Leonardtown Elementary
November 25, 2024
Calendar Items
Upcoming Events
Dec. 6: Community Gathering and Club Osprey #3: Pajama Day: PTA Movie Night
Dec 13: Osprey of Month Celebration
- 12:15 - 12:45 Grades K - 2
- 12:45 - 1:15 Grades 3 - 5
Dec. 18: LES Winter Concert (Band, Chorus, Strings) 6:30 pm
Dec. 20: 2-Hr Early Dismissal
Impact Aid Forms
Did you know that St. Mary's County Public Schools receives federal funding through "Impact Aid"? This is based on the premise that local school districts are impacted by the absence of revenue because of non-taxable federal property and the increase in cost due to federally connected students. It is important to note that if a federally connected student is not counted, the district will receive less Impact Aid funding. For your information, a FAQ document about Impact Aid from the National Association of Federally Impacted Schools has been attached.
Online Federal Impact Aid Forms are now available through the Home Access Center (HAC). Once logged in, directions to access the online Impact Aid form can be found HERE. A video with instructions is available HERE. The form can now be accessed in Spanish by clicking on the Globe in the top right-hand corner once the form has been started.
PTA Movie Night
The PTA invites students and their families to attend their 2nd annual movie night. Join us for a night of movies, arts & crafts, food trucks, holiday shopping, and a fun time with friends!
Date: Friday, Dec. 6
Time: 5:30-7:30pm
Location: Leonardtown Elementary School
The Penguin Patch holiday shop will be at the event, offering students an opportunity to purchase low-price items for friends and family. This event will be the only opportunity to shop at the Penguin Patch!
While registration is not required, it is encouraged:
Please consider volunteering to help make this a magical evening for LES students and family. Sign up here to volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0A4CA8AE2DAAFA7-53309629-leswinter#/
Media Resource for Parents
Find yourself trying to keep up with the latest gaming request? Trying to decide if the movie your teenager wants to see is OK for "family night"? Unsure if you should buy a cell phone for your youngster?
Common Sense Media is an easy-to-use on-line resource that may help you navigate
the decisions you face in our digital world.
I highly recommend perusing the site!