Worthington Hills Weekly Update
August 30, 2024
Worthington Hills Families,
I hope you've enjoyed the week as much as our Hawkeyes have! Students have been doing a great job of being Thinkers, Leaders & Friends. We broke last weeks school record of earned Hawkeye Awards - ask your child about it. Have some conversations with your child about how they showed "The Hawkeye Way" this week!
As a reminder there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, September 2, 2024 in observance of Labor Day.
Make it a great weekend!
Tiena Miller
New News...
Room Representative Sign Up
Are you interested in being a Room Representative/Parent this school year? Responsibilities include: communicating with the parents in your child's class, planning and executing class parties (Halloween, Valentines Day, Last Day of School) and organizing a teacher gift at the end of the year.
Please sign up here: https://bit.ly/whesroomparent2425
Please email our Room Rep Coordinators with any questions!
Jackie Harmon (jmpharmon@gmail.com) and Laura Mowad (lmowad@mac.com)
Hawkeye Hero Day
Worthington Hills has one annual fundraiser. The fundraiser will begin on September 11th!
Families, friends, and students will be able to donate three ways - online, cash, or check. More information to follow related to QR codes and envelope distribution.
Hawkeye Hero Day will be September 27th, and we are going to need a ton of volunteers! The sign up for that will come out next week.
The Hawkeye Hero Assembly Day and giveaways will be on October 1st. Prizes this year will include OSU football tickets, Crew tickets, Zipzone Adventure Park entries, Ninja Citi entries, and more!
Volunteers Needed!
The PTA needs your help. Please consider volunteering for the following:
Money Collection for Fundraiser:
The Fundraising committee needs your help in collecting envelopes on Tuesday, 9/24, Wednesday, 9/25, and Thursday, 9/26.
Please sign up here:
Please contact Janet Glazier (jglazier928@gmail.com) or Nicole Bernal (scarletb04@gmail.com) with any questions related to this volunteer opportunity.
Library Volunteering:
Mrs. Steele needs help shelving books on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for an hour, at most.
Please sign up here:
Please contact Karli Hill (karli.hill22@gmail.com) with any questions related to Library volunteering.
Information for Your Review...
Ready for Reading
Worthington Hills Elementary is looking for volunteers to build reading skills with kindergarten students. Even if you only have 30 minutes a week, our kindergarten students would love to welcome you! Read below for more information and click HERE or on the flyer to register. Following registration, a program coordinator from our school will be in touch with more information.
Using the car line?
For the safety and efficiency of our car line, please remain in your car during drop off and pick up. We will open car doors if your child needs help. We ask that all students exit and enter cars from the passenger side. Thank you for your help!
Bike Riders
Please speak with your students about riding their bikes through the lawns of our neighbors as well as the importance of remaining safe and respectful while riding. We will have a bike safety assembly with Perry Township PD in the next few weeks.
Please note that all students who ride their bike to and from school must wear a helmet.
Please refer to the map below. The highlighted yellow line indicates how students must approach the building on their bikes in the morning. When students enter from the opposite Candlewood entrance it is not safe as busses and drivers can not see them clearly. Please speak with your child about entering the correct way on Candlewood. We appreciate your support!
Portrait of a Learner
This year at Worthington Hills, you will hear and see our Hawkeyes learning about the Portrait of Learner. This is the Hawkeye Way. Click here to learn about the process and questions that guided our District to create this elementary learner profile. Our goal is to not just use the words, Thinker, Leader, Friend but to also have our students show the 9 competencies of the Portrait of a Learner (which are below).
We need your help! Have conversations at home and ask your child probing questions such as,
"How were you curious today?" , "How were you able to model good choices?" "Give me an example of how you were kind today?"
We look forward to your partnership in bringing the Portrait to life!
News from the lunch room...
Please help your child (grades 1-5) practice and learn their lunch pin! This helps the lunch line move more quickly.
Important Reminder Regarding Food Allergies
This serves as a reminder that there may be some students in your child’s school who have peanut and/or tree nut allergies. As the safety of our children is paramount to all, we need your support to make our cafeteria “nut free”. A child with a nut allergy can suffer a serious reaction merely by touching a food containing a peanut or tree nut. Therefore, we ask that you adhere to the following safety guidelines:
Please do not send in any peanuts, peanut butter or foods containing peanuts or peanut butter to be eaten during lunch.
Read ingredient labels carefully to ensure that the snacks sent in with your child are peanut and tree nut-free.
Please do not hesitate to contact our Health Office Assistant, Liz Martin, RN @ lmartin@wscloud.org or our School Nurse, Beth Laflumboise RN @ elaflumboise@wscloud.org with any questions or concerns about food allergies. They can also be reached at 614-450-4015.
Calling all Grandparents
Circle of Grandparents (COG) is a character education program that operates in the Worthington
School District, having been established in the year 2000. With the support of Worthington Schools
and the nonprofit Partners for Community and Character, senior volunteers use community-chosen
qualities to teach students the importance of good character.
We’re looking for volunteers! Our goal is to have a grandparent in each Worthington School
elementary classroom. As a “Grandparent”, you can draw from your own life experiences and
individual talents to teach concepts of character to your “adopted” class. No classroom or teaching
experience is required, COG will provide support and materials to you through monthly, optional
You do not have to be an actual grandparent to participate, however, if you are a grandparent to a
child in the Worthington Schools, you may request your grandchild’s class. Any “Grandparent” has the option to choose the school and grade level they wish to assist.
This is a wonderful opportunity that benefits all who are involved. Interested in learning more? Please contact Jim McElligott at jamestmcelligott53@gmail.com.
Back to School Links
Click the button below to access important Worthington Schools, back to school links including, Emergency Data Review, MyPayments Plus, Free & Reduced Lunch Application & more!
The USDA had school food services return to pre-pandemic operations last year.
Worthington Schools has eligibility-based pricing of meals (Free/Reduced/Paid).
All Worthington School families are required to complete the online Free/Reduced Lunch Eligibility Form. All students use their Lunch ID for meals. The student's number can be found in the Parent Portal. Select the Student ID tab and look for your Lunch PIN.
Families can add money to their lunch account through My Payments Plus. You can also use MPP to track your student's account and see much money remains on it. My Payments Plus is also used to pay other fees, like high school parking permits and AP testing fees.
Dismissal Changes?
If your child has a change in dismissal - we need to know! Please use the form below or email your child's teacher and our office staff so we can ensure they are where they need to be at dismissal.
Erin Neville - eneville@wscloud.org
Linda Watts - lwatts@wscloud.org
Lori Kallas - lkallas@wscloud.org
No School Fees
The Board of Education unanimously voted to eliminate classroom consumable fees beginning with the 2024-2025 school year. Therefore those fees will not be in My Payments Plus.
Here is the blog post from Dr. Bowers in case you missed it!
Medical Forms for Back to School
Prescription Medication Authorization Form
Over the Counter Medication Authorization Form
Please note that students should never be in possession of any medications (prescriptions or over the counter medications) while on the bus or at school. Adults must bring any medication to our Health Office.
A message from our Health Office...
Here are some guidelines for when to keep your child home from school:
The protocol for management of communicable disease in Worthington City Schools is based upon the Ohio Department of Health’s guidelines and recommendations. Your child is too ill to go to school if any of the following symptoms are present:
● Temperature of 100 F or above by mouth (Student must stay home until fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication. In most cases this means the student will miss the following school day. Please understand fevers can reoccur within a 24 hour time period and this policy is in the best interest of all students.)
● Vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours (Student must stay home for 24 hours to ensure these symptoms are gone before returning to school.)
● Shortness of breath or increased wheezing during normal activity
● Has a cough that interrupts normal activity
● Pain from an earache, headache, sore throat or recent injury
● Has yellow or green drainage from nose or eye(s)
● Rash over body or localized to one area of the body (A student who shows signs of a communicable disease exhibiting as a rash may return to school once the rash is gone or a doctor’s note is presented stating the student may return to school.)
● Fatigue that requires bed rest (common with flu-like symptoms)
● Signs of conjunctivitis such as red, crusty or swollen eyes (Student may return once symptoms have been treated and are gone or a doctor’s note is presented stating the student may return to school .)
If your child is ill, please do not send them to school to be checked by the school nurse. Such exposure may be harmful to the child as well as to the children with whom they come in contact. Please report all contagious diseases to the school office in order that the proper steps may be taken within the school to prevent the spread of disease. If your child becomes ill, or is injured at school, you will be called and expected to come to school to pick-up the child. We will be guided by information on the “Health Services” portion of your student’s Online Registration Summary. You are asked to supply that information on or before the start of school. If there are ever any changes to this information during the school year, please notify the school office immediately and make those changes online.
Please click here to learn about lice protocols. Please note that Worthington Hills appropriately handles lice cases as outlined in the link above.
School Hours...
Dismissal is at 2:50 pm
News from PTA
Thank you to everyone who attended our first PTA meeting of the year. We encourage you all to come here to see what the PTA is doing for your children, the school, and staff. Minutes, and draft of the budget will be sent out via the Givebacks hub.
PTA Meeting Calendar
Our PTA meetings for the 24/25 calendar year are below or can be found on our PTA dashboard. PTA meetings are always held in the school library unless otherwise stated. Dates are also subject to change.
The link to the dashboard is below.
PTA Calendar (24/25 school year)
September 18, October 23, November 20, December 18*, January 22, February 19, March 19, April 23, May 14
*December 18 is a PTA 'Happy Gathering'
All meetings will be 6:30 pm -7:30 pm
Want information about PTA meetings and the events we host?
- Sign up at Givebacks, the hub for all PTA things. There is no fee to sign up to receive information on events, meetings, and volunteer opportunities. The link to sign up is https://wohills.givebacks.com/join/fc83d8
- Join our Facebook Group. You can find it by searching for Worthington Hills PTA or click on the link below. Please make sure to answer the questions for approval. https://www.facebook.com/groups/141468395941390
- Check out our PTA page on the school district page, or click on the link below. There you will find meeting minutes, who your board members are, and how to get in touch with us. https://hills.worthington.k12.oh.us/studentsparents/departments
- Become a voting member of the PTA. Your donation of $10 allows you to have a vote at the PTA meeting as well as give to the PTA fund for school programming, school events, and curriculum needs. Click on the link below to become a voting member: https://wohills.givebacks.com/store
- Attend the monthly PTA meetings. Your input is crucial to the success of our school community. See ways to access the calendar above.
- Volunteer at PTA events. Volunteers are what make our PTA such a success. See links above for upcoming volunteer opportunities.
- Join one of our many committees to help plan PTA events for students and staff. Our committees include: Book Fair, Community Service/Spirit Day , Curriculum Liaison Council (CLC), Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) , Diversity and Cultural Fair , Field Day/Last Day of School , Fifth Grade Send Off , Financial Review , Fundraising , Gift to School Purchaser , Grounds , Hospitality , Library Volunteers , Nominations , Ready for Reading , Reflections , Room Parent Coordination , Senior Tea , School Supply Kits, Spirit Wear, Student Directory, Welcoming New Students, Wellness/Extracurricular Activities, Yearbook
Please send an email to worthingtonhillspta@gmail.com, or jglazier928@gmail.com.
Dates for Your Calendar...
9/2 - No School - Labor Day
9/10 - Curriculum Night for EPP 5:30 pm - 6:00 pm
9/10 - Curriculum Night Grades 2,3,5 6:00pm - 7:00pm
9/12 - Curriculum Night Grades K, 1, 4 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm