The Slicer Chronicles
Kesling Intermediate School - March 2025
Principal's Corner
Dear Kesling Parents and Students:
With time changing on March 9th to Daylight Saving Time it reminds us that spring and summer
are right around the corner. Hopefully, we will continue with the trend we have seen in the last
week of warmer days filled with sunny skies.
March ends a very important stretch in schools as we continue to prepare to help all students
master the Indiana College and Career Ready Standards in Math, English, Social Studies (Grade
5) and Science (Grade 6). The testing dates for ILEARN are April 14, 2025 to May 9, 2025.
Please understand that what is demanded of students on ILEARN is rigorous; however, we are
confident that our students will perform well as students are working extremely hard to master the
Indiana College and Career Ready Standards. The campus staff continues to rise to this challenge
as we have increased what is expected out of students on assignments, projects and assessments.
Together, we are confident that our students will excel on ILEARN 2025. The link to the Indiana
Department of Education website for ILEARN information is as follows:
As we continue to prepare for the transition to the 2025-2026 academic year in the next few
weeks, The LaPorte Middle School Program of Studies will be sent to current sixth grade and
seventh grade families through email along with information regarding scheduling and elective
choices that current sixth and seventh grade students will have the opportunity to make regarding
next school year. There are some changes in programming at the middle school in response to the
new Indiana High School Diplomas that will be implemented starting next school year. As a
result, the majority of middle school courses will be exploratory in nature with the elimination of
high school credit classes at the middle school except for Algebra and Geometry. Students will
still have the opportunity to determine if they would like to be in a music class (band,
choir and orchestra), Advanced Art in grade 8, and Spanish in Grade 7 and 8. Students
who would like to take Spanish will still need to meet certain requirements; however, the
course will no longer be a high school credit course. Enrollment in the course is strongly
encouraged for students who plan on taking Spanish as a Freshman at LaPorte High
School. Before Spring Break, the administration and counselors will be meeting with
students in grade 6 and 7 regarding scheduling and in April, students will have the
opportunity to choose elective classes through Skyward. Students in Fifth Grade will have
to decide if they want to take band, choir or orchestra as a sixth grader. On March 18, 19, and 20,
students will watch presentations from Band, Choir and Orchestra so they can complete an
interest survey after Spring Break to let us know if they want music next year.
Finally, we look forward to our Spring Engagement Events that will be taking place in March for
Kesling Intermediate School. On Thursday, March 6, 2025 Kesling Intermediate School will host
the third annual Cabin Fever/STEM Night event from 4:30-6:00 p.m. All grade 5 and 6 families
are invited to attend the night which will include family bingo, multiple blow up playhouses in
the gym and some treats. The third annual LaPorte Middle School Showcase Event “Spring
Walk of Fame” on Thursday, April 10, 2025 from 5-6:30 showcasing all of the great
things happening at the middle school. Sixth grade students will also be invited to this
We hope everyone continues to visit the school web pages and frequently visits our Facebook
pages. Finally, we hope everyone has a rejuvenating Spring Break (March 24 – March 28).
Please do not hesitate to contact a staff member at Kesling if you need any assistance regarding
the growth and achievement of your child.
Bill Wilmsen
Kesling Campus Principal
03/06/2025 Cabin Fever and Family STEM Night
03/09/2025 Don't Forget to "Spring Ahead" Daylight Saving
03/13/2025 County Spelling Bee
03/13/2025 6th Grade Orchestra Concert
03/13/2025 PTO Fundraiser Pick-Up
03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 - Spring Break - No School
Student of the Month
Congratulations To February Students of the Month
5th Grade
Makenzie Brown
Melissa Martinez
Luis Carrillo Gutierrez
Hunter Kleine
Brielle Stringham
William Gerstbauer
Annabelle McClusky
Jace Gakle
Leonardo Salinas
6th Grade
Maximus Taylor
Jackson Olson
Nikolaos Hatzikostantis
Cambrie Tyler
Brooklyn Marvin
Aubrey Goranson
Breakfast is served daily to students at no cost. If students need or want breakfast please go to cafeteria in the morning.
Spring Break Bingo
Spelling Bee Winners
Congratulations to our KIS Spelling Bee Winners!!
1st-Bane Bucher
2nd-Kendrick Hise
3rd-Gavyn Potter
Bane will advance to the County Spelling Bee on March 13! Best of Luck!!
PTSO Fundraiser
Products will be delivered to the school on Thursday, March 13. Parents may pick up items after school from 2:45-5:30pm. Please enter Door 18 to retrieve items.
Student Council
KIS Student Council Cabin Fever
Kesling Yearbook
Please note: The Kesling Yearbook is ONLY for students in grades 5 and 6.
Order using this link.
Family STEM Night
Mrs. Hancock wants to thank all of the parents for sending in donations for the Family STEM Night. These donations are so helpful with STEM Night and Engineer's Week in March. Thank you for your support. Family STEM Night has been moved to March 6th! We hope to see you there!
For more information, contact Amy Hancock ahancock@lpcsc.k12.in.us
Music Department
On Saturday, February 8th, students from Kesling Intermediate School competed in District Band Solo-Ensemble Contest at Valparaiso High School. The students sang beautifully and represented Kesling very well!
The following student received a Gold ratings on their vocal ensemble
Aubrey Goranson (plus several LPMS students: Evangeline Kotulski, Leah Newton, Aylani Mora, Tiara Campbell, Kyla Magley)
The following students received Gold ratings on their vocal solos:
Abigale Jones
Maddie Chance
Mi'Yana Sparkman
Bella Higginbotham
Aubrey Goranson
The following student received a Silver rating on their vocal solo:
Georgia McLachlan
The following students received Silver ratings on their vocal ensembles:
Lilly Ruiz
Lillyann Jones
Mi'Yana Sparkman
Bella Higginbotham
Hazel Born
Maddie Chance
On Thursday, March 13th, the 6th Grade Orchestra will perform their March Concert in the Kesling Auditorium. Student performers should arrive no later than 5:30 pm. The show begins at 6:00 pm.
These orchestra students received a Gold ratings on their solo at ISSMA Solo & Ensemble:
Kaydence Thomas, Liam Terry, & Irene Anabe
Final Food for Thought
Final Food for Thought…The following are excerpts from one of the many publications I read
each week. As we head into March and Spring Break, I wanted to share the following with all
parents as a reminder to enjoy the gifts that we have in our children…yes…parenthood is a
challenge; yet, we have so much to be thankful for in our children….have a great month of
March…. Mr. Wilmsen
Count Your Blessings, Not Your Problems
One day a professor entered the classroom and asked his students to prepare for a surprise test.
They waited anxiously at their desks for the test to begin. The professor walked around the class
and handed the question papers with the text facing downwards.
Once he handed them all out, he asked his students to turn the page and begin. To everyone’s
surprise, there were no questions, but just a black dot in the center of the page. The professor
thoroughly read through everyone’s bewildered expressions and said – “I want you to write what
you see there.” The perplexed students began to do what they had been asked to do.
At the end of the class, the professor took all the answer papers and started reading each one of
them aloud in front of all the students. All of them described the black dot, trying to explain its
position in the middle of the sheet, etc.
After all had been read and the classroom was silent, the professor began to explain: “I am not
going to grade you on the test; I just wanted to give you something to think about.” No one wrote
about the white part of the paper. Everyone focused on the black dot.”