Millbury Monthly - Happenings @ MHS
From the desk of Christopher Lowe, Principal

Community Newsletter : October 2024
It's hard to believe that October is already upon us. We have been fortunate to have such a successful start to the school year with our students actively participating and engaging in all aspects of the Millbury Memorial Junior-High School experience!
On the heels of our Clubs and Activities and College Fairs, we ask that you continue to urge your students to get involved in something of interest to them. We offer so many opportunities for students and our hope is that your students will find something that they gravitate towards. If they have a particular area of interest that maybe we don't have a club or activity for, please encourage them to come to see a staff member and we can work to make that a reality!
We are looking forward to having conversations with our families at our upcoming Parent/Teacher conference which is the first of two for the school year. The first email about the event was already shared out. Please be on the lookout for information coming next week!
As always, thank you for your continued support and partnership!
Chris Lowe
In This Issue:
- Student Spotlight
- Update from SRO Fortunato and Dean
- Housekeeping/Reminders
- From the School Counseling Department
- Our Schedule for the Month
- Looking Ahead
- Athletics Department Information
- Woolie Gear
Student Spotlight 🙌
College Board's National Recognition Programs
Millbury Memorial Junior-Senior High School is proud to congratulate the Class of 2025's very own, Aymen Marquez Essif, Kyle Mathieu, and Anthony Powell, on their academic honors from the College Board's National Recognition Programs, which help students stand out during college admissions and connect them with universities nationwide helping them meaningfully connect to colleges and stand out during the admissions process. Colleges and scholarship programs identify students awarded National African American, Hispanic, Indigenous, First Generation College Participant, and/or Rural/Small Town Recognition through College Board’s Student Search Service.
Students who may be eligible have a GPA of 3.5 or higher and have excelled on the PSAT/NMSQT or PSAT10, or earned a score of 3 or higher on two or more AP Exams; and are African American or Black, Hispanic American or Latinx, Indigenous, will be a first generation college student, and/or attend school in a rural area or small town.
Eligible students will be invited to apply during their sophomore or junior year and will be awarded at the beginning of the next school year. Students will receive their awards in time to include them on their college and scholarship applications.
“We want to honor the hard work of these students through the College Board National Recognition Programs. “We hope the award winners and their families celebrate this prestigious honor and it helps them plan for their big future.,” said Tarlin Ray, College Board senior vice president of BigFuture.
We are so proud of Aymen, Kyle, and Anthonyon their efforts throughout their years as students at Millbury Memorial Junior-Senior High School. We extend our deepest congratulations to them and their family on receiving these prestigious awards!
Millbury Junior-Senior High School is the Recipient of the 2024 AP School Honor Roll Bronze Medal
I am thrilled to share that our school has been recognized as one of College Boards AP School Honor Roll recipients for the 2023-2024 school year.
To qualify for the 2024 AP School Honor Roll, schools must meet or exceed the criteria for a given recognition level for all three metrics. Our school achieved all criteria to be listed on this year's AP School Honor Roll as a Bronze school! The Qualifying Criteria is as follows:
For a school to be recognized on the AP School Honor Roll in a given year, it must:
- Meet each of the following criteria for their students in the most recent graduating class; these criteria are anchored in research-based relationships between AP and college outcomes:
- College Culture: 40% or more of the graduating cohort took at least 1 AP Exam during high school.
- College Credit: 25% or more of the graduating cohort scored a 3 or higher on at least 1 AP Exam during high school.
- College Optimization: 2% or more of the graduating cohort took 5 or more AP Exams during high school. At least 1 of those exams was taken in 9th or 10th grade, so that students are spreading their AP experience across grades rather than feeling disproportionate pressure in any single year.
Have full-time grade-12 enrollments. AP coordinators can update this information online in AP Registration and Ordering.
- Be located within the United States (including U.S. territories) or Canada.
Additional information about the AP School Honor Roll can be found on AP Central.
October Art Month Challenge
Next Woolie Book Disussion - Damsel by Elana Arnold: November 12
Please see the update from our Woolie Book Club.
iReady Benchmark Dates
Please see the attached visual for updates on our iReady Benchmarking Dates for the 2024-2025 school year.
High School MCAS/AP/EPP/SoBL Testing Dates Information
Please see the visual for the update on this year's High School testing calendar.
**Please note that some of these dates are subject to change.**
Jr. High School MCAS Testing Dates Information
Please see the visual for the update on this year's Junior High School testing calendar.
**Please note that some of these dates are subject to change.**
From the School Counseling Department
October Newsletter
Check out what's going on in the School Counseling Department for the month of October.
Shrewsbury HS SAT Prep Course
Mrs. Desautels shared this information regarding an SAT prep course taking place at Shrewsbury High School:
Good afternoon Juniors and Seniors,
Shrewsbury High School is offering a virtual SAT Prep Course starting in October. All of the information can be found in the attached documents in the email below. You can also pick up a paper copy of this information in guidance on Mrs. Q's desk.
Please see your counselor with any questions!
Shrewsbury High School has opened registration for its Fall SAT Prep Course. The course will begin the week of October 21st and run through the week of December 9th. Classes will meet remotely from 5:30PM-7:40PM for a total of seven Monday night sessions. Enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis. The course is open to juniors and seniors. To reserve a spot, students need to return the completed application form and payment. (Please see your guidance counselor for information on payment.)
📆 Our Schedule For This Month
Carpenters Union Workshop: October 1
Our partnership with the North Atlantic States Carpenters Union begins on October 1 with our pre-apprenticeship programming. The focus area for this session will be Welding.
For those unfamiliar, we are fortunate to have a partnership that allows our students to attend a pre-apprenticeship program with the local carpenters union to provide students with skills training in the carpentry field.
Students attend bi-weekly and spend the day with a trained member of the carpentry union and school staff, working on industry-specific projects.
Students that complete the pre-apprenticeship program will have priority post-graduation to join the carpenters union training cohort, should they choose to pursue a career in that field.
Marching Band Competition: October 5 @ 7:20pm at Westford Academy
The Marching Band will be competing the weekend of October 5at Westford Academy. Their performance begins at 7:20pm.
Progress Reports for Term 1 Ready for Viewing in the Portal: October 8
Progress reports for Term 1 will be ready for viewing on the morning of October 8. Should you have questions, please reach out to your child's school counselor.
Carpenters Union Workshop: October 9
Students enrolled in our Carpenters Union Pre-Apprenticeship Program will be attending the workshop on October 9. The focus area for this session will be finish work.
School Committee Meeting: October 9 @ 7:00 pm in the Media Center
School Committee will meet on Wednesday, October 9 in the High School Media Center.
Humanities Scholars Field Trip - Worcester State: October 10
Our first humanities scholars trip will take place on October 10.
Please note that students attending will need their own separate transportation from school, as the District has a 1/2 day on the 10th. Students will be bringing a permission slip home with them outlining this information.
1/2 Day Professional Development - Students Dismissed at 11:00: October 10
Students will be dismissed at 11:00 am.
JH Dance: October 10 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm in B Cafeteria
Our Junior High Leadership Team will he hosting our first dance of the 2024 - 2025 school year. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
No School for Students - Professional Development Day: October 11
Students will not have school on October 11 due to a full-day professional development for staff.
Observance of Indigenous Peoples' and Columbus Day - No School: October 14
There will be no school in Observance of Indigenous Peoples' Day/Columbus Day on October 14.
School will resume on October 15.
District-Wide Fall Safety Forum - Presented by Officers Fortunato and Dean: October 15 from 5:00 - 7:00 pm in the Auditorium
Officers Fortunato and Dean will be hosting the District-Wide Safety presentation on the evening of October 15. Please see the SRO Newsletter for more information.
School Picture Retake Day: October 16
The last day for school photo retakes will happen on the morning of October 16. More information was emailed home.
The order form is available on the high school's homepage.
Junior Class Fundraiser Pie Orders: October 17 - 21
The Junior Class will be hosting a Pie fundraiser in time for the upcoming holiday season. Delivery for the pies is expected to be on or around 11/15.
Virtual Parent Conference Night: October 17 @ 6:00 pm
Our Parent Conferences will be held from 6:00 - 8:00 pm on the following dates via Google Meet:
October 17, 2024
March 13, 2025
The dates for these events are selected in order to provide first and second-semester teachers an opportunity to meet with parents/guardians to allow for more in-depth conversations with teachers. More information on how to schedule a conference will be provided closer to the conference dates.
We will be sharing out additional information regarding these events as the dates approach.
Student Government Day: October 18
Mr. Palano and our History Department will be hosting Student Government Day on October 18. Students will be participating around our community by shadowing members of local government as part of a job-shadow experience.
More information will be provided to our students as we lead up to the day.
The Math Team competes at the WPI Invitational Meet: October 18
Members of our High School Math Team will be participating in the WPI Invitational Meet on October 18. Participating students have been informed by our Math Team Coaches.
Marching Band Competition @ Reading Memorial High School: October 19 @ 5:00 pm
The Marching Band will be performing at Reading Memorial High School on Saturday, October 19.
Student Council Presents - Trunk or Treat: October 20
Our student council is hosting their annual Trunk or Treat Event. Please see the informational flyer for more info.
Rain Date for the Event is October 27.
Freshmen Fundraiser: October 22 - November 5
Freshmen Fundraiser: October 22 - November 5
Our Freshmen Class will be hosting one of two concurrent fundraisers for the month of October. Please see the accompanying flyer for more information.
PSAT Day: October 23
All members of the sophomore class will be participating at no cost. Juniors who are interested in taking the PSAT again, can speak with their school counselor about signing up. Please note that juniors taking the test for a second time, will have to pay the testing fee.
AP Environmental Science Site Visit to Quabbin Reservoir: October 24
Students in our AP Environmental Class will be attending a site visit to work in the field on October 24. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Bastien for more information.
Outdoors Club Hike at Purgatory Chasm: October 24
The Outdoors Club will be headed to Purgatory Chasm on the afternoon of October 24.
Marching Band Competition at Wakefield High School: October 26 @ 2:00 pm
The Marching Band will be competing at Wakefield High School on Saturday, October 25.
NHS Presents Pumpkin Fest: October 25 @ 7:00 pm
Please see the information about our upcoming NHS Fundraiser - Pumpkin Fest. This will be taking place during our Friday Night football game against Uxbridge.
Freshmen Online Catalog Fundraiser: October 27 - November 5
More information to come.
Monserrat Admissions Rep Visits our Art Department: October 28
Representatives from Monserrat College will be visiting our Art Department courses on October 28 to answer questions from our current upperclassmen that are interested in attending college to pursue artistic interests.
For more information, please reach out to either Ms. Rieder or Ms. Frausto.
Senior Class Trick or Treat: October 31 during last period
Our annual Senior Class Trick or Treat will be taking place last period of the day on October 31.
Members of the Senior Class are encouraged to dress up and participate in the activity.
Looking Ahead 🗓
Term 1 Ends: November 1
Term 1 officially ends on November 1.
Term 2 Begins: November 4
Term 2 Begins November 4 and ends January 24.
No School for Students or Staff - Presidential Election Day: November 5
We will not have school on November 5, as it is a Presidential Election Day.
School will resume on November 6.
MCAS ELA and Math Retests Begin: November 6 and 7
Our MCAS retesting window begins on November 6 and 7.
Athletics Department Information
Woolie Gear 24/7 Online Store
Need some Woolie Gear? We have you covered.
Be on the lookout for more gear that will be available during the year through fundraisers and extra-curriculars!
Millbury High School Website
Millbury Memorial Junior-Senior High School
Email: clowe@millburyschools.org
Website: https://hs.millburyschools.org
Location: 12 Martin Street, Millbury, MA, USA
Phone: 508.865.5841 Facebook: facebook.com/mjshswoolies
The Millbury Public Schools ensures equal employment and educational opportunities for its employees and students and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex or sexual orientation, gender identity (M.G.L. c. 151B and 151C, Title VI, Title VII, and Title IX), or on the basis of disability (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973/ADA) or homelessness. In addition, the Millbury Public Schools does not discriminate against its employees on the basis of age (M.G.L. 151B/ADEA) on the basis of veteran's status, or genetic information.