CFL's November Family Newletter
November 1st, 2024
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A Note from Mrs. Frees
Dear CFL Families,
Even though the weather keeps changing on us and the leaves are falling with brilliant colors of orange, red and yellow to decorate our school grounds, the academic process here at CFL is staying constant. The teachers and students have established their routines and procedures for class lessons. November is an important time for us all to reflect on the many blessings bestowed upon us. I am certainly thankful for the many blessings in my life, including working with the amazing students, CFL families, teachers, and support staff at The Center For Family learning. As always please reach out if you have any questions. My door is always open.
Reminders to Review:
Tuesday Folders: Be sure you are receiving your child's weeklyTuesday Folder. Be sure to read all handouts as they are filled with important CFL information. This will help you to stay up to date with all the happenings at school.
Outdoor Wear: temps are falling, and it is important to send your child to school with appropriate outdoor wear (hats, coats, gloves, etc.). Weather permitting and unless the temperature is below 20 degrees, students will go outside for recess.
Raptor Management System: All Garfield 16 schools have a new visitor process. If you have not already stopped by the front office with your ID to be put into the system.
Parent Teacher Conferences are November 4th and 5th. Student will NOT have school on November 5th.
Our Thanksgiving Feast is on November 22nd from 11:00-1:00~ See more information below.
Just a reminder that students and staff will be on Thanksgiving Break from November 25th-29th School will resume on Tuesday December 3rd
With Gratitude,
Kim Frees (Principal)
Thanksgiving Feast Information~ Friday, November,22nd
We will be having our traditional Thanksgiving Feast on Friday, November 22nd. We are so excited! You should have received a Thanksgiving Feast food sign up in your child's Tuesday Folder. If not, please call the office and we will get you one. I will also attach a form below. Please return this sign-up as soon as possible.
This is NOT a school day for our CFL students. If you have other children in the district, bring them to school. This event is for our CFL students, families and at home siblings as we do not have room, supplies or food to accommodate BUE, GVMS and GVHS siblings.
All students that participate will need to be accompanied with their families or an adult. Students can not show up alone or without an adult.
Families can come anytime between 11:00 am--1:00 pm.
We look forward to seeing everyone!
The Weather is Getting Colder!
Our Colorado weather can change on a moment’s notice, and students need to be prepared for the changes. At CFL , our policy states that students will be sent outside for recess each day unless:
1. The outside temperature and/or wind chill is below 0
2. It is pouring rain.
3. An emergency is called by the Weather Service.
Recesses throughout the day last between 20-25. If students bring hats and gloves in their backpacks, they can be ready for any drastic weather changes.
Through our Family Resource Center, we have hats, mittens and coats available for students and families in need. Please come in and visit with us if your child is in need of warm winter clothing.
Please help your child remember to bring the necessary items so they can be comfortable and enjoy their time outside at recess during the cold weather.
If you would like to donate any new or lightly used winter clothing, please contact the Family Resource Center.
Our hope is that every student at CFL will be prepared for the cold winter ahead, and we thank you for doing your part at home to make sure that happens.
We haven't met our Wreath goal yet!! We will Extend DEADLINE TILL NOV. 8TH!!
CFL's Christmas Wreath Fundraiser
All orders are NOW due by November 8th. Wreaths will be here by November 18th.. If students sell more than one wreath we are asking that families come and pick up the wreaths at CFL that day or at the earliest convenience. The students will deliver wreaths to those who purchased them. Thank you for your support.
🌟 Dear Wonderful Preschool Families, 🌟
Dear Families,
As we embrace the beautiful season of November, we want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you. We are so thankful for your trust in us and for sharing your precious children with our preschool family. Your partnership with us means the world, and it's a privilege to be a part of your child's early learning journey.
As we enter November, we’d like to share a simple, fun activity you can do at home to enhance your child’s learning. This month, try a "Thankful Journal" with your child! Each day or week, ask your child to share something they are thankful for and write it down together. Encourage them to draw a picture to go along with their words. This activity not only builds language and fine motor skills but also helps develop gratitude and self-expression.
Thank you once again for being a vital part of our preschool community. We look forward to a season filled with continued growth and learning together!
Upcoming Important Dates-
Wednesday, Nov. 20-Family Engagement-Ball Study
*More Information to come!
Friday, Nov. 22-Harvest Feast (No School)
Warm regards,
Nicole Hills, Assistant Principal
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News from our Counselor
Hi CFL Families!
In Character Ed we have been learning about respect, and are now getting into being a good friend. We are learning to be inclusive by inviting others in and welcoming them with open arms.
I would also like to let you know that I am available if you feel like your child would benefit from 1:1 time with me. Usually that looks like play therapy, where students can play with toys or playdough and I am a listening ear for them to talk to. In addition, we have "Lunch Bunch" groups that meet during lunchtime. We eat lunch together, get to know each other and our peers better and practice social skills and how to be a good friend. Please feel free to call or email me if you have any questions or would like me to incorporate your child into either of these.
Thank you,
Ms. Landry
Reading Strategies and Tips
Welcome to fall. It seems to have come in slowly, but we can all feel it now. I want to let you know that kids just finished progress monitoring on our Star Assessment. We take the next assessment the week of December 10. This year is a little different from how we did it last year. Teachers will be discussing testing information with you at Parent Teacher Conferences. If you have any questions about the assessment, please feel free to stop by my office or send me an email any time. I would love to discuss your child’s progress with you.
November is a great month to spend time reading with your child. As the weather changes, and you can’t play outside as long in the evening, consider taking some time to read with your child instead. Just 5-10 minutes each night will make a tremendous difference for your child. Be sure to make it fun by having a small snack, and curling up with a warm blanket on those cool evenings.
Here are just a couple of my favorite fall books to try out. They should be available at the library, or you can listen to someone read them to you on Youtube.
HELLO FALL Read Aloud ~ Bedtime Story Read Along Books ~ Kids Books Read Aloud ~ Books About Fall
The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin - children’s book read aloud - kids book read aloud
Melissa Bradley
Reading Interventionist
PE News
Hello CFL Families,
Please help your student remember to bring shoes for PE everyday. Boots are good for snow but not in the gym, thank you. This month we will be continuing to work on our locomotor movement patterns. We will be progressing our ball handling skills into throwing for accuracy and the new skill set of dribbling with a variety of balls. Please reach out with any questions you may have about your kiddo. Mr. Cora
Music News
Hello wonderful CFL families!
We have been hard at work talking about making patterns, learning rhythms, and discovering that we have 4 different kinds of voices!
Mark your calendars for December 11th at 6pm! Our COMBINED K/1 Holiday concert with be held at the high school! More information will be coming home soon!
As always, please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions!
970-285-5702 x2139
ELL News
It’s been pure pleasure getting to know your children and see them grow in their learning journey. We have been working hard on our Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing skills. We are one quarter into our school year with our new curriculum. The students enjoy it very much. It incorporates music, song, movements, gestures, reading and so much more. It is very engaging for the students and teachers. We are getting good at communicating with each other and listening when others talk. Your children are having fun teaching me things too and I am loving it so much. Jessica Cornejo and I are thrilled to be working with your children.
If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to me!
Also during parent-teacher conferences, please come see me if you have any questions or need and resources. I’d love to see you.
Melanie Kerrigan
Please read our cell phone policy
Phone Usage:
A telephone is available in the school office for students to use under supervision of the school secretary. Use is restricted to emergency situations only. Please make after school plans prior to coming to school each day. Students will not be allowed to use the office phone to call home to make play dates with friends. Cell phones and smart watches are not allowed at school unless approved by the principal.