Yearbooks on sale until May 1
Yearbooks will be on sale until May 1st. 5th Grade Parents can purchase Ads to showcase their child with the below links:
1/4 page ads
1/8 page ads
It's time to buy your 2023-24 DRES yearbook! Yearbooks can be purchased at:
Yearbooks will be delivered to DRES by the end of the year.
Chorus Signing National Anthem at Mudcats Game 5/2/24
Come watch our choir sing the National Anthem for the Mudcats game on May 2nd at 6:30pm! Grab a friend and meet them at the game to support DRES students and watch a great game!
All DRES choir students must have a ticket to sing and accompanied by an adult with a ticket.
STEM Afterschool Class- Challenge Island
Challenge Island is hosting an afterschool club at DRES on Thursdays from 3:05pm-4:05pm starting May 2-June 6. The cost is $125. Students will use their imagination while engaging in STEM activities.
See more and register here: https://login.challenge-island.com/eventDetail.php?record=23974
Family Academy Virtual Workshop- Helping Your Child Reduce Test Stress
Family Academy Virtual Workshop on May 8, 2024 at 5:30pm.
Topic: Helping Your Child Reduce Test Stress
Test stress is something that many students struggle with. Typically, it is unusual
to find a student who approaches a big test without a high level of anxiety. This
workshop teaches parents tips to help their children lessen test stress.
Helping Your Child Reduce Test Stress
Link english: https://meet.google.com/jjq-kydh-tpc
Link spanish: https://meet.google.com/pyq-czfo-xaq
Panorama Family Survey
Wake County Family Surveys are live! The Survey runs through May 17. We need your help to ensure we hear from as many family voices as possible! The survey is available in different languages. Paper copies will be sent home this week. You will ONLY need to fill out one copy, either paper or online.
Thank you!
Durant Rd ES Family Survey Link - https://surveys.panoramaed.com/wakecounty/7753935272/surveys?language=en
Kindergarten Orientation
If you have a rising Kindergarten student, we will have a Kindergarten Orientation for parents on Thursday, May 9 from 6-7pm in the gym. This is an informational session for parents.
Popsicles at the Playground will be on 6/15/24 at 2:00pm at the pavillion outback of the school. Families can meet one another, students can meet their teacher, and see their classrooms.
WCPSS Letterland Days- 5/13-5/17/24
We use the Letterland Phonics Curriculum in Kindergarten-Second Grade. WCPSS hosts an annual Letterland Day at Pullen Park. See more here. https://www.wcpss.net/Letterland-Day
Next School Year
- If you have a student that will be coming to Kindergarten next school year, please get them registered ASAP!
- If your child is in Kindergarten-Fourth Grade and NOT returning to Durant Road Elementary next school year, please reach out to Silvia Antonio at santonio@wcpss.net to let her know where your child will attend school next year.
Chronic Absenteeism
What is considered Chronic Absenteeism?
Missing 10% or more of the school days. That would be 17 or more days absent in a school year.
Why does Chronic Absenteeism Matter?
Being physically present in school is a necessary precursor to learning. Chronic absenteeism in early grades may prevent children from developing the skills they need to succeed in later grades. Research has repeatedly found a “clear and consistent relationship between early attendance and later achievement,” including:
- Lower academic performance in 1st and 5th grades
- Persistently lower academic scores in grades 3-5
- An increased likelihood of reading below grade level
- An increased likelihood of needing reading intervention
In middle grades, chronically absent students are less likely to be on-track to graduate from high school on time. In fact, improving attendance is a better predictor of high school outcomes than test score improvement.
Content was taken from: https://dashboard.myfuturenc.org/college-and- career-access/chronic-absenteeism/
How can I best help my child to succeed academically?
Get them to school, on time, daily.
Mark Your Calendars
4-29-24- PTA Meeting 6:30pm
5-2-24- Chorus Singing at Mudcats Game
5-4-24- Marsh Creek Playground Meet Up
5-18-24- Campus Clean Up 9am-12pm
5-20-24- Q4 Interims Go Home
5-23-24- NC Under The Stars 6-8pm
6-3-24- PTA Meeting 6:30pm
6-22-24- Durant Nature Park- Final Fling and Popsicles
6-26-24- Last Day of School, 5th Grade Celebration, Q4 Report Cards Go Home
23-24 Parent Student Handbook
Be sure to read this and refer to it throughout the school year. It is located on our school website in the Parents section.
Family Engagement Playground and Meet Up Dates
In order to continue to build community, we will have Saturday meet ups at different parks throughout the county. We'd love for you and your family to join us to meet one another and provide a time for the kids to play. Reminders and times will be sent out throughout the year. We have set a time for the first one and will communicate the other times going forward.
5/4- Marsh Creek Playground
6/22- Durant Nature Park- Final Fling and Popsicles
PTA Information
Join our next PTA Meeting 4/29/24 at 6:30pm in the Media Center at school.
Looking to Sponsor a Classroom need? Does your place of employment make donations? Check out our open Donors Choose grants here at this link.
Register as a Volunteer
You can register as a volunteer from the comfort of your own home using the link below.
WCPSS Strategic Plan
Are you connected with your teacher on Class Dojo?
School Messenger
Read more at this link: https://www.wcpss.net/schoolmessenger