The Gator Gazette
Friday, August 30, 2024
Message from the SWAMP
Welcome back to school! We hope you had a wonderful summer and are ready for an amazing year ahead. As always, we're excited to see familiar faces and get to know our new ones. Our dedicated staff is eager to create a supportive and engaging learning environment where your children can be at their best academically and personally.
This year promises to be filled with opportunities for growth, exploration, and success. We are committed to fostering a strong sense of community, open communication, and collaboration between you and the school. Together, we can make this school year one of the best! If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out by email anytime or give the office a phone call. Here's to a fantastic school year ahead!
Derek Herman Principal, Lorne Akins Jr. High
Looking Ahead
- 2nd - Labour Day No School
- 4th - Photo Day
- 5th - Get The Scoop (6:00-7:30)
- 6th - Healthy Hunger Lunch - Boston Pizza
- 11th - Food Truck Event
- 12th - Healthy Hunger Lunch - Subway
- 13th - Terry Fox Run
- 19th - Healthy Hunger Lunch - Edo
- 20th - PD Day (No School)
- 25th - Cross Country Meet
- 27th - Healthy Hunger Lunch - Tim Horton's
Photo Day September 4!
Wednesday, September 4 is School Picture Day! Please remind your student to come to school with their smiles!
Upcoming Events!
Get the Scoop! Drop in anytime from 6:00 to 7:30 on Thursday, September 5th, as we are inviting everyone to meet the staff and see the building to “Get The Scoop” on Lorne Akins Junior High, and of course get a scoop of ice cream while you are there!
Volunteers Needed!
We are looking for lunchtime volunteers to help with our Healthy Hunger lunches (most Friday's and the occasional Thursday) and other school events. Please email la@spschools.org or call the office if you are able to assist!
Healthy Hunger Lunches
Healthy Hunger Lunches are now available to order!
Use this link to place your order https://healthyhunger.ca please make sure you know your students Homeroom/TA number before setting up your account as you will need this to create your students profile.
Orders must be placed before 11:59pm the Sunday prior to the lunch on Friday's, and 11:59pm on the Saturday prior to the lunch on Thursday's.
If your child is away and has ordered hot lunch, please email or call the office by 11 am to direct your child's hot lunch. It can be given to a sibling/another student or can be picked up at the office.
Welcome Back BBQ!
An amazing, successful back to school Hot Dog Lunch! Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers for your help and thank you to Kona Ice!
Team Building!
Some team building today in TA with Mr. Fisher! Well done TA 6 you successfully got the tennis ball from your classroom upstairs down to the pylon in the Atrium!
New for 2024/25!!! Available in the Office now!
Athletics Calendar
We now have our Athletic Calendar on our website found under the Information tab. Keep up to date for try outs and other sporting events!
Gator Gear
Get your Gator Gear and show your LA spirit! Order through this link & your items will be delivered to Lorne Akins office for you to collect!
Lorne Akins Junior High School for Grades 7 to 9
Email: la@spschools.org
Website: https://lorneakins.spschools.org
Location: 4 Fairview Boulevard, St. Albert, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-460-3728
Facebook: facebook.com/LorneAkinsJuniorHigh
Twitter: @lorneakins
Jennifer Suriano
Assistant Principal