Green Gazette
Summer Edition 2024
Green Township Elementary
Email: paul.spahr@msdmartinsville.org
Website: https://www.msdofmartinsville.org/green-township-elementary/
Location: 6275 Maple Grove Road
Phone: 756.342.0505
Facebook: facebook.com/GTElementary/
Twitter: @GT_Elementary
Upcoming Events
June 5-July 19 Office Closed for the Summer
August 5 Open House 5:00-6:00
August 6 First Student Day
Character Counts at Green!
Caysen Elsner, Walker Wessel, Amelia Young, Blakely Deputy, Ryder Robertson, Grayson Bunton, Sawyer Strange, Braylen Garrett, Theo Christophel, Avery Henson, Kole Bowling, Dominic Lawson, Olivia Gruell-Newman, Avery Sims, Kasen Beiswanger, Maeleigh Walls, Cassius Stephey, Jacob Carmichael, Logan Semon, Hunter Zweck, and Beau Craven.
Enrollment for the 2024-2025 School Year
- If your child is currently enrolled in the MSD of Martinsville, you do not need to re-enroll your child[ren]. Information will be sent through Family Access during the summer asking you to RSVP for next year.
- Although Green Township Elementary is the best school (we might be a little biased), we understand that changes in your life may necessitate a change of schools. Please notify Mrs. Cramer if your family will not return to Green next year.
We are now enrolling kindergarten students for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. Kindergarten students must be 5 years old on or before October 1, 2024.
Enroll your child in Kindergarten: To enroll your child in kindergarten, CLICK HERE.
Martinsville High School Athletics Summer Youth Athletic Camps.
Martinsville High School Athletics will offer summer youth athletic camps. Athletes may register on the first day of camp but please arrive ahead of the start time. Please see below for current camp dates:
- Girls Basketball, June 10-13, 1:00-2:30
- Boys Basketball, June 10-13, 12:00-4:00 (tentative)
- Cheerleading, June 18-21, 1:00-3:00
- Soccer, June 24-27, 10:30-11:45
- Football, June 24-26, 5:00-6:00
- Volleyball, July 22-24, 10:00-12:00
PTO News
PTO officers for the 2024-2025 School year are:
President - Tricia Price
Vice President - Leanne Dowler
Treasurer - Arlena Summeier
Secretary - Izzy Long
The Green Township Elementary PTO provides many opportunities for the students, staff, and community. They are always looking for new ideas and volunteers. Please reach out a PTO officer for more information on how you can be involved. You can also check out their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=green%20township%20pto.