Bay Harbor Sailors Log

Main Office - (920) 662-8800
Attendance - (920) 662-8888
We need your help! Our student (and adult) safety is top priority. We have seen an increased amount of people using the parking lot and walking students across which is causing both a safety issue and also a back-up in traffic. Please review the following information and let’s work together to make this process a safe one:
Morning Drop-off
Students can be dropped off beginning at 8:20am when BH staff are present to supervise. This has been going very well. Thanks. The first bell to come into the building is 8:25am.
Please do not use the parking lot to drop off students UNLESS you are coming into the building (office), assisting a child with carrying supplies, or other special circumstances. Thank you for your help with this.
All cars should enter our parking lot on the southeast side of our building nearest Idlewild park and follow the traffic pattern continuing to move forward.
Students can be dropped off safely anywhere along the sidewalk in the front of the school curbside
The crosswalk in front of our school needs to remain open
Afternoon Pick-up
This has been going well. Thank you for your efforts!
Student pick-up numbers will be typed in beginning 3:20(5) and students will be released beginning at 3:25pm.
All cars should enter our parking lot on the southeast side of our building nearest Idlewild park and follow the traffic pattern continuing to move forward along the curbside of our school.
We will continue to move cars forward to pick up students so that we don’t back traffic up too long on Harbor Lights.
If you do not normally pick your child up, but need to, please make sure to contact the office/teacher so that we can put it in our system to notify.
We are excited to welcome you all to our school next week Tuesday and Thursday for Student-Led Conferences.
Student-Led conferences will take place on October 22 and 24 from 4:00 to 7:30.
15 minute conferences will be a time to celebrate growth and to talk about goals.
Students will lead a portion of this conference and will utilize their Portfolios.
Please limit the people in the conference to: the student giving the conference, the parents/guardians, and the classroom teacher. This helps to keep the focus on the student during the conference.
To help with this, we will again be having free childcare in our Library area (Solution Studio).
Additional chairs will be available outside the classrooms for older Sailors and siblings
NEW this year, and to help assist us with staying on time, will be a chime sound bell that will be every 15 minutes to alert a change in conferences.
Sign-ups are open through Thur, Oct 17th.
Click HERE if you still need to sign up.
After Oct, 17th you will need to contact your student/s teacher to sign up.
Digital Citizenship Week
Bay Harbor’s 4th graders are having a food drive for The Giving Tree! We will be collecting food the week of October 14-18th. All donations will help stock the shelves at The Giving Tree. If you would like to donate, have your student/s drop off the items in one of the many Giving Tree bins that will be located in the main hallway of the school.
Canned corn, carrots & mixed veggies
Pancake mix & syrup
Can soup
Ramen noodles
Peanut Butter
Boxed rice, potato, pasta
Pasta sauce
Can fruit
**They ask that you check expiration dates as any items that are expired will be discarded. **Plastic containers are best.
At the end of the month our 4th graders will be taking a field trip to the pantry to fill up the shelves with all the items donated. More information coming soon!
Thank you for your consideration in making it a successful food drive for our 4th graders!
Nominations for the 32nd Golden Apple Awards are now open!
Please click on the link below to nominate a current or past favorite teacher!
Fall Fest Flyer
Look through the Fall Fest Flyer for all of the details and FAQs about Fall Fest. It includes important dates, ways to help, ticket info, donors, and more.
Preorder Tickets
Skip the check-out line and preorder your Fall Fest tickets! Fill out the online form and pay via PayPal checkout. All preorders are due Nov. 1. Preordered tickets will be picked up at Fall Fest at the “Preorder” table.
Classroom Basket Donations due Friday!
All of the Links!
Please consider donating or volunteering for Fall Fest!
Email us at bayharborpto@gmail.com with questions.
Fall Fest Assistance Available
Bay Harbor PTO wants to make sure all families can participate in Fall Fest. If your family would struggle to afford tickets for fall fest please reach out to Katie Rabas, Bay Harbor's School Social Worker, to see if your family could qualify for assistance. This information will be kept confidential.
Contact Information
Email: katiraba@hssdschools.org
Phone: 920-714-1448 (call or text)
14-18 - 4th Grade Food Drive
14-18 - Spirit Week
21 - 4K Berryland Pumpkin Patch Field Trip
22 - Parent/Teacher Conferences/Book Fair
24 - 4K Only NO SCHOOL
24 - Parent/Teacher Conferences/Book Fair
29 - 4th Grade The Giving Tree Field Trip
1 - End of 1st Quarter
5 - Picture Re-take Day
5 - PTO Meeting @ 6pm
6 - Friday Schedule
6 - BH Day
8 - NO SCHOOL - Staff PD
9 - Fall Fest
11 - Report Cards Emailed Home
15 - School Store -during lunch
27 - 29 - NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Recess
11 - BH Day
23-31 - NO SCHOOL - Winter Recess
Returning Student Registration and School Fees
- Have you completed the Returning Student Registration that must be done for each student? If not, please do so as soon as possible by visiting this link: http://hssdschools.powerschool.com/public/ . It is important that this is completed so we have your current information in case of an emergency. Please call the school office if you have any questions at 662-8800.
- School fees will not be posted until November. Please look for future communication on that date and how to pay fees.
The Giving Tree will be starting to register families for our December Holiday Store. Please reach out to your school social worker if you think your student may benefit from assistance with The Giving Tree. For our generous community, look for information in future district communications about donating to our Holiday Store and volunteering!
This month we are collecting canned soup. Please feel free to send donations with your students to put in the collections bins/carts near the main office of school. Items can also be dropped off during school hours. The Giving Tree appreciates the community support in helping ensure food is not a barrier to a student’s education
School Board President - Greg Klimek
Please Click HERE to view the latest Broadcast Communication. For more information, contact the Bay Harbor Elementary Board of Education representative:
Phone: 920-621-2485
The mission of the HSSD Board of Education is the same as the District's: To work with families and community to ensure that our students have the knowledge and skills to succeed in a changing world.
Girl Scouts wants you to join them for a rocking good time! At this FREE event you can create your own DIY Guitar, make a musical stress ball and learn more about joining! Tuesday, October 8th from 3-5pm. Weyers-Hilliard Library.
Y Nights
Y Nights are for students in 4th-6th grade and run on Fridays during the school year. It is a great opportunity for kids to hang out with their peers and try something new. Each week there are new activities and games for the kids to play. This opportunity is free for Y members and only $7 for the general public. Learn more.
Hilly Haven Golf Course
Hilly Haven Golf Course is excited to announce a new program for Juniors, called Junior Golf Academy, which takes place after school hours. Please see their website for more details.
Calling all Lady Hoopers!! Come returning players - come NEW players - we want you ALL!
REGISTRATION IS OFFICIALLY OPEN for the 2024-2025 Bay Port Girls Youth Basketball season!
We've made some updates to our program and have a lot of great things in store for the upcoming season. We hope each of your athletes will return to play for us!
Register early to help us get organized prior to parent meetings!