Elementary Highlander Newsletter
October 2019
Math Resource Supplements: Dreambox & eSpark
Please encourage your child to log on at home to continue their progress during their free time. If you have any questions about the program, please contact your child's teacher.
Lost and Found
Students SOARing to New Heights
Pre-Kindergarten Role Model
Kindergarten Role Model
First Grade Role Model
Makenna Winslow
Second Grade Role Model
Third Grade Role Model
Fourth Grade Role Model
Fifth Grade Role Model
Red Ribbon Week
- Activity Booklets for all students in Grades K-5
- First Grade: "Why Animals Don't Smoke"
- Second Grade: Officer Gibbons' Presentation
- Fourth & Fifth Grade: CHHS SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) Students presentation
Along with wearing a Red Ribbon (provided on October 21st) all week, students can also participate by following the Theme Days as listed here:
Monday: “Team up against drugs!” Wear team jerseys.
Tuesday: “Turn your back on drugs!” Wear your shirt backwards.
Wednesday: “I elect to be drug free!” Wear red, white, and blue.
Thursday: “Give drugs the boot!” Wear boots.
Friday: “Sock it to drugs!” Wear crazy socks.
Important Dates
October 11: Fire Prevention Visit
October 14: Teacher Act 80 Day: No School for Students
October 17: School Pictures
October 21-25: School Bus Driver Appreciation Week
October 21-25: Red Ribbon Week
October 24: End of First Marking Period
October 25: Halloween Parties and Parade
10 Tips for Building Resiliency in Our Students
The following information was taken from an article in the link below. Please take the time to read the 10 tips to help foster resiliency in our students.
"While adulthood is filled with serious responsibilities, childhood isn’t exactly stress-free. Kids take tests, learn new information, change schools, change neighborhoods, get sick, get braces, encounter bullies, make new friends and occasionally get hurt by those friends.
What helps kids in navigating these kinds of challenges is resilience. Resilient kids are problem solvers. They face unfamiliar or tough situations and strive to find good solutions."