascinating adventure into the talents of our children. Their confidence and ability was just amazing. Thank You so much Kate O'Neill, Imogen Bath and Aimee Vivante who had their band and dance in superlative form and thank you to the many children involved who made it just so special. Holy Rosary’s Got Talent - sure has!
Monday sees our children in Year Three engage with their retreat day to prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Please keep them in your prayers.
And Friday sees everyone attending the Faction Athletics Carnival. This is a BIG event - we hope to see you there.
Best wishes
Helpers needed for Sports Carnival
Mr Flexman would love some parent marshals for the Year 3 to 6 carnival next Friday. If you are available please send an email to: admin@hrs.wa.edu.au
Last Day of Term 3
On Friday 20th September, the students will be invited to wear their pyjamas and bring in a gold coin donation. All money raised will go to Brother Olly’s Wheelchairs for kids.
Wheelchairs for kids
All over the world, millions of children with disabilities can’t get access to adequate wheelchairs—and the impact on their quality of life is profound.
Wheelchairs for Kids is a volunteer-based not-for-profit organisation providing the transformative gift of mobility to children in impoverished and under resourced communities both in Australia and around the globe.
Built to World Health Organisation guidelines, our wheelchairs are purpose-designed to withstand regular use in the rugged terrain and uneven surfaces common in the developing world—opening up a life changing level of mobility and accessibility that would be impossible with a regular wheelchair.
Scholastic Book Club
On unpacking the book club orders, we have noticed some substitutions have been made.
If you are unhappy with your order, please contact Scholastic as per your confirmation email, thank you.
Health and Wellbeing
You may have heard on the news that Perth is experiencing an increase in the number of people suffering from Influenza A and B as well as COVID. If your child is feeling unwell, please keep them home until they are feeling better and thank you to everyone who is already doing this.
We have also had a couple of confirmed cases of Conjunctivitis and Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease within the school. Please read the below attachments for more information.
Year 6 Excursion
Earlier this week, our Year 6 students had an amazing opportunity to visit the Electoral Commission and Parliament House! 🏛️ They learned firsthand about the democratic process, explored the halls of government, and even participated in a mock election. Such a valuable experience in understanding how our voices shape the future!
Sports Carnival - Friday 13th September
Please find below the program of events for next weeks sports carnival. We look forward to seeing you there.
Write a book in a day
In Week 7 these amazing students took part in the national Write a Book in a Day challenge. Tasked with drafting, publishing and illustrating an entire book, our students worked together from 9am until 5pm. So far, these students have raised over $1400 for the Kids Cancer Project - an incredible achievement! Donations can be made to our teams through the following links:
Kind Regards,
Joe Kinder
Parent Volunteer Declaration
Please click on the link below and complete the declaration form - it will take you 10 seconds. Every parent volunteering in a school in any capacity is required to complete this. Thank you.
Congratulations to 3D for winning the library trophy!! The Senior Chess Umpires were celebrated and thanked on Wednesday at morning tea. Junior Chess is down to 8 players and Year Five Book Club is halfway through.
This week is Child Protection week and in the library students were reminded that they are the boss of their own body and that they can speak to a trusted adult if they ever have any worries or questions.
The theme this year is “Every Conversation Matters” please do continue the chats with your children at home. https://www.napcan.org.au/final-official-program-webinars-events-2024/
Holly Butson
“As long as you’re the one deciding, you might find some people just need reminding. You’re the boss of your own body!” Boss of Your Own Body by Bill and Beth Stephen
2D is almost halfway through their “Feelings and Friends” program and I am very proud of their participation. Please check your seesaw accounts for weekly updates on what we are covering.
The last group of Year Four’s have started Seasons for Growth and are really enjoying it.
Our Year Six’s have started Council Groups for the term.
Environment Council are helping Mr Scutti tidy up the sunflowers in the Veritas.
Pastoral Council are planning a fun last day of Term 3 with a movie and PJ day in the gym.
Community Service students are helping out in the classrooms and Christian Service are organising the collection of donations for our local Vinnies.
Thanks for your support with all the programs here at HR.
Holly Butson
CSPA 2024 Parent/Caregiver Survey on Student Wellbeing & Learning
Sat 7th Sept 6-7pm & Sun 8th Sept 10-11am
Eucharist Commitment Mass
Mon 9th Sept
Reconciliation Retreat Day - Year 3
Tues 10 Sept and Wed 11 Sept at 9am
Sacrament of Reconciliation - Year 3
Fri 13 Sept
Sports Carnival
Important Dates
Term 3, 2024 - Wed 17 July - Friday 20 September
Term 4, 2024 - Monday 7 October - Friday 6 December
Locavora Lunch Orders
Please read ahead If you intend on placing a canteen order via “Locavora” for Sports Carnival Day - Friday 13th Sept.
#1 ALL orders need to be in by no later than Thursday 12th Sept @ 4pm. This date has been put in place by Locavora and there can be no orders placed past this cut off time.
#2 Parents can also order for themselves as well as their children.
#3 How to order for kids and parents:
- Login to Locavora page as usual (if you don't have an account, setup as per instructions below)
- Go to “My Account” (in the top corner menu options)
- Then “Manage Students”
- Next to each child’s name you need to put their faction colour eg. Bobby - BLUE
- Scroll down and save changes
- To add yourself as a “PARENT” scroll down to the end where it says “Create new student” pop your name in there for eg. Lisa - PARENT, choose Holy Rosary Doubleview and class will be “STAFF” and then save.
Screen shot examples of how it should look below 👇
Note: You don’t have to go back and edit this later it can stay this way for future carnivals.
Please follow these steps to make for a smoother day of lunch order distribution on Friday. Any questions please reach out to your Class Reps.
How to setup an account
Please read the attachment below on how to setup an account to order lunch for your child/children from Locavora.
P&F Facebook
If you’d like to be kept up to date on current and upcoming events and important information from the P&F please add us on Facebook.
Sacramental Dates for 2024
Our Lady of the Rosary Parish
Parish Office - 9446 2055
Father Peter Hoang OP - 0412 445 199
- Five days a week during term time
- Vacation Care during school holidays
- Available for children attending Kindy through to Year Six.
Community News
October program
Wed 25 Sep to Fri 4 Oct 2024