Algonquin Lakes Elementary
September 1, 2024
Important Information
1401 Compton Dr.
Algonquin, IL 60102
(847) 532-7500
Marilynn Smith
Rachel Buczkowske
Assistant Principal
Jennifer Ellett
Student Service Specialist
Other Phone Numbers
Attendance: (847) 532-7520
Fax: (847) 532-7515
Nurse: (847) 532-7511
Transportation: (847) 658-3262
Outdoor Supervision Begins = 7:45am
First Bell Rings = 7:55am
School Begins = 8:00am
Students are Dismissed = 2:15pm
Office Hours = 7:00am – 3:30pm
Important Dates
September 2nd - Labor Day, D300 Offices and Schools are Closed
September 3rd - ALES PTO Meeting at 6:00
September 10th - Board of Education Meeting
September 11th - Late Start - School is in session from 10:00 AM - 2:15 PM
September 24th - Board of Education Meeting
Dear Students and Families of Algonquin Lakes Elementary School,
We wanted to take a moment to thank all of our families that came out to our Open House! Research has found that parental or family involvement in school-based learning activities is correlated with improved student outcomes.
Please join us on Tuesday, September 3rd for our PTO General Membership meeting! Come learn about all the ways the ALES PTO supports our learning community. Hear about different opportunities for you to get involved or share your ideas! If you are unable to join us in person, you can join us virtually at: https://meet.google.com/fwy-zayn-hkw .
As a reminder, there is no school on Monday, September 2nd in observance of Labor Day. We hope all of our students take advantage of the day off of school to make memories with their families and friends. We look forward to seeing all students back in school on Tuesday, September 3rd.
Thank you for your partnership. Please do not hesitate to contact us as any time if you have any questions or need any support.
Gooooooo Lions!
Kindest Regards,
Marilynn Jankovich (Smith)
Algonquin Lakes Elementary School Principal
A Week In Review at ALES!
Open House!
ALES held Open House on Tuesday, August 27th. We would like to thank all of our families that came out to celebrate the beginning of the 24-25 School Year! It was such a great time to get to know your child's teacher, grade level curriculum, and expectations for the year. We appreciate your home / school partnership and we look forward to continue working together to support the growth of all of our students!
5th Grade Patrols
Fifth grade students at ALES that demonstrate our core values of Respecting Themselves, Respecting Others, and Respecting their environment, may be chosen to be a part of the School Safety Patrol Team. This initiative aims to instill a sense of responsibility and leadership in our students while ensuring the safety and well-being of the school community.
As a member of the safety patrol, fifth graders will be expected to fulfill their duties with dedication, integrity, and a strong commitment to ensuring the safety of their fellow students. They will be entrusted with the important tasks of assisting students, directing students to buses, and being a
positive role mode! within our school.
Our School Safety Patrol Team has hit the ground running and we're so lucky to have their support around the school!
Our Den is Full!
At ALES, when a homeroom has all students present at school, homerooms notify staff by hanging a sign outside of their classroom to show that their den is full! We're so excited about the number of dens that have been full this week! We love celebrating them when we walk by!
We do know that time to time, students do get sick and we do appreciate your diligence following our sick day guidelines.
To help keep children healthy, make sure they have plenty of rest and a nutritious diet. Show your child the proper way to wash their hands and to do it frequently throughout the day to ensure they are developing health hygiene habits. Make sure to use soap & water and to rub hands together for at least 20 seconds. Limit touching areas such as the eyes, nose or mouth. Teach your child to cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or their arm. Minimize the time your child spends with others who are ill. Avoid sharing personal items such as hats, brushes, combs, lip balms, or towels.
Buddies at ALES!
Ms. Bohlen's 2nd Grade Class and Ms. Baumann's 4th Grade Class buddy up for the school year! Student's will participate in a variety of sense of belonging and community building activities through out the year together. Last week, students learned who their buddy was and started to get to know eachother!
Lion Pride Corner
Expectations to Protect our Pride!
1401 Compton Drive
Algonquin, IL 60102