Green Meadow Weekly Update
March 13, 2025
Contact Us
Principal, Karen Lindquist - klindquist@maynard.k12.ma.us
Assistant Principal, Kate Murray - kmurray@maynard.k12.ma.us
Administrative Assistant- Kathy Sullivan - ksullivan@maynard.k12.ma.us
Administrative Assistant- Nancy Dangelo - ndangelo@maynard.k12.ma.us
School Nurse, Maria Bourgeois - mbourgeois@maynard.k12.ma.us
Main Office Line - (978) 897-8246
Absentee Phone Line - (978)897-0310
School Hours
Regular School Hours
Grades K- 3: 8:30 AM – 2:50 PM, student drop-off begins at 8:15 AM
Preschool: 8:40 AM - 2:40 PM (full day)
8:40 AM - 11:10 AM (morning program)
12:10 - 2:40 PM (afternoon program)
Early Release Hours
Grades K- 3: 8:30 AM – 11:45 AM
Preschool: No school on Early Release days
Please note, if we have a 2 hour delay for any reason, students should not be dropped off before 10:15 AM. The building opens at 10:15 AM.
Important Dates
3/1 - 3/28 - Read Across America Challenge
3/14 - Early Release Day, 11:45 AM dismissal, GM Conferences, No Preschool
3/28 - Early Release Day, 11:45 AM dismissal, GM Conferences, No Preschool
4/4 - All School Pajama Party!
4/8 - 4/9 - Grade 3 ELA MCAS testing
4/11 - Early Release Day, 11:45 AM dismissal, GM Conferences, No Preschool
4/21 - 4/25 - April Vacation, no school
5/6 - 5/7 - Grade 3 Math MCAS testing
5/8 - ELPAC Sponsored Multicultural Night (Details to follow)
5/13-5/19 - Green Meadow Book Fair
Unexpected Visitor
This morning we had an unexpected visitor at Green Meadow during arrival. A skunk found its way on to our campus and decided to hunker down right near our main entrance. We were able to have preschool and kindergarten follow their typical arrival plan. Grades 1-3 were able to line up where they typically start their day. Students who joined us for breakfast entered the building by the library. Many thanks to our staff for pitching in to ensure a safe arrival time for all living creatures. Special thanks to Angela Lawless, Chief of the Maynard Fire Department, and Rich Asman, Maynard Building Inspector, for their assistance with moving the skunk along to a safe place in the woods. These community members happened to be onsite for a pre-construction meeting as we prepare for the next phase of the school building project.
We think this furry friend just wanted to join the Read Across America Challenge this month.
Physical Education Update
Greetings from Mr. Wood’s Physical Education Class! I wanted to share a larger picture of the skill themes your students have and will experience throughout this year and years to come while attending PE at the Green Meadow School. Skill themes are fundamental movements that are later modified into more specialized patterns on which activities of increasing complexity are built. Movement concepts are taught in conjunction with the skill themes. Movement concepts include space awareness, effort, and relationships. My primary goal, then, is to provide children with a degree of competence leading to the confidence that encourages them to try and enjoy a variety of activities and sports.
In addition to this skill theme approach, your student will experience and practice these skills through a spiral approach to reinforce learning and development. Ask your students about games and activities we played this month…
2nd & 3rd - Poly Spot Shot, Lucky Charms, Battleship Royale
K & 1st - Spaghetti & Meatballs, Hula Hut Throwdown, Battleship
PK - Cleanies vs Messies, Treasure Chest, Spaghetti & Meatballs, Obstacle Track, Turtle Tag
We are frequently talking about and modeling what it looks like to be a Safe, Kind, Learner during our games and activities. Please remember, for safety, all students need to come prepared for class wearing sneakers! In good health -Mr. Wood
Spring Conferences
Please take time to have a conference with your child's teacher during the week of March 10.
Our specialist team is also offering conferences for any parent interested in connecting. Please click on the links below to schedule a time.
Library: Library Conference Sign Up
Music: Music Conference Sign Up
P.E.: P.E. Conference Sign Up
Computer Science: Computer Science Sign Up
Green Meadow Library March Resources
You can visit our Green Meadow virtual library to see all of the new resources for the month of March by clicking on the link below.
Counselor's Corner
Green Meadow students are currently learning about flexible thinking, the ability to think about things in a new and different way. Being a flexible thinker allows us to change our plan when warranted, without getting stuck in the disappointment around making the change. As adults, we can help children with flexible thinking by validating their emotions, involving them in brainstorming alternatives and by modeling flexibility ourselves. This article about Helping Kids With Flexible Thinking offers some guidance in these areas. Additional SEL resources can be found on the Green Meadow Social Emotional Learning Resources website.
Questions or feedback? Please contact Julie Danforth at jdanforth@maynard.k12.ma.us
Green Meadow Building Update
We are excited that the next phase of our school building project is in the works. Today a pre-construction meeting for phase 2 was held onsite. In this phase, we will start to see the school building come to life. We are anticipating some changes to our playground space, including the construction of a temporary playground, and some impact on our arrival and dismissal routines. We will proactively share all information with the community once the details have been finalized. Stay tuned!
You can read the most recent building update from Superintendent Haas by clicking on this link: https://secure.smore.com/n/83k04z
Green Meadow Food Services Menu
Click on the link to read the lastest school lunch menu options: https://www.fdmealplanner.com/
PTO Updates
Calling All New Families - Check out our PTO website and join our email list to stay on top of news and events. We can't wait for you to get involved!
The next PTO meeting will be virtual on Tuesday, March 11, at 7:00. Please see the PTO website for the meeting link.
District Resources
Multilingual Learner Resources
MHS Leaders for Change
National Honor Society Collection
WAVM Spring Fling
Community Resources
Summer Programs
Maynard Sustainability Committee
How would you spend $50,000 for climate resilience?
The Sustainability Committee is seeking ideas and input on potential projects for grant funds awarded to the Town of Maynard through the MA Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program. They are holding their final event Sunday March 9th at 1pm at the Fire Station (30 Sudbury St) and on Zoom. You can find more information about the grant and event series including recordings on the Sustainability Committee's website (https://www.townofmaynard-ma.gov/294/Sustainability-Committee). RSVP (optional) and submit project ideas through this link.
Community Food Pantries
The Open Table Food Pantry (www.opentable.org; 33 Main St, Maynard) is open on Tuesdays, 3:30 - 6:30 PM and Thursdays, 1 - 4:30 PM and offers free bags of groceries 1x/week. Open Table also allows families to pick up frozen meals for family members weekly.
The Maynard Food Pantry (www.maynardfoodpantry.com; 82 Main St., Maynard) is open on Mondays from 10 AM - 12 noon 1-2x/month
Maynard Food Pantry Backpack Program
The Maynard Food Pantry offers a weekly Backpack Program for all students in PreK-Grade 5 that aims to offer food assistance to families. Each backpack is filled with nutritious, non-perishable food at no cost. Forms were sent home to families in backpacks last week. If you need a form, they are available in the Green Meadow main office. You can also request one by emailing Kate Murray at kmurray@maynard.k12.ma.us.
Maynard Advantage
Interested in learning more about the Maynard community and the many wonderful things happening around town? Check out the monthly Maynard Advantage Newsletters by subscribing at maynardadvantage.org