Weekly Playbook
May 13-17
Good luck to Lee Burroughs this week!
Spring Band Concert
SUN Bucks
SUN Bucks: A new food assistance program for school children. Starting this summer, families that qualify can expect to receive $120 per eligible child in grocery-buying benefits on a debit-like card. These benefits can be used to purchase food at retailers that accept EBT, including most major grocery stores. Visit the SUN Bucks webpage at www.ncdhhs.gov/sunbucks to learn more.
Congratulations to our 2024 Graduation Marshals!
Senior Info
Parenting in a Digital Age
Check out these resources below, designed specifically for parents and families of students!
Video Resource
Digital Life - Family Conversations
Family Tech Planners
Attention Seniors and Senior Parents!
Afternoon Pickup
If you are visiting the school from 2:45 through dismissal, please park in the staff lot and do not pull through the loop. This will avoid vehicles being blocked in by our buses in the afternoon. Thank you!
Special Recognitions
Cat 5 Cane - Moriah Phillips
Heart of a Hurricane Recipients
Christine Wayne, Science Teacher
Keith Reese, CTE Teacher
Amy Daniels, Support Staff
Parent and Student Reminders
May Menu
Click the image below to access the most up-to-date menu options!
2023-2024 PCHS Faculty
Pamlico County High School
Website: pchs.pamlicoschools.org
Location: 601 Main Street, Bayboro, NC, USA
Phone: 252-745-3151
Facebook: facebook.com/PamlicoHigh