Falcon Flyer
Belong. Inspire. Grow.
Straight from the Hardt
Hello Ridgeline Families-- if there’s one thing I’ve learned over my nearly 50 years on the planet is that you have to really embrace the good times knowing that life will certainly present you with some tough times. My personal belief is that the bad times don’t stop us from enjoying the good ones, and they don’t stop us from moving forward in our lives. This week I notified nine Ridgeline teachers that they may not have their contracts renewed for next year. This is very personal for me as I hired all of them. They were interviewed because of their qualifications on paper, but ALL were selected because of the kind of people they are. They are teachers and coaches, but most importantly they have huge hearts for kids and truly do whatever it takes to help them be successful. So I certainly understand why our students are upset and parents too.
Dr. Parker did a nice job of outlining the big picture in his email to all last night and why we’re taking aggressive measures to immediately correct the budget.
I recognize that my emotions could potentially keep me from embracing our current reality. The reality is that we have to act. These nine teachers are in this situation by no fault of their own. The teacher contract (collective bargaining agreement) outlines how this works if we need to reduce certificated staff. Contracted teaching experience in the State of WA and years in CVSD are the first metrics used in the process. Some students did walk out of class this afternoon in support of their teachers. They staged together respectfully and did interviews with Channel 2 news.
Since we don’t have the ability to pause time, we need to plan to move forward. For the past year and half I’ve made it a point to celebrate and recognize the achievements and amazing talents of Ridgeline students. And we will continue to do that. We will continue to create traditions and provide opportunities to build our Ridgeline community.
So what did we do this week? We had a POWDERPUFF football game! If you attended, you got to see and appreciate our young people having good clean fun and there was so much joy and positive energy. Remember, when we do an event like this, it is usually all of our “first time”. Staff, students, and Ridgeline High School don’t just “do what we usually do”. So a lot of times what happens is we plan it out to a point and then the “Ridgeline Effect” kicks in and the magic happens! This is because of a staff who is invested, and because of a student body that has pride in their high school and want to make it a special place. According to the players and coaches, the only thing questionable about the evening was the officiating from Mr. Emmerson and Mr. LeGrant! Ha!
SO GREAT to see so many of our incoming freshman at the Future Falcon Family Night! We appreciated the opportunity to meet you and introduce you to people and programs you might like to experience your freshman year. Thank you for coming out to see your new home for the next four years!
See the cool things our students are doing and learning as you take a look at today’s Flyer.
One step, and one day at a time.
Make it a great weekend! --Mr. Hardt
Shop Loco
Join us as we celebrate our students and the incredible community we live/work in! Special thanks to the local businesses who have chosen to partner with our booster club in support of the Falcons. If you see this logo, one of our talented student's made it! If you see this in the window of businesses in our community they are supporting the Falcons! Keep your eyes out for amazing deals and contributions from these generous partners! (also- if you are a business who doesn't want to miss being a part of this, please contact rhsverdeloco@gmail.com ) #shoploco #welocoyou
Student Services
A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Professions!
On Wednesday, April 12, from 4:00 – 6:00 PM, Coffman Engineering invites high school students interested in engineering professions to join them for a workshop to become familiar with various disciplines within it. Participants will be divided into small groups and will then visit civil/land survey, structural, commercial, mechanical, industrial mechanical, and electrical engineering discipline stations. This FREE event typically fills fast, so your student should register ASAP, using the following link.
Avista Energy Career Pathways Program
If your junior or senior student harbors interest in exploring an energy sector professional pathway, the Avista Energy Pathways program could be a valuable summer internship experience! The application is currently open for the 2023 summer session and will close on March 31st. Students can apply and learn more via the following link.
If you and/or your students have any questions regarding the program or the application process, email Avista at energy.pathways@avistacorp.com . The videos linked here may also be helpful!
Central Valley Virtual Learning registration
1st annual PowderPuff football game
Unified/ Special Olympics
This past weekend Ella Bode and Maia Frederick traveled to Wenatchee to participate in a youth leadership conference. They got to job shadow volunteers at the Special Olympics Winter Games. They participated in the leadership conference and got to watch the state games for basketball, cross country skiing, and cheer.
Special Olympics state tournaments are pretty magical. The athletes are sooo talented! Watching people with a variety of abilities, needs, and differences come together and compete and ROCK it is life changing.
Last weekend 29 Ridgeline DECA members participated in the largest DECA conference in state history with over 4300 students competing for a chance to go to the national conference in Orlando Florida! The competition was held in a number of venues located in downtown Bellevue. Students completed competition individually or in teams in various business and marketing role-play events and planned presentations. Congratulations to Lexy Aitken and Charley Palm for placing 8th in Entrepreneurship Decision Making and earning a chance to compete at the National Conference in April!
If you are interested in joining DECA visit Mrs. Jeske in room E204!
AP Environmental Science
Ms. Larsen's AP Environmental Science classes spent the day snowshoeing up Mt. Spokane. They dug snow pits down to ground level and made measurements, identifying layers and mass. This data will help them calculate the Snow Water Equivalency and help predict aquifer recharge. Thank you to The Lands Council for the real-world application of science outside!
Falcon Artists
Our Falcon artists kicked off Verde Loco by creating some amazing pieces featuring our school mission statement: Belong, Inspire, Grow. They did such a great job!
Advanced Food Production
Advanced Food Production had the opportunity to tour the Culinary Arts program at SCC and enjoy lunch at Orlando’s Restaurant.
ASB Officer Applications
ASB Officer Applications will be available on March 13. Only Sophomores and Juniors may apply. Watch for QR codes in the commons.
2nd annual Poetry Slam- March 14th
Ridgeline Indoor Showcase- FREE community event: Tuesday, March 14th
Come celebrate performers from the Central Valley School District’s three comprehensive high schools: Central Valley HS, Ridgeline HS and University HS. Various percussion programs and colorguard programs will share their 2023 productions. It’s going to a be a great night.
Celebrate with us in the RHS Gymnasium on Tuesday, March 14th , doors open at 6:30pm - and it is FREE to everyone!
Verde Loco Food Drive- food collection March 13th-24th
Verde Loco food drive begins on March 13th. Students can bring in canned food items and drop off in grade level bins by the front office! This is a class competition to win points!
Verde Loco Neon Dance- March 24th
Save the date for RHS Cheer tryouts
RHS Cheer Tryouts!
March 20-23, 6-8:30 pm, RHS main gym -- incoming 9-12 graders welcome to try out!
Final Forms registration open 3/14-3/20
MUST be completely cleared in Final Forms to participate!
Google Class Code: 4tbozbi
Questions? direct them to: alentz@cvsd.org
Tracks for Success
If you or someone in your family has a disability, you might want to check out the upcoming free event called Tracks for Success. It is designed to support students and their families members with disabilities find employment, benefits, financial planning and help connect with other available services.
Wizard of Oz... coming soon!
Ding Dong the witch is dead!! Rehearsals are in full swing for our spring Musical the “Wizard of Oz”. Mark you calendars! Performances are May 4,5,11,12 and 13.
Unified Soccer Meeting - March 23rd
Graphics Arts
Can you just mention that the Graphic Arts classes have now completed their hand drawn RHS Vector Art and it is now on display in the glass case between the main office and student services. They used Adobe Illustrator to create these. Check out the detail in their drawings and the artists' signatures!
RHS Pound Club
What is Pound Club? Pound club is for those students who made a combined weight benchmark from a 1 rep max of Bench Press, Squat, Power Clean! Way to go Falcons 💚
RHS Booster & Boys Golf Online Stores are Open
June 10th, 2023
Triple Play Family Fun Park
175 W Orchard Ave
Hayden, Idaho 83835
Make sure to follow the grad night page: @rhs_grad_night_2023
Tickets for Senior GRAD Night- $85 each
Class of 2023 Graduation
Free & Reduced Meal Application
Free and Reduced meal application regular free and reduced-price meal program.
Want to add money to your student's meal plan? It's easy! Click the link below!
Digital Job Boards
Just a reminder to keep checking the Digital Jobs Board on our Ridgeline Web Site under Counseling and Careers for job openings and internships. New postings have been added this week! Job boards are linked in our Instagram Bio, too!
Do you own a business that is hiring? We would love to add your job posting to our CVSD Digital Jobs Board, all of our CVSD students have access to this! Please email the information to Kelli Demarest at kdemarest@cvsd.org and due to district email issues, please also email kdemarest@cvsd356.org!
Thank you!
Job Fair
Here is the registration link for businesses to reserve a table https://bit.ly/rhsjobfairregistration
STEM Engineering & Construction Camp being held at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois from July 16th – 22nd.
*Eligible for rising sophomores, juniors, or seniors as of Fall 2023
Attendance Reminder
Just a reminder to please call ahead for appointments and other excused absences to help make sure teachers and students are aware. Our attendance line is 24/7 so feel free to leave a message! Parent notes to request an early dismissal for an appointment can also be given to the office ahead of time
Business Office Hours
Business Office Open Hours:
7:15- 2:30pm
(Closed 12:30-1:30pm daily)