PHS Weekly Bulletin
Weeks of May 8-13
Parsons High School
Email: eswanson@vikingnet.net
Website: http://phs.usd503.org
Location: 3030 Morton Avenue, Parsons, KS, USA
Phone: (620)421-3660
Facebook: facebook.com/pkvikings
Twitter: @PkVikings
Senior Parent Info
Can you believe that another school year is coming to a close?! This is a special one for you as the parent/guardian of a graduating senior. In the coming weeks there will be several important dates for your student. This letter is to provide more detail regarding these events and to make you aware of those details as well.
The first event is new this year. It is “Signing Day.” Signing Day is celebration of our seniors to acknowledge their commitment to any postsecondary opportunity whether that be college, trade/technical school, military, or entering the workforce. It is scheduled for Wednesday, May 3rd at 10:00 a.m. in the gymnasium. Please join us for signing day to support our class of 2023 and their impending endeavors.
Both Baccalaureate and the Parsons Education Foundation (PEF) Awards Banquet are scheduled for Sunday, May 7. Baccalaureate will be at 5:00 p.m. in the PHS Auditorium. Any graduate and their guests are invited to attend this non-denominational, religious ceremony. Seniors who are being recognized at the PEF Awards Banquet will receive a special invitation to that event. RSVPs are required to obtain a headcount for the dinner.
On Thursday, May 11, seniors will have their Senior Breakfast, Graduation Photos, and Graduation practice. These festivities begin at 7:30 a.m. in the Community Room. Seniors MUST attend the graduation practice in order to participate in the graduation ceremony the following Saturday. Also, students must have their cap and gown with them on May 11 for the photo at 8:30 a.m. and practice at 9:00 a.m.. Following practice, seniors will do their annual walk-throughs at all of the other schools in town.
The final important date to be aware of is the most exciting event! Graduation! The ceremony is scheduled for Saturday, May 13 at 2:30 p.m. Seniors must arrive at 2:00 p.m.for a short meeting and to begin line up. They are to meet in the Auditorium.
If you have any questions/concerns regarding any of the upcoming important dates or events, please do not hesitate to contact the high school. We can be reached by calling 620-421-3660. Congratulations again to you and your student on this milestone achievement!
Orchestra Receives Top Ratings
The orchestra participated in State Large Group contest at Pittsburg University on April 20th. They earned straight 1’s (superior) for the 4th year in a row Amazing kids and an amazing instructor!
Senior Finals Schedule
Spring Semester Final Schedule (Seniors)
May 1 Pick up Final Exemption Sheets from the Office
May 8 Final Exemption Sheet Due by 8:00 AM
May 8 Final in 7th Hour
May 9 Finals in hours 1, 3, 5
May 10 Finals in hours 2, 4, 6
May 11 Make Up Finals
Schedule for May 8
Attend Hours 1-6 and take 7th hour final (if you are taking it)
Schedule for May 9
Attend hours 2.4.6 if you have a final on Wednesday in those classes. Hours 1,3,5 take the final if you are not exempting
Schedule for May 10
Finals for hours 2, 4, 6 if you are not exempt. No attendance 1.3.5 (finals are over for those classes)
Schedule for May 11
7:30 AM Breakfast
8:30 AM Class Picture
9:00 AM Graduation Practice
10:00 AM Walk through at schools
Graduation: Saturday, May 13 2:30 PM
Driver's Ed Sign Up
Driver's Ed sign up is now available in the office. Cost is $125 and dates for class and driving are still being considered. Call the high school office to sign your student up.
Save the Date!
Baccalaureate: May 7 @ 5:00 PM
PEF Scholarship Banquet: May 7 @ 5:30 PM
Graduation: May 13 @ 2:30 PM
Last Day of School: May 18
Kansas Promise Scholarship Program
Attend a Kansas Community College at No Cost to You Through the Kansas Promise Scholarship!
For more information: See their info page. Please pay close attention to the student obligations and programs of study.
Finals Schedule for Grades 9-11
Spring Semester Final Schedule
May 8 Pick up Final Exemption Sheets from the Office
May 15 Final Exemption Sheet Due by 8:00 AM
May 15 Final in 7th Hour
May 16 Finals in hours 1, 3, 5
May 17 Finals in hours 2, 4, 6
May 18 Make Up Finals
Schedule for May 15
8:00-8:50 1st hour
8:55-9:45 2nd hour
9:50-10:40 3rd hour
10:45-11:35 4th hour
11:40-12:05 Lunch
12:10-1:00 5th hour
1:05-1:55 6th hour
2:00-3:20 7th hour final
Schedule for May 16
9:00-10:25 1st hour final
10:35-12:00 3rd hour final
12:00-12:25 Lunch
12:30-1:50 5th hour final
Schedule for May 17
9:00-10:25 2nd hour final
10:35-12:00 4th hour final
12:00-12:25 Lunch
12:30-1:50 6th hour final
Schedule for May 18
9:00-11:30 Make Up Finals (for students that missed a final due to sickness, school event, or quarantine)
This Week's Schedule
Monday, May 8
Senior Final 7th Hour
1:00 PM Golf @ Chanute
4:30 PM Home Softball vs. LCHS-Varsity DH
5:30 PM Home Baseball vs. LCHS-One Varsity Game
Tuesday, May 9
Senior Finals: Hours 1, 3, 5
Final Exemption Forms Available for 9-11
3:30 PM Home JV Track SEK
4:30 PM Baseball/Softball @ Indy
Wednesday, May 10
3:30 PM Softball @ Riverton
3:30 PM Baseball @ LCHS
4:00 PM Swim @ Osawatomie
7:00 PM Choir Concert
Thursday, May 11
3:30 PM SEK Track @ Fort Scott
LearningQuest and Scholarshop
The State of Kansas would like for us to help bring awareness to two of the educational savings programs that are offered through the State Treasurer's Office.
The first program is the LearningQuest 529 Educational Savings Program. With this program, families can save for their children's higher education expenses in a tax-advantages 529 investment account. In addition, the State of Kansas offers the K.I.D.S. Matching Grant program to families earning less than 200% of the federal poverty level, see the attached file for more details.
The second program is for high school students who are close to enrolling for college, it is called the Scholarshop. This is a search engine created by a partnership with Sallie Mae that offers students access to a database of 6 million different scholarships.
For more information: https://5il.co/1l3k7
EDUKAN Information
Beginning in the spring of 1998, the presidents of six Kansas community colleges met to evaluate an online means of offering courses to their student populations. From these early meetings, EDUKAN was formed. We are not a separate institution, but instead, a cooperative effort between member colleges to offer courses via the internet beginning Fall 1999.
Students who enroll in our online programs will be able to take coursework that can lead to an associate degree from one of four current, participating institutions.
The institutions currently involved include Barton Community College, in Great Bend; Dodge City Community College, in Dodge City; Pratt Community College, in Pratt; and Seward County Community College, in Liberal.
For complete information, visit the EDUKAN website