The Compass Notes for Families
August 23, 2024
Dear Compass Families,
What a fabulous 1st week of school! Thank you so, so much for your partnership, support and committment to success in school!
We hope everyone has a safe and relaxing weekend! We look forward to seeing you all again on Monday!
Mr. White and Mrs. Page
Dates to Know
Wednesday, August 28 5:00-6:00: Kindergarten ONLY Meet the Teacher Night
Monday, September 2: No School- Labor Day
Monday, September 9: Grandparents Celebration with Donuts & Coffee 7:45-8:30
Monday, September 16: No School- Teacher Inservice Learning Day
Friday, September 27: Watch DOGS
Pirates R.O.C.K.!
Monthly Character Trait: August 2024
Breakfast & Lunch Information
Above is the sign up for parents/guardians to log in to your student's lunch/breakfast account. On this app, you can customize your student's amount of money spent as we are going to start ala cart options soon. You can also put money into your student's account. It will also send you notifications that your student is low on their lunch/breakfast balance.
Want to Help in the Lunchroom?
We would love any assistance given in our lunchroom! Sign up above if you are interested!
To Incoming Kindergarten Families
Kindergarten will have their own special K Meet the Teacher Night on August 28, 2024 from 5:00-6:00.
When your student arrives on this night, your child will scratch off a ticket surprising them of who their Kindergarten teacher will be for the remainder of the 2024-2025 year.
Each Kindergartener will then take their school supplies to the classroom and you will get to re-meet your student's official teacher! PTA will be joining us with Popsicles on the Playground too!
PTA at Compass
New Information
Celebrate Grandparents with Us!
See below!
Parent Portal Guide
Laura Hulett has made some updates to our Guide to Parent Portal. This year's version has some explanation on how to use it.
This guide is also linked on this page of our website: https://www.plattecountyschooldistrict.com/parents/parent_portal.
Parent/Student Handbook
Please see the Parent/Student Handbook for the 24-25 year.
Each student will recieve the last page to go home. Parents/guardians- if you could sign off stating you read the handbook and understand district & board policies & return when signed, we would greatly appreciate it!
Previous Information
Chess Club
See below:
Coming-In the Building
Free & Reduced Options for Families
PLEASE USE THIS LINK FOR FREE & REDUCED MEAL OPTIONS FOR FAMILIES WHO QUALIFY! We would love for our families to use this option if you are in need of assistance for your student(s). Our office administration would love to assist you fill out the paperwork. We are trying to be proactive to help our families so we don't have negative lunch balances throughout the year.
Please use this resource if needed.
We want families to stay connected to all Compass information. We invite you to use the buttons below to visit our social media and platforms.
You can always pick up the phone and give us a call anytime. The school number is 816.858.0172. If you have a specific question for administration, please email us at whitee@platteco.k12.mo.us (Mr. White, Principal) or pagea@platteco.k12.mo.us (Mrs. Allison Page, Assistant Principal).
School Hours of Operation
Here are some tidbits of important information about Compass Elementary:
Regular school day office hours run from 8:15 am - 4:30 pm.
- Students can enter the building: 8:30 a.m.
- Official start of school-8:50 a.m.
- Dismissal-Car Riders, Walkers and Y-Club-3:33 p.m.
- Dismissal-Bus Riders-3:50 p.m.
Student Absences
Treasure Chest
The PCR-3 Treasure Chest is a stocked resource center providing food, milk, and toiletries for PCR-3 students and families in need. Qualifying families will receive a weekly form via email to sign up or can call 816-858-7001 for assistance.
Families will receive an email with approval to come to the Treasure Chest on Wednesdays from 4-6pm at the new Treasure Chest site (south side of Paxton building).
Watch D.O.G.S
Please take a look below if you are interested in being a Compass Watch D.O.G. this year!
Y-Club- Before and After School Care at Compass
YMCA Y-Club enrollment is underway for the new school year!
The Before and After School Program available to families in the Platte County R-3 School District is Y Club. With Y Club before and after school, children in kindergarten through 5th grade will enjoy and benefit from homework enrichment, physical activity, and small and large group activities with a focus on building community and youth voice and leadership. Full-time and part-time Y Club is available at Compass, along with Y Club on days when school is out of session for inclement weather, seasonal breaks, and other days off (enrollment permitting). Operating hours are each weekday from 6:30 a.m. until school begins, and again after school until 6:00 p.m.
Spots are limited so please complete the 24-25 Y Club Enrollment Form at KansasCityYMCA.org/Yclub to secure your spot.
If you have any questions about the Y Club program, please contact YMCA at 816-360-3390.
Thank You to Our Compass Elementary Pirates R.O.C.K. Business Partners!
Compass Elementary School
Email: white.eric@pcr3schools.org
Website: https://compass.plattecountyschooldistrict.com/
Location: 401 Kentucky Avenue, Platte City, MO, USA
Phone: 816-858-0172
Facebook: Facebook.com/CompassElementarySchool
Twitter: @CompassElemPCR3