HVES Update
Principal's Message
Dear Harbor View Families,
I hope everyone stayed safe and dry during Tropical Storm Debby! Good news, despite the weather everything is still on schedule for our Set Sail event and the first day of school. We are excited to welcome back our returning students and greet our new families. If you plan on your student being a car rider/walker, please fill out the form below. Our "Set Sail" Event will be on August 12th from 2pm-4pm. This is where you will find out your teacher, pick up car tags, drop off school supplies, pay school fees, and join PTA.
Proof of payment for *Student Fees will need to be shown at our Set Sail event. Revtrak continues to be the only form of payment HVES processes for Student Fees of any kind. Please log onto https://hves.revtrak.net to set up an account if you are not already a member. You will need an active email address.
Go to "Student Fees" and select which account corresponds with the student you are submitting payment for.
Both CD (Child Development) & Kindergarten classes should be paid into the account that notes the specific Teacher's name, ie "Mrs. Diggs CD1 Student Fees". All others will be "Student Fees Grades 1st-5th." Our kindergarten teachers will be reaching out with class information later today.
Please be reminded to take a screenshot of your paid screen on your mobile device prior to arriving in order to show as proof of payment -or- you can bring a printed auto-receipt from your email. (There is no cell service inside our building.)
We can't wait to see everyone at our "Set Sail" event!
Wishing you the best,
Stacey Dickinson
"Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it." Marian Wright Edelman
Car Rider/ Walker Tag Form
(all families will receive new numbers this year)
Save the Date!
CCSD 2024-2025 Calendar
Registration Information
Hello HVES parents,
The registration process for the 2024-25 school year is now open!
Please log in to your ParentPortal account to view the current data on file and update any new information.
You will need to upload two documents for residency and mail verification: one from category 1 and one from category 2. No affidavit of student residency will be required unless you have moved to a new address.
The following is a list of category 1 documents that are accepted for the residence verification:
Signed and dated current lease
Most recent real property tax bill (not auto)
Copy of the ratified contract for purchase with the date of closing
Copy of the ratified contract for construction
The following is a list of the category 2 documents that are accepted for the official mail verification:
electric, gas, water, phone (landline only, not cell phone), or cable bill
car registration (NOT driver's license)
pay stub (must show employer's name & current pay period, name and address of the parent/guardian)
local, state, or federal agency correspondence that reflects the name and address of the parent /guardian (Social Security, Medicaid, DSS, IRS, food stamps, court documents)
Please note that the documents must be dated within 30 days of enrollment.
As always, if you have any questions, you can call me at (843) 406-1202 or email me at maria_montoreano@charleston.k12.sc.us
New students include students who:
are new to the district;
previously attended CCSD but are returning to CCSD after a separation (withdrawal) from the district.
are enrolling in kindergarten for the first time and did not attend a CCSD pre-k four-year-old program
Please note that your child must be:
4 years old on or before September 1 to be in the Pre-K four-year-old child development program
5 years old on or before September 1 to be in Kindergarten
6 years old on or before September 1 to be in 1st grade
Please gather the document for each of the categories on the required documentation list and click on the registration link to create an account to complete the registration process for your student.
The system will allow you to upload the documentation at the end of the process.
This year Harbor View will be piloting the PBIS Rewards App. This app will be the only app used across grade levels for communication (other than teacher and school emails). As a family member you will have access to see about your student's day as well as communicate with your child's teachers. Check out more about the app in the linked video below!
*You will not be able to connect to the parent app until the beginning of the school year. Please be on the lookout for more information.*
HVES PTA Website
HVES Spirt Wear Link
Contact Information
Harbor View Elementary
Email: stacey_dickinson@charleston.k12.sc.us
Website: https://www.ccsdschools.com/Domain/38
Location: 1576 Harbor View Road, Charleston, SC, USA
Phone: 843-762-2749