District 15 Board of Education News

August 14, 2024
Committee of the Whole Construction Tour
The purpose of the Committee of the Whole was to allow the Board time to tour three of our Phase 1 schools prior to our regular Board meeting. The tour included stops at:
5:00 pm - 5:25 pm - Construction tour of Walter R. Sundling Middle School
5:25 pm - 5:40 pm - Ride bus to Plum Grove Middle School
5:40 pm - 6:05 pm - Construction tour of Plum Grove Middle School
6:05 pm - 6:20 pm - Ride bus to Jane Addams Elementary
6:20 pm - 6:45 pm - Construction tour of Jane Addams Elementary
6:45 pm - 7:00 pm - Ride bus back to Walter R. Sundling for regular BOE meeting @ 7:00 pm.
Pledge of Allegiance: Multilingual Summer School
Melissa Dominguez and Kari Keith, Directors of Multilingual Programs, and students from our Multicultural Camp were invited to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Students had fun participating in STEM, art, and assemblies plus an additional 70 hours of instruction focused on literacy, math, and language development this summer. In addition, students participated in a Dual Language Culture Camp where they explored the third pillar of Dual Language education which is socio-cultural competence while “visiting” different Spanish speaking countries.
Student Pledge Leaders: Yareli M., Jayden C., Eliam H., Marcos T., Daisy H., Anthony A., Fausto D., Emir O., Ostap H., Sudhansh E., Kimderly A., Emerson R., Aiia S., Alesia K.
Review of 2023-24 Key Performance Indicators
This presentation has been moved to our next Board of Education meeting on September 11, 2024.
First Reading PRESS 115 and Update to Policy 7:190
Dr. Shari Lazor, Associate Superintendent, presented to the Board the suggested changes to the PRESS 115 and Update to Policy 7:190, Student Behavior. Policies will be reviewed for a second reading at the September 11, 2024, Board of Education meeting.
PRESS 115 includes:
2:070 Vacancies on the School Board – Filling Vacancies
2:125 Board Member Compensation; Expenses
2:160 Board Attorney
4:015 Identity Protection
4:040 Incurring Debt
4:070 Resource Conservation
4:080 Accounting and Audits
4:140 Waiver of Student Fees
5:130 Responsibilities Concerning Internal Information
5:180 Temporary Illness or Temporary Incapacity
5:200 Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal
5:285 Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus & Commercial Vehicle Drivers
5:310 Compensatory Time-Off
6:110 Programs for Students At Risk of Academic Failure and/or Dropping Out of School and Graduation Incentives Program
6:140 Education of Homeless Children
6:150 Home and Hospital Instruction
6:230 Library Media Program
7:170 Vandalism
7:190 Student Behavior
Update on Health Services Structure
Dr. Mindy McGuffin, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services, provided the Board with a Health Department update.
Throughout the month of July, a district nursing needs assessment was completed through the use of nurse survey data, two nurse coordinator exit interviews, meetings with nursing coordinators Karen Flor and Corinne Jones, and a review of available quantitative data that was collected by the department during the 2023-24 school year.
Based on information gathered, the following trends were identified as compelling areas in need of additional focus:
Impact of nurse absence based on student needs;
Students with medical plans who require daily individualized nursing care for medication administration and other needs;
Students with highly specialized nursing needs (trachs, g-tubes, vents, catheterization);
Number of students who require a CSN/Health Coordinator at their IEP meeting; and
Increased number of students with diabetes.
Dr. McGuffin shared data collected illustrates the significant scope of the 5 issues enumerated above. She is therefore requesting additional staffing that includes two additional staff to support the needs of students through the hiring of one additional CSN/Health Coordinator and one substitute nurse.
Concurrently, the department is being restructured to provide clarity in roles and responsibilities among the five CSN/Health Coordinators who are all equals with the only distinction being the number of days worked.
View the information in Diligent Community or watch the presentation on Youtube.
Phase 1 Review of Utilizing Electric Buses in District 15
Mr. Tom Bramley, Director of Transportation; Mrs. Diana McCluskey, Chief School Business Official; Dr. Claire Kowalczyk, Administrator on Special Assignment; and Mr. Anthony Fashoda, Director of Fiscal Services, presented to the Board an update on the pros and cons of purchasing electric buses in District 15.
Over the past many months, the district team has been applying for and reviewing various Federal and State grant offerings that would help offset costs of purchasing electric buses.
The district has been awarded several grants to replace diesel buses. Grants, rebates and credits available are as follows:
State of Illinois EPA - Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Funds Grant Round 5
Federal EPA 2023 Clean School Bus Program Rebate
IL EPA Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Funds Grant Round 6 Program - still awaiting award notification
Federal Commercial Clean Bus Credit - IRA Inflation Reduction Act Credit
Each grant has various award components and associated costs for the bus and charging station. A determination is pending notification of the IL EPA Round 6 award. Various factors need to be taken into account including purchase or lease option, electric bus technology is still relatively new, long term risks regarding maintenance, electricity costs, and battery life that were reviewed with the Board of Education.
ED-RED Committee
Board Member Annerino shared that the legislature is not in session, but that at a recent legislature breakfast topics discussed were financial relief for unfunded mandates and what we can do to lessen the burden that districts are under to meet such mandates, and the ongoing push for TIF reform.
one-five Foundation
Board Member Taylor shared that the Foundation is donating Dashbots and Ari Robots to District 15 totalling roughly $20,000. Dashbots and Ari Robots will be shared across our schools in D15.
He shared that Teachers Mini grants will go live on September 1, 2024, and that the one-five Foundation granted $ 30,000 in mini-grants last year. The foundation will have their next meeting in September.
Finance Committee
Board Members Wang and Hunt shared that there are no updates at this time but the finance committee will meet on September 3.
Equity Committee
Board Member Ader shared that she met with Dr. Tom Edgar and Dr. Laurie Heinz to review our preliminary scorecard data. She thanked Dr. Heinz and Dr. Edgar for their time and dedication to data collection and analysis that will drive decision making at our schools.
- 9.1 Approval of Assistant Director of Communication and Digital Media position - approved
- 9.2 Approval of Systems Analyst Position - approved
- 9.3 Approval of the Personnel Report: Recommendations for Administrative, Certified, and Non-Certified staff members - approved
- 9.4 Approval of Bid Award #25-001 Emergency Transportation Services for Unassigned Bus Routes - approved
- 9.5 Approval of Bid Award #25-002 Taxi Services for Student Transportation - approved
Next meeting of the Board of Education
The next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be held at Walter R. Sundling Middle School, 1100 N. Smith Street, Palatine, on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.